So. As IT turned out, Meteorological Conditions ended up to be NOT-*AS*-BAD as I had Feared. YAY! - Although, I was *still* OUT There for My "usual" 2-Hours...
I don't believe that We had as much FREEZING RAIN as was Predicted... At least, *I* found No Evidence of IT. -- Just 4-Inches of WET-Snow, and Warm Temps. Oh, and the ever-not-so-pleasant EVIL-SNOWPLOW-GUY "Droppings"! - Which, I left for LAST to DO...
"MOSTLY" by MR.FIX-IT-NEIGHBOUR's Snowblower!! -- Double-YAY!!
Meanwhile, I had a Load of Laundry going... ahh, TIME "Management"...
Anyhoo... I also had the Hankering to PLAY-WITH-YARN...
For "Now", THIS will likely end up being another "SHAN-MUFF"..? OR, Something ELSE more Ambitious..?? -- We'll See...
..hang on a sec... FRAK! -- *WHEN* did THAT Happen??!! -- IT's "NEW YEAR'S EVE"..?!
..huh. - And, here's Me thinking that SAMOAN CALENDAR had a Misprint...
Well, **HAPPY NEW YEAR**, then!! -- And, THANKS for Exercising Your Retinas over HERE!
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, December 30, 2011
BTW, so that EVERYONE **KNOWS** -- I'm REALLY NOT all *that* FOND of "YEAR'S-END-START-ALL-OVER-AGAIN", *either*!!
...okay... I managed to do "some" needed VEGGING, Today. - At least, "Physically" any way - [Sock-Laundry doesn't Count!]... Although, "Mentally" - not so much... I've got Umpteen Things to Schedule FOR January. People to CALL...
It was also Last Stockmarket Day. Had "Numbers" to CRUNCH. Holdings to Re-Jig. New "Strategies" to Devise and Execute! -- "2011" was NOT a *good* "Fiscal" Year...
OH! AND, I "discovered" that I SHOULD have gone to VISIT One of My "INVESTMENTS-PEOPLE" OVER 2-WEEKS AGO!! - [I'm sure that the Notice that I was *suppose* to Get, actually DID Arrive - I just don't remember WHERE I put IT, *IF* IT did..]
Meanwhile... Temps went slightly UP - only so that IT could "snow"! Not a whole *Lot*. However, enough to ALMOST "Tempt" Me into going OUT! -- I held on to My Roots!! -- Of course, the Soon-To-Deteriorate Weather did NOT Prevent The ELDERLY-PARENTAL-UNITS from Venturing OUT!
[*sigh*] -- don't ask... It'll be *best* for Everyone, if You just *don't*... Trust Me...
Sooo...We've got scattered "LIGHT" - [yeah. right.] - Snow Flurries Overnight, mixed with FREEZING RAIN! Which, is suppose to CONTINUE for *most* of the Day..?? -- Depending on the Temps-Rain-MELT-"Ratio", I'm probably looking at a couple of Hours of CHOPPING for Tomorrow!!??
I've already **ADVISED** MOTHER, that Driving ANYwhere Tomorrow is NOT an Option!
NOTE-TO-SELF - Ask for FLAME-THROWER for upcoming Birthday...
hmm... I need a NEW "YARNY-PROJECT"...
BTW, so that EVERYONE **KNOWS** -- I'm REALLY NOT all *that* FOND of "YEAR'S-END-START-ALL-OVER-AGAIN", *either*!!
...okay... I managed to do "some" needed VEGGING, Today. - At least, "Physically" any way - [Sock-Laundry doesn't Count!]... Although, "Mentally" - not so much... I've got Umpteen Things to Schedule FOR January. People to CALL...
It was also Last Stockmarket Day. Had "Numbers" to CRUNCH. Holdings to Re-Jig. New "Strategies" to Devise and Execute! -- "2011" was NOT a *good* "Fiscal" Year...
