Monday, April 15, 2013


AH, *TIMING*!! -- We TRULY do have a *GREAT* MAILMAN!!

Usually, almost "CLOCKWORK" in His Delivery-Times. And, *despite* Our constantly CRAPPY WEATHER, He's ALWAYS has this "CHEERINESS" about Him!! - Even *when* He has to Traverse

Personally, I find that Particular "Disposition" to be just a tad on the "DISNEY-esque"-Creepy-side at Times - [as in when *I've* been SHOVELING for Hours! - At which point, *ANY* "Happy"-Person is Suspect..] - However, for the MOST-Part, He seems to be a rather PLEASANT-"NORMAL"-PERSON.

-- Although, I *do* TRY to keep His "PASSAGEWAY" *CLEAR*!! - [just in case...]


LATE, Last Night - [a.k.a. This MORNING] - I managed to get the "GETTING-MONEY-BACK"-Paperwork done. As well as, most of the "IMPORTANT-URGENT"-Paperwork. The Remaining Parts had to wait for "Later"...

Which, ended up being LATER-"Later" as I finished IT up during My *Late*-Breakfast! -- Once COMPLETED, I went to put BOTH Envelopes into Our BOX, in *hopes* that I *hadn't* MISSED My MAIL-GUY!?!

ah. "Nothing", yet... GOOD! -- But, if They don't get Picked-Up within an Hour, I'll have to pop Them into a "Proper"-MAILBOX...

I returned to My by-now-"Brunch" and Morning-Paper... 20-Minutes-Later, I Checked the BOX again...

The ENVELOPES were *Gone* and had been *Replaced* by a WAD of "Soon-To-Be-RECYCLED"-Annual-Business-Reports and Other-MAIL!! -- YES!! A REALLY-*GREAT*-MAILMAN!!


It was Time to do some "PHONE"-WORK -- *Before* getting to My "TAXES"...

well... More like, "PRE"-Prepping THEM...

The FORMS and SLIPS have been Sorted. The GUIDES have been Skimmed-Over...

All I need do, is FILL-IN-THE-*BLANKS*!

...On WEDNESDAY, perhaps..?? - yeah. That sounds "Like-a-Plan"! -- Got TOUR-de-TUESDAY-SHOPFARI-ING to do Tomorrow!!

And likely, *IN* RAIN..?!
-- UGH!!

Meanwhile, I also managed to *squeeze*-in a WASHCLOTH...


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