Saturday, November 30, 2013

Oooo... NO *SALES TAXES*, Today!


LOBLAWS had another one of Their "NO TAXES DAY" for TODAY and Yesterday - [which We didn't do as there were OTHER STORES that needed Going-To..] -- The "GAME PLAN", was to utilize Said *SAVINGS* by Stocking-UP on Regularly-NEEDED-Items, especially on Those that just *also* happened to be "ON SALE"...

AS IN, My Fav "Brand" of STORAGE CONTAINERS! - I got FOUR. However, there's also the DILEMMA of *Finding* a "SPOT" to PUT Them while I Decide on *WHAT* to Put *IN* Them! And THEN, FIND *another* SPOT to "STORE" Them for the long-haul..??

I was also, "in the market" for some LAUNDRY SOAP... That worked out! -- ON SALE *and* came with STORE-"POINTS"! - yay!

Meanwhile, several "FOOD"-SALES were also tossed in... I'd already thought that I'd gotten a GREAT DEAL on My CEREAL, however, I later *Discovered* that I'd gotten an even *BETTER* DEAL! Apparently, NICE-CHATTY-CASHIER-GIRL had *MISSED* Charging Me on One of the BOXES!

I will SAVOUR My *SAVINGS* over BREAKFAST, Tomorrow...

ANYHOO... We kept Our "TRAVELS" to the EAST. - Instead, of going to TRAINYARDS for a change...

A long-overdue VISIT to FABRICLAND was "in order"...

That Resulted in THIS BIT of "REMNANT-RESCUE"... IT's suppose to be "MIXED-FIBERS", although I Suspect more on the COTTON-side..? - whatever... IT's rather Thick and Sturdy.  - [2-YARDS] - Would be good for Heavily-Used ITEMS. - SEAT-CUSHIONS... PATIO-PILLOWS...

Anyway, the "Classic" Simplicity of IT appealed to Me... BTW, I "think" the STRIPES are an UMBER-BROWN..? - As, in *some* "LIGHTING-CONDITIONS, there's a *possibility* that IT could be a "VIOLET" Shade!

No matter... I like, BOTH!



  1. Love that sturdy fabric! I think you're right on the mostly cotton thing. Dish towels maybe with crochet tops or edging?

  2. nah.. It's way too stiff. I suspect "Scotch-guarding"..? It's actually more of an Upholstery fabric.


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