OH! AND, I "discovered" that I SHOULD have gone to VISIT One of My "INVESTMENTS-PEOPLE" OVER 2-WEEKS AGO!! - [I'm sure that the Notice that I was *suppose* to Get, actually DID Arrive - I just don't remember WHERE I put IT, *IF* IT did..]
Meanwhile... Temps went slightly UP - only so that IT could "snow"! Not a whole *Lot*. However, enough to ALMOST "Tempt" Me into going OUT! -- I held on to My Roots!! -- Of course, the Soon-To-Deteriorate Weather did NOT Prevent The ELDERLY-PARENTAL-UNITS from Venturing OUT!
[*sigh*] -- don't ask... It'll be *best* for Everyone, if You just *don't*... Trust Me...
Sooo...We've got scattered "LIGHT" - [yeah. right.] - Snow Flurries Overnight, mixed with FREEZING RAIN! Which, is suppose to CONTINUE for *most* of the Day..?? -- Depending on the Temps-Rain-MELT-"Ratio", I'm probably looking at a couple of Hours of CHOPPING for Tomorrow!!??
I've already **ADVISED** MOTHER, that Driving ANYwhere Tomorrow is NOT an Option!
NOTE-TO-SELF - Ask for FLAME-THROWER for upcoming Birthday...
hmm... I need a NEW "YARNY-PROJECT"...
Thursday, December 29, 2011
A Night At The BLOOG-Prov
I'VE HAD AN "EPIPHANY"! ...Sorta... maybe..? ...Or, perhaps, IT was just the Result of a Fatigued-Half-Asleep-Mind..??
Whatever... So, after a long Day of SOLO-SHOP-ABOUT, I was having a Semi-Nap earlier this Evening. Not "quite" Asleep, more "dozing"... The BRAIN was still churning away *DATA*
-- WHEN, "IT" came to Me!
-- I mentioned the FATIGUED-LONG-Day-"Scary"-Brain PART, Yes..?
Anyhoo... *TODAY*...
I think I NEED to VEG Tomorrow! -- NO Shovelling. NO going OUT! ...Just, Turning OFF the Popcorn-Machine for a while...
Whatever... So, after a long Day of SOLO-SHOP-ABOUT, I was having a Semi-Nap earlier this Evening. Not "quite" Asleep, more "dozing"... The BRAIN was still churning away *DATA*
-- WHEN, "IT" came to Me!
- My Brain-Mind-Harddrive-Scary-Reality-Show is like a POPCORN-MACHINE!
-- I mentioned the FATIGUED-LONG-Day-"Scary"-Brain PART, Yes..?
Anyhoo... *TODAY*...
- The SUN was OUT!!
- Got a Belated KALIKIMAKA Card from MAJOR-M.
- My *NEW* "SHAN-MUFF" worked GREAT!! - Wore IT over My Ballcap... Actually
"looked" Okay! - Found a few ON-SALE Matching-Colour TOPS surprisingly still *left* IN My Size at THE GAP! - Could NOT say "NO" to the *only one* AQUA MERINO V-Neck SWEATER!
- The PARKING-LOT-FAIRY left Me a Dime by My Back-Left-Tire...
- Managed to SNEAK the 4-LARGE Storage BINS into the HOUSE *past* FATHER!!
- The WINDCHILL was -30C!!
- The Frozen-To-The-Sky-SUN was GLARING off of Everything.
- Road Conditions were still ICY and SLICK on the Side-Streets.
- MORE Shoppers in My way than earlier in the Week!
- I hit just about EVERY Red Light!
- I didn't get a chance to go to PIER-ONE.. The Traffic was bothersome by Then and it was almost Sundown. -- Pooh!
I think I NEED to VEG Tomorrow! -- NO Shovelling. NO going OUT! ...Just, Turning OFF the Popcorn-Machine for a while...
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
FLASH-FREEZE! - The Fluffy Fat Flakes of Flurry
ahh...Another Chapter of "WINTER-WONDERLAND-WICKEDNESS"!!
