Some PEOPLE think IT's because of the Earlier COLD WEATHER -- probably True in the Upper HALF of the COUNTRY, I'm sure... HOWEVER, I Believe that IT has more to do with getting a JUMP on the "HOLIDAY"-SHOPPING!
AND, the FACT that WE *didn't* have ANY OTHER "HOLIDAYS" *IN* OCTOBER!
-- seriously. What "FUN" is any MONTH *without* a LONG-WEEKEND..?!! - So. We popped ONE *in*...
Besides, *THE VIKINGS* - [Who are just waaay more *COOLER* on *any* Day-of-the-Week ] - were *already* doing some "Time-Share" Thingy up *HERE* at least a MILLENNIUM *BEFORE* "COLUMBUS" was learning how to make MOJITOS at the Local CABANA-BAR...
So, "WHY" would WE even bother to Celebrate "TOURIST-GUY DAY" - [like The AMERICANS] - when the PILLAGE-PEOPLE throw *much* more Entertaining LONG-BOAT-WEEKENDER-PARTIES?!! - eh?
MEANWHILE, "all that" said, so far, I really haven't done much Today... Other than still Working on that OTHER HAT and Beginning ANOTHER NEW ONE! -- Apparently, THE-ELVES are refusing to Start-Up *until* TUESDAY!
Gonna be a BUSY *Next* THREE WEEKS...
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