Not to mention, that the RIDEAU CANAL *STAYS* FROZEN for all of the Local and Visiting SKATERS! -- It is afterall, the WORLD's LARGEST Continuous SKATING "RINK"! Also, pretty much *THE* Biggest "Tourist" Attraction Event in this Town... Besides, of course, the CANADIAN TULIP FESTIVAL... But, THAT's not until the Glaciers recede...
Anyway, as pleasant as it all is for "Some", I'm just NOT into that whole WINTER "Thing"... Well, except perhaps for the BEAVER TAILS... [YUMM!] Otherwise, the "Shovelling" Part kind of takes the FUN out of it all... I am SO the "I-Rather-Be-On-A-TROPICAL-BEACH-Right-NOW" Type!
But, enough of My "Flakiness"...
FEBRUARY... The PURPLE All-Things-PINK with the Heart-of-RED Month...
So, Here's Another of THE "BABIES" that sort of fits that bill... - "SHELL-PURPLE"
Hmm... kinda of looks like the Colours of a big "Tropical Beach" CONCH SHELL, doesn't it?
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