Remember Last Night's "cute" Cotton-Candy-esque Christmasy-ness..?? ...yeah, well... Sprinkle a few Hours of RAIN on IT, pull the Plug on the Temps, ADD a 4-INCH-Layer of SNOW, YO-YO the Temps a little more for that ICY GLAZE, and VOILA!!
NOT *so* palatable, "BAKED ALASKA"!
-- OH!! Wait! I forgot about the Part where EVIL-SNOWPLOW-GUY did the TRIM-WORK... Must have Slipped My Mind in the 2-Hours of -21C Windchill ICE-MINING!!
Well. There went My **PLANS** for World-Domina...I mean, some Solo-Shopping! -- oh, well... It's suppose to be SUNNY Tomorrow anyway. However, just on the FRIGID "NORMAL" Seasonal side!! -- Gonna need LOTS of Sweaters!
And, perhaps, take the Opportunity to Field-Test My LATEST "Project"... IT's a combo EARMUFF-NECK-WARMER... IT's also FOLDED over.
Whatever... THIS ONE is for ME!!
- SEE 23DEC2011 POST -
For YARN "Details"..
Remember Last Night's "cute" Cotton-Candy-esque Christmasy-ness..?? ...yeah, well... Sprinkle a few Hours of RAIN on IT, pull the Plug on the Temps, ADD a 4-INCH-Layer of SNOW, YO-YO the Temps a little more for that ICY GLAZE, and VOILA!!
NOT *so* palatable, "BAKED ALASKA"!
-- OH!! Wait! I forgot about the Part where EVIL-SNOWPLOW-GUY did the TRIM-WORK... Must have Slipped My Mind in the 2-Hours of -21C Windchill ICE-MINING!!
Well. There went My **PLANS** for World-Domina...I mean, some Solo-Shopping! -- oh, well... It's suppose to be SUNNY Tomorrow anyway. However, just on the FRIGID "NORMAL" Seasonal side!! -- Gonna need LOTS of Sweaters!
And, perhaps, take the Opportunity to Field-Test My LATEST "Project"... IT's a combo EARMUFF-NECK-WARMER... IT's also FOLDED over.
Whatever... THIS ONE is for ME!!
- SEE 23DEC2011 POST -
For YARN "Details"..
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
BOXING-DAY "WEEK" - Day-2 - ahh..What to Buy..?
WHY... BOXES!! Of course!! -- Lots and Lots of Boxes...
FATHER is always saying, "..buy Space! Buy Space!.." -- Well, I did. I just had IT "Gift-Wrapped" so IT couldn't escape!
With Overcast Skies and around the Freezing-Mark Temps, MOTHER and I headed for TRAINYARDS
Traffic was surprisingly "Normal" for a Semi-Holiday. I suppose that Those who didn't have to Work Today, were Home "Recovering" from Yesterday's Buying-Badness..? That, or still TRYING to figure out HOW to operate Their *new* Toys!??
So, MICHAEL'S was first on the Places-To-Be-LIST.
The Scrapbooking - [which I-DO-*NOT*-DO!!] - Storage BOXES were On SALE again. I use Them for Other Things... There were some nice AQUA and TEAL shaded Ones - between Us, We bought Several.
Got more RIBBONS. Some Flat-Clear BULBS that can be "stuffed"... A TINK-TIN for FAIRY-T! - [SEE ABOVE] - And, used a 50% OFF-COUPON to get another CIRCULAR-KNITTING-NEEDLE. Slightly smaller than the Last One. - Actually, the Shelves were "Emptied" of the Sizes that I *did* Want!
Meanwhile, I spent more Time helping this OLDER-GUY look for a DARNING NEEDLE for His Much-Older-Mother, who wanted to Mend some Socks... And, of course, He had NO Idea what ONE looked like! - I finally spotted Some... Hope IT's a proper size.
Left There, eventually... Then, it was across The COMPLEX over to BOWRING. Found These
- [ABOVE] - wonderful Dark PURPLE PLACEMATS! A Felted-Polyester, but I *loved* the Colour and They were only $1.95 Each! -- I have AMETHYST-GLASS DISHWARE and such that They will GO with. Someday...
