I actually stayed INSIDE - *ALL* Day!! -- FATHER was the only One to venture OUT, to get some Fresh Air and a bit of "Chopping" IN... So far, The WEATHER has been cooperating for the Time being. It would be NICE, if IT would continue to for a few MORE Days!
- Did a Load of Laundry.
- Then, returned to VEGGING!
- Did Cyber back-ups.
- ATE some Veggies.
- Read.
- Ate some Junk Food with more Veggies.
- Hung the Laundry.
- Damn! My Hair looks Great Today!!
- Crap! Haven't got Anyplace to BE, to show it off!
- I really have NO *Life*....
- Returned to Vegging.
- MOTHER made a Tasty Beef Stew - with, more Veggies!
- Read.
- Planned Tomorrow's *Escape* to COSTCO!
- Would have Vegged longer, but LOST an Hour with that whole TEMPORAL PHOTONICS HOARDING Thingy...
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