I STAYED "HOME"!! -- Despite the NICE WEATHER and being "TOUR-de-TUESDAY"... It was a Lot *SAFER* and likely "CHEAPER" that Way!!
Besides, as LAST-DAY-of-the-MONTH, there was CYBERNESS to attend to. And, NOTHING "Out-There" in *vital* need of My ACQUIRING-ATTENTIONS anyway! -- Hope THEY weren't *MISSING* Me at MICHAEL'S..??
ANYHOO... I managed to secure some HOOK-Time on The BLANKET... Just 25 more SQUARES and the BORDER left to DO! -- Actually, I *could* have just put a Border on IT Today. However, with the PATTERN I'm using, IT looks *much* BETTER in the "Larger"-Size. Which, should also *enhance* the BORDER's Aesthetic as well...
...You'll "SEE" when IT's Done! -- *IF* I can get IT Photographed PROPERLY! - IT will definitely *need* some "PROPS"... And, SUNLIGHT... But mostly, a *CLEAN* SPACE to Lay IT out ON -- that "NAVY" YARN Picks-Up-EVERYTHING!!
hmm... I need to go Out on a "LOCATION"-SCOUT!!
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Monday, April 29, 2013
..ahh...oh-kaay...sooo, Either "SOMEONE" real-ly, **REALLY** "Likes Me"..??
OR, "BLOGGER" WE HAVE A *STAT*-PROBLEM!!? -- Because, Honestly, I *ain't* THAT "Popular"!! NOR, have a Gazillion "FOLLOWERS" to *Explain* the over 160 "Views" I had around 5 a.m.!!??
And seriously, the Extra *Attention* is NICE and all, BUT, I'd really rather have "The CASH"!!
-- just saying...
ANYHOO... Like *CLOCKWORK*, the WEATHER did *not* Disappoint with ITS COOL-DREARY-DAMP-RAINY-MOMENTS on **PAPER**-RECYCLE-DAY!! -- oh! And, there was YARD-WASTE Pick-Up, too!
You know, IT kinda makes One "WONDER"..?? -- The "Fact" that there seems to be RAIN 4 out of 5 Times on PAPER-Pick-Up-DAY... *COULD* IT be some WEIRD-TWISTED-"ARBOREAL"-*CURSE* from the "PAPER's" long-dead *FAMILY-TREES*..?? - As in, those MANY "LOGS" that once FILLED Our Local WATERways..?!
OTTAWA began as a LUMBER-TOWN. -- I *still* Remember the sight of seeing COUNTLESS Logs floating in the OTTAWA RIVER just below the Cliffs of PARLIAMENT HILL. There used to be a *huge* SAWMILL on the Opposite Shore - [the QUEBEC Side] - Actually, One of My Late UNCLES made a SHORT-FILM-DOCUMENTARY on the Local "Industry" just before IT Died-Out...
whatever... I just can't help imagining that SOME of those DEAD-*SOGGY*-TREES are exacting Their "REVENGE" by WATERING-down Their *DESCENDANTS*!? -- yeah. *CRAZY*! I know... Then again, not nearly AS much as The WEATHER of Late. So. Who's to Say? huh?
MEANWHILE... Also got some "Expected"-GOOD-MAIL and a New DECOR-MAG in the POST. -- So, the DAY wasn't a Total-WRITE-OFF!
hmm... I wonder WHO will show up in My Next Bunch of "STATS"..? - Another MULTITUDE of ADORING-LITERARY-*FANS* or, just the Haunting PAPERazzi..??
And seriously, the Extra *Attention* is NICE and all, BUT, I'd really rather have "The CASH"!!
-- just saying...
ANYHOO... Like *CLOCKWORK*, the WEATHER did *not* Disappoint with ITS COOL-DREARY-DAMP-RAINY-MOMENTS on **PAPER**-RECYCLE-DAY!! -- oh! And, there was YARD-WASTE Pick-Up, too!
You know, IT kinda makes One "WONDER"..?? -- The "Fact" that there seems to be RAIN 4 out of 5 Times on PAPER-Pick-Up-DAY... *COULD* IT be some WEIRD-TWISTED-"ARBOREAL"-*CURSE* from the "PAPER's" long-dead *FAMILY-TREES*..?? - As in, those MANY "LOGS" that once FILLED Our Local WATERways..?!
OTTAWA began as a LUMBER-TOWN. -- I *still* Remember the sight of seeing COUNTLESS Logs floating in the OTTAWA RIVER just below the Cliffs of PARLIAMENT HILL. There used to be a *huge* SAWMILL on the Opposite Shore - [the QUEBEC Side] - Actually, One of My Late UNCLES made a SHORT-FILM-DOCUMENTARY on the Local "Industry" just before IT Died-Out...
whatever... I just can't help imagining that SOME of those DEAD-*SOGGY*-TREES are exacting Their "REVENGE" by WATERING-down Their *DESCENDANTS*!? -- yeah. *CRAZY*! I know... Then again, not nearly AS much as The WEATHER of Late. So. Who's to Say? huh?
MEANWHILE... Also got some "Expected"-GOOD-MAIL and a New DECOR-MAG in the POST. -- So, the DAY wasn't a Total-WRITE-OFF!
hmm... I wonder WHO will show up in My Next Bunch of "STATS"..? - Another MULTITUDE of ADORING-LITERARY-*FANS* or, just the Haunting PAPERazzi..??
Sunday, April 28, 2013
The Seasonal-Change "SWEET-SPOT"...
Such a RARE "Moment"...