Next, BOMBAY COMPANY -- It's been a while since I've been IN One. To be Honest, the "Quality" isn't what IT used to be... However, that didn't keep Me from Purchasing the Half-Price BLUE & WHITE "China" BALLS!
Managed to GET to the Other Side to check out BED, BATH & BEYOND.
hmm.. the 3rd "B"-Store
...I'm sensing a *Trend*?
Anyway, I didn't find as
much *cool* "Beyond" as I did Last Year...
Until, I happened upon
for 99-Cents a piece!
- [LEFT] -
Bought a Dozen. Will be giving Half to SISTER, who just *Lives* to do
"THEME" Parties!
They're made of the Same Stuff as the Above Mats - just, slightly thicker. 18-Inches wide. Photographing the
"REDS" was difficult... The Proper Colours are MUSTARD, BURGANDY, RED, and Dark BROWN.
At last, We Braved Our way to WALMART! Actually, picked up a few Groceries There. As well as a Few Larger STORAGE BINS... I'm contemplating on using 2 of These for Next Year's Craft Shows...
It was getting Late, so We headed Homeward with a Detour to THE MALL... Whilst the Weather was *still* Holding! -- Some NASTINESS is ON the Way!
WHICH, started about a Half-Hour after We arrived! -- I hurried MOTHER along...
Despite, the Warmish Temps, We were being bombarded with Fist-sized Blobs of Wet-Giant-FLUFFY-SNOWFLAKES!! Made it HOME just before the Roads got too Slippery!
Temps are suppose to Drop again... Depending on what Melts, or DOESN'T Overnight, Conditions could end up being rather Dicey... There are Things I have to DO, Tomorrow - BUS-Taking is QUITE
Likely in My Future!
FATHER is always saying, "..buy Space! Buy Space!.." -- Well, I did. I just had IT "Gift-Wrapped" so IT couldn't escape!
With Overcast Skies and around the Freezing-Mark Temps, MOTHER and I headed for TRAINYARDS
Traffic was surprisingly "Normal" for a Semi-Holiday. I suppose that Those who didn't have to Work Today, were Home "Recovering" from Yesterday's Buying-Badness..? That, or still TRYING to figure out HOW to operate Their *new* Toys!??
So, MICHAEL'S was first on the Places-To-Be-LIST.
The Scrapbooking - [which I-DO-*NOT*-DO!!] - Storage BOXES were On SALE again. I use Them for Other Things... There were some nice AQUA and TEAL shaded Ones - between Us, We bought Several.
Got more RIBBONS. Some Flat-Clear BULBS that can be "stuffed"... A TINK-TIN for FAIRY-T! - [SEE ABOVE] - And, used a 50% OFF-COUPON to get another CIRCULAR-KNITTING-NEEDLE. Slightly smaller than the Last One. - Actually, the Shelves were "Emptied" of the Sizes that I *did* Want!
Meanwhile, I spent more Time helping this OLDER-GUY look for a DARNING NEEDLE for His Much-Older-Mother, who wanted to Mend some Socks... And, of course, He had NO Idea what ONE looked like! - I finally spotted Some... Hope IT's a proper size.
Left There, eventually... Then, it was across The COMPLEX over to BOWRING. Found These
- [ABOVE] - wonderful Dark PURPLE PLACEMATS! A Felted-Polyester, but I *loved* the Colour and They were only $1.95 Each! -- I have AMETHYST-GLASS DISHWARE and such that They will GO with. Someday...
Next, BOMBAY COMPANY -- It's been a while since I've been IN One. To be Honest, the "Quality" isn't what IT used to be... However, that didn't keep Me from Purchasing the Half-Price BLUE & WHITE "China" BALLS!
Managed to GET to the Other Side to check out BED, BATH & BEYOND.
hmm.. the 3rd "B"-Store
...I'm sensing a *Trend*?
Anyway, I didn't find as
much *cool* "Beyond" as I did Last Year...
Until, I happened upon
for 99-Cents a piece!
