Sunday, January 5, 2014

The OTHER Reason WHY I'm *always* Talking About "The WEATHER"..


Less than a Week ago, TEMPS were bobbing along in the -30Cs... Today, TONIGHT, and Tomorrow, IT's *ABOVE* "FREEZING"!?! - With *RAIN*! That's suppose to be during the Day, and then, TEMPS will *PLUMMET* again Tomorrow Night along with some SNOW..?

seriously?! -- I just CAN'T "PLAN / SCHEDULE" *ANYTHING*!!

ANYHOO... "TODAY" - [*before* any RAIN or WHATEVER] - was Devoted to the RELOCATION of LAST Night's 4-Inches of SNOW-PELLETS and, an Overall "Tidying-Up"... Once the RAIN, Flash-MELTDOWN and then, the REFREEZE occurs, I *dread* the "possible" RESULTS!

hmm... Tomorrow, I think that I *might* have to bring the ICE-HOE *into* the HOUSE, instead of Leaving IT in the GARAGE... [as I might be needing IT to GET INTO the GARAGE!]

You know...actually... I really shouldn't be "Surprised" about the RAIN... Afterall, Tomorrow IS "PAPER"-RECYCLING-DAY. -- IT *always* RAINS on "PAPER"-DAY!

BTW... That Latest "BIG STORM" got Turned more EASTward *and* seems to have LOST most of ITS "SNOW"..? - At least, the Part that was looking to RUN-OVER Us... For the Moment, We appear to be getting CLIPPED by the Upper-Back-End of IT. So far...

Although, it does look like SISTER is about to be *DUMPED*-ON. AGAIN!! - Her SNOW is usually WET & HEAVY! And, a *chore* even for Her SNOWBLOWER! - [They pretty much Measure Their SNOW by the "FOOT" over There, rather than "INCHES"!]

MEANWHILE, on the STITCHY-Front... I managed to squeeze in a Few more PANELS on THE TWO TOQUES. -- I'm hoping to have Them Finished by MID-Week..?

..depending on the WEATHER..?


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