Saturday, March 30, 2013

SURVIVAL of the SUNNY-Saturday-Shopping-*SPRING*iest!!


So. IF You just IGNORE the SNOW-CAPPED LAWNS that Many a NEIGHBOUR were evening out to control Their "MELTS", IT was a GORGEOUS, WARM, SUNNY "SPRING" Day!! - Which, in turn, *meant* that EVERYONE-AND-THEIR-PROGENY were *OUT* on the Roads and IN the Store CHECK-OUT-LINES!!

Despite the TRAFFIC, We managed to make it to MICHAEL'S without *too* much Difficulty...

Surprisingly, it wasn't AS busy in There as I would have Expected from the almost Packed Parking Lot..? -- Whatever... I had a "DELIVERY" to make...

I Call IT a


Even though IT probably looks like a POPPY or SEA-ANEMONE..?

"Classic Wool"
- 100% New WOOL
- [made in TURKEY]
- Colour: 77435-Water Chestnut

THIS is that "LITTLE-PROJECT" that I was Working ON Last Night *until* 3a.m.!!
-- Although, IT only took a Couple of Hours to Make, I didn't "Start" IT until *AFTER* MIDNIGHT! *And*, was "DESIGNING"-on-the-Fly...

Besides, MARCH is "CROCHET-MONTH" and I still hadn't CROCHETED Anything, YET!!
-- BAD Me!!

Normally, I would have Used COTTON-YARN - [IT's much Quicker to work with] - however, My *CHEAPEST* YARN on hand was THIS "PINK" WOOL... I *needed* a "Container" for the EASTER-CANDY-HOARD that I wanted to Give to the MICHAEL'S STAFF. -- ALL of My
"GIFT-BOXES" were More Expensive, the *Wrong* Holiday, and already FROM There! - Then again, SO was the YARN, but I thought I'd just get "CREATIVE" with IT!!

However, MOST of the "REGULAR"-STAFF were OFF Today!! -- No MANAGER-DAVE or AMANDA... Though, ANDREA did show up "Early" for Her Shift... Apparently, there's a Bunch of NEW-PEOPLE recently Hired that'll I'll have to "Break-In"..??

nuts! -- MORE Names to REMEMBER... I'm BAD at THAT...

ANYHOO... IT was still a "HIT"! -- No doubt, the CANDIES *helped*, too!

Meanwhile, not sure IF I'll eventually get IT "back"..? Not that it matters really, IT was a Simple
"PATTERN" that I can Whip-Up again. Which, I should probably do anyway, as I wanted to see *how* well IT would FELT-up..? - Or, even *IF* IT would! -- However, THAT is for Another Day!

AS usual, We STAYED *Longer* than We probably SHOULD have! And, there were "COUPONS" to USE... Just got TWO-BALLS of the "Regular"-YARN and some Colourful METAL-HOOKS... I'll POST a PIC on Monday, perhaps.

NEXT STOP - "Groceries"... At the "Discount"-Priced-Grocer... With, another PACKED-Parking-Lot and the END-of-the-WORLD-OVER-FLOWING-FULL-Shopping-Carts-INFINITE-Checkout-LINES!! -- Got "LUCKY" and found a *FINITE* One, but IT moved like Sludge!


hmm... NOT so "HECTIC", There... sorta... *More* GROCERIES... Then, HOME!!

Well. I'm POOPED! -- ALL of that WARMness and *SUNLIGHT*! - The "EXPERIENCE" was EXHAUSTING!


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