- [LEFT] -
Bought a Dozen. Will be giving Half to SISTER, who just *Lives* to do
"THEME" Parties!
They're made of the Same Stuff as the Above Mats - just, slightly thicker. 18-Inches wide. Photographing the
"REDS" was difficult... The Proper Colours are MUSTARD, BURGANDY, RED, and Dark BROWN.
At last, We Braved Our way to WALMART! Actually, picked up a few Groceries There. As well as a Few Larger STORAGE BINS... I'm contemplating on using 2 of These for Next Year's Craft Shows...
It was getting Late, so We headed Homeward with a Detour to THE MALL... Whilst the Weather was *still* Holding! -- Some NASTINESS is ON the Way!
WHICH, started about a Half-Hour after We arrived! -- I hurried MOTHER along...
Despite, the Warmish Temps, We were being bombarded with Fist-sized Blobs of Wet-Giant-FLUFFY-SNOWFLAKES!! Made it HOME just before the Roads got too Slippery!
Temps are suppose to Drop again... Depending on what Melts, or DOESN'T Overnight, Conditions could end up being rather Dicey... There are Things I have to DO, Tomorrow - BUS-Taking is QUITE
Likely in My Future!
Monday, December 26, 2011
**NEWS FLASH**!! -- Middle-Aged Woman Spared From BOXING DAY MADNESS!!
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Despite the early morning's enticement of sunny skies and warmer temperatures, as well as improved driving conditions, it has been surmised that it was quite likely the six-centimeters of last evening's snowfall that was believed to have been the deciding factor in saving a local woman from the crushing chaotic crowds of several BOXING DAY Sales.
"AUNTIE" SHAN, a needle-arts crafter and daily blooger, remarked that she was prepared to venture out amongst the throngs of holiday-shoppers today, until, she observered the snowed-in state of her laneway. She also noted, that considering the rise in temperature, immediate clearance was necessary to prevent any potential flooding.
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STEVE McSHEEP and MoJOE (younger sibling of EDDIE) |
Observing "AUNTIE's" shoveling endeavours from the comfort of their home, were several of her "children". When interviewed, the eldest, EDDIE - along with his friend, STEVE - both praised her efforts in completing their's and a neighbour's driveway in less time than the previous day. "...the lack of snow falling helped..."
An elderly resident of the home was said to have been disappointed in having to delay their shopping for another day.
Asked if she was dismayed by the turn of events, "AUNTIE" stated, "..not really. Actually, I've very likely saved myself considerable money by staying home. And, quite a bit of stress!"
Ms. SHAN planned to spend the evening resting with her yarn. Any future shopping expeditions would be dependent on developing weather conditions.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
First Off... **MERRY CHRISTMAS**!! ..Secondly, FIVE WORDS...
*WT????*!! -- FOR REAL??!! - [WHO are These Guys Bribing??!]
...I seriously Need to have a "Little" *TALK* with HEAD-ELF-BOY "regarding" His WINTER-Sporting-Equipment DISTRIBUTIONS!?!
"WHY??" -- Well... GUESS "WHAT" AUNTIE *Saw* out of the Front Window this Morning..? hmm?? - WHITENESS!! That's WHAT! -- Three-Plus Inches of "Powder" [waiting to turn to "Pack"] already on the Ground with MORE still coming Down!!
BTW, just so Everyone "KNOWS"... Almost TWO-Hours of SHOVELING. Was. NOT. "WHAT"! I. Had. Planned. To. Do. *ON*. Christmas DAY!! -- Bah! Humbug!!
A Good Thing that We didn't have "Plans" to GO *ANYWHERE* - "TODAY"! Huh?
...just saying...
Otherwise, there wasn't a whole Lot "Happening" around Here... Mostly Phone-Calling back and forth with various Family Members... FATHER enjoyed His POLAR BEAR Ornaments! - He brought Them to the Front Window to WATCH Me SHOVEL...
Vegging now - "while I CAN"! -- I think MOTHER has a "Notion" on Braving BOXING-DAY Badness over at MICHAEL'S Tomorrow!?! -- oh. joy...
Meanwhile, on a more UPbeat Note... HERE are The "KITTY" KIDS waiting for SANTA!
*WT????*!! -- FOR REAL??!! - [WHO are These Guys Bribing??!]
...I seriously Need to have a "Little" *TALK* with HEAD-ELF-BOY "regarding" His WINTER-Sporting-Equipment DISTRIBUTIONS!?!
"WHY??" -- Well... GUESS "WHAT" AUNTIE *Saw* out of the Front Window this Morning..? hmm?? - WHITENESS!! That's WHAT! -- Three-Plus Inches of "Powder" [waiting to turn to "Pack"] already on the Ground with MORE still coming Down!!
BTW, just so Everyone "KNOWS"... Almost TWO-Hours of SHOVELING. Was. NOT. "WHAT"! I. Had. Planned. To. Do. *ON*. Christmas DAY!! -- Bah! Humbug!!
A Good Thing that We didn't have "Plans" to GO *ANYWHERE* - "TODAY"! Huh?
...just saying...
Otherwise, there wasn't a whole Lot "Happening" around Here... Mostly Phone-Calling back and forth with various Family Members... FATHER enjoyed His POLAR BEAR Ornaments! - He brought Them to the Front Window to WATCH Me SHOVEL...
Vegging now - "while I CAN"! -- I think MOTHER has a "Notion" on Braving BOXING-DAY Badness over at MICHAEL'S Tomorrow!?! -- oh. joy...
Meanwhile, on a more UPbeat Note... HERE are The "KITTY" KIDS waiting for SANTA!
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Partying With The POLAR PATROL...
Oooo! There's a Crunchy-Chocolate-Cookie ELF under that TREE... But, be careful, They can be CRAFTY Munchkins!! -- Maybe, if We make like the Other Ornaments, He won't notice Us Hanging around... Oh, and remember, BITE-OFF His Head FIRST! That way, He can't WARN The OTHERS!
Friday, December 23, 2011
Frozen In Blind
I CAN'T SEE!! I CAN'T SEE!! aarrggghhhh!!
Yeah, okay... "maybe", I'm OVER-doing IT.. but, *still*... A CloudLESS SUNNY Sky? Our "Second" SNOWFALL of *any* mentionable "note"... Oh! And, "Seasonal" Temps!?
-- Actually, I would have been Happier *without* that Last One... SCRAPING the INCH-and-a-Bit Layer of Dry-Crystal-SNOW that was on Grainy-ICE would have been a tad LESS cumbersome, IF, there hadn't been a -13C WINDCHILL! -- For Months, We've been "Spoiled" with Temps that have been Greatly ABOVE the Seasonal-Average. Hence, ALL of the Rain of Late...
Anyway...I spent a "Leisurely" Hour or so, doing Our Driveway, then went across the Road to do MADAME-Q's.
I suppose, that IT actually IS "WINTER" Now, huh? ...humbug...
SO! Tonight. Got the URGE to "Play" with YARN...
The Solid BROWN is KRISTIN NICHOLAS' "JULIA" Yarn - 50%-Wool / 25%-Alpaca / 25%-Mohair - from NASHUA Handknits and the MIXED One is 45%-Alpaca / 40%-Wool / 15%-Bamboo from MIRASOL. BOTH were Produced in PERU.
And, FEEL really *SOFT*!
Yeah, okay... "maybe", I'm OVER-doing IT.. but, *still*... A CloudLESS SUNNY Sky? Our "Second" SNOWFALL of *any* mentionable "note"... Oh! And, "Seasonal" Temps!?
-- Actually, I would have been Happier *without* that Last One... SCRAPING the INCH-and-a-Bit Layer of Dry-Crystal-SNOW that was on Grainy-ICE would have been a tad LESS cumbersome, IF, there hadn't been a -13C WINDCHILL! -- For Months, We've been "Spoiled" with Temps that have been Greatly ABOVE the Seasonal-Average. Hence, ALL of the Rain of Late...
Anyway...I spent a "Leisurely" Hour or so, doing Our Driveway, then went across the Road to do MADAME-Q's.
I suppose, that IT actually IS "WINTER" Now, huh? ...humbug...
SO! Tonight. Got the URGE to "Play" with YARN...
The Solid BROWN is KRISTIN NICHOLAS' "JULIA" Yarn - 50%-Wool / 25%-Alpaca / 25%-Mohair - from NASHUA Handknits and the MIXED One is 45%-Alpaca / 40%-Wool / 15%-Bamboo from MIRASOL. BOTH were Produced in PERU.
And, FEEL really *SOFT*!
Thursday, December 22, 2011
NO Holiday-Shopper-"APPS" Were DELETED In A Parking Lot As INSPIRATION For THIS BLOOG Post!
AARRGGHHH!! NUT-CRACKERS!!! -- I was sooo *close*... stupid misguided Guardian iAngels...
SO... I've "mentioned" My *Dislike* for THIS Time of Year, yes..? -- I just want to make certain that We're ALL on the *SAME* "PAGE" Here...
Anyhoo... Thankfully, MOST of Last Night's FREEZING RAIN, etcetera, was eliminated by a Rise in Temps this Morning. However, there was still a Film of BLACK-ICE that FATHER saw fit to Toil at before MOTHER and I departed for the - [I HOPE!] - LAST of the needed DURING-the-Holidays-"Supplies-Acquisitions"!
Because, BEYOND "THIS POINT", AUNTIE *don't* MIX with The Last-Minute-Scary-Psycho-Shoppers-Who-Think-Their-Driver's-Licenses-Are-A-GIFT-CARD!
...yeah... You Guessed IT... We had to go to COSTCO!
Actually, IT really wasn't *that* Bad "INside"... Afterall, IT was only Thursday... OUTside "Traffic", not-so Civil... -- Honestly, WHEN are People going to UNDERSTAND the *Meaning* of the Word "GRIDLOCK"??!!
BTW, The "Blinder"-Adorned-Pedestrian-Cart-People are also an Integrel PART of the Problem!
Anyway, ONE **GOOD** THING happened There...
I ran into My *Secret*-Summer-"Project"-Cute-Tall-Strapping-Young-LAD-Sanity-Savior and
"Parent" of -
Needless to say, a PLEASANT and *much* needed SURPRISE!!
Oh-kaay... I'm in My "HAPPY"-Place NOW!
SO... I've "mentioned" My *Dislike* for THIS Time of Year, yes..? -- I just want to make certain that We're ALL on the *SAME* "PAGE" Here...
Anyhoo... Thankfully, MOST of Last Night's FREEZING RAIN, etcetera, was eliminated by a Rise in Temps this Morning. However, there was still a Film of BLACK-ICE that FATHER saw fit to Toil at before MOTHER and I departed for the - [I HOPE!] - LAST of the needed DURING-the-Holidays-"Supplies-Acquisitions"!
Because, BEYOND "THIS POINT", AUNTIE *don't* MIX with The Last-Minute-Scary-Psycho-Shoppers-Who-Think-Their-Driver's-Licenses-Are-A-GIFT-CARD!
...yeah... You Guessed IT... We had to go to COSTCO!
Actually, IT really wasn't *that* Bad "INside"... Afterall, IT was only Thursday... OUTside "Traffic", not-so Civil... -- Honestly, WHEN are People going to UNDERSTAND the *Meaning* of the Word "GRIDLOCK"??!!
BTW, The "Blinder"-Adorned-Pedestrian-Cart-People are also an Integrel PART of the Problem!
Anyway, ONE **GOOD** THING happened There...
I ran into My *Secret*-Summer-"Project"-Cute-Tall-Strapping-Young-LAD-Sanity-Savior and
"Parent" of -
Needless to say, a PLEASANT and *much* needed SURPRISE!!
Oh-kaay... I'm in My "HAPPY"-Place NOW!
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