HOWEVER... I Remained INdoors... There was CYBERness to DO. And, LAUNDRY. oh. And, a bit of STORAGE-CONTAINER Shifting about - [ah! so that's where THAT went!]... I should probably "Stop" with the BOX-BUYING... Those THINGS really do take-up SPACE! And, need to be FILLED. "SHELVES" to put Them ON would be *good*, too!
MEANWHILE... I squeezed in Several *more* BLANKET "Blocks". FORTY more to GO!! -- I'm almost TWO-THIRDS through... Need to Step-UP the Pace!! - I have OTHER "Projects" that I'd like to get STARTED on...
Such a RARE "Moment"...
- An actual "SUNNY" SUNDAY!
- Over 22C TEMPS! -- yeah. I know. "Room Temperature". But, considering how the WEATHER has been Lately, IT's a "Big-Deal"!
- All the "NEW"-NEIGHBOURS coming Out to PLAY in Their Gardens.
- NO "SWARMS" of BABY-BUGS. Yet...-- Although, HUNGRY-BIRDS are Flying-BY...
- SCREEN-WINDOWS are Opening up...
- I did "mention" the *SUNNY* bit, yes?
HOWEVER... I Remained INdoors... There was CYBERness to DO. And, LAUNDRY. oh. And, a bit of STORAGE-CONTAINER Shifting about - [ah! so that's where THAT went!]... I should probably "Stop" with the BOX-BUYING... Those THINGS really do take-up SPACE! And, need to be FILLED. "SHELVES" to put Them ON would be *good*, too!
MEANWHILE... I squeezed in Several *more* BLANKET "Blocks". FORTY more to GO!! -- I'm almost TWO-THIRDS through... Need to Step-UP the Pace!! - I have OTHER "Projects" that I'd like to get STARTED on...
Saturday, April 27, 2013
oh! -- AND, "YARN", OF COURSE!!
It was Coolish and DRIZZLY *when* WE-FINALLY-LEFT-THE-HOUSE! -- A Local High School had an INDOOR "Garage"-SALE going on, but We didn't know the "Hours"... Usually, THESE Events go until NOON or ONE-ish - and it was 11:30!
And-oh-LOOK, I'm getting EVERY-RED-LIGHT-ALONG-THE-WAY!?! -- You know, My "HOROSCOPE" for Today had "mentioned" Something about "STAYING HOME"..??
whatever. -- We GET There. Only a FEW Cars in the Parking-Lot -- *Not* Encouraging... However, the "SIGN" does Say "10 to 2"! -- We're Good.
IT's in One of the Gyms... Plenty of "TABLES", although I had expected a bit MORE *on* Them... And, only a Couple of OTHER-CUSTOMERS... Time to go into "SCOUR & SHOP"-Mode!
I can NOT *Believe* that My "FIRST-PICK" of This FAB-Really-GOOD-Quality WIRE-BASKET turned out to be a "ZEN"-Item!! - [a PRIZE-Object waiting Hours for *ME* to Purchase IT] - Especially, when IT was *just* a DOLLAR!!
The *more* I look at IT Now, the MORE I Love IT! -- I'm going to *have to* Use IT for My CRAFT-SHOWS. IT's *Perfect*! - Even the Bottom-Pattern MATCHES My BLANKETS!
![]() |
Found This 6-Inch GREEK-Made BLUE-WHITE CERAMIC TILE next -- 10-Cents! |
Then, This CERAMIC SEAFOOD-VEGGIES-CHIPS & DIPS BOWL -- $2. -- But, IT's Large and Heavy and I DO "Collect" FISHY-SHELL-NAUTICAL Stuff...
Across the Room, This Cute and rather THICK-Walled 3-Inch BLUE-WHITE CLAY POT was just *Waiting* for My Retail-RESCUE! -- 50-Cents...
And, seeing as I was on a BLUE and/or WHITE Roll, I grabbed This COILED BLUE GLASS DISH... BTW, the 25-Cent TAG didn't hurt, either...
Granted, IT's not the "highest" of Quality, but I Liked the Colour and have a *Thing* for GLASS.
Besides, IT was Our FIRST "SALE" of the Season. And, a FUND-RAISER.
Bottomline, I *am* HAPPY with My "HAUL"!
The DRIZZLE stopped... BEACON-HILL was nearby, so on the OFF-Chance that SOMEONE
might be having an "actual" GARAGE-Sale, We decided to do a quick TROLL of the Neighbourhood... Nothing.
Before Leaving the Area, We popped into The SALLY-ANN over There... THEY were Scheduled to have Their Monthly-AUCTION at 2, however, We had OTHER-PLACES-TO-BE.
-- Not to mention, there really wasn't ANYTHING that I was in Need of...
Since IT was on Our Route, We did THE MALL Stop FIRST, before getting to TRAINYARDS.
And THIS, is where I had My Second ZEN-"MOMENT" of the Day! -- Guess *WHO* We "ran-into" at the Grocery-Store??
Why IT's none other than MANAGER-DAVE!!?! -- *AND*, the Quite-Pretty-and-Lovely-Who-We've-NOT-Met-*Yet*-"MRS."-MANAGER-DAVE!! -- ah. The POOR Man... EVEN on His Days-Off, He *can't* ESCAPE Us! -- We continued with OUR "Shopping"...
That HANDICRAFTER-COTTON YARN was still ON-SALE - just, NOT as Much as I *would* have Preferred! -- Had to Invoke the Powers of My COUPON-STASH to Remedy THAT "Problem"... Which, meant that I had to Buy MORE than I had originally intended.
well... NOT to Worry. I wanted THAT Colour ANYWAY!
Got 2 of the MIXED-One and 8 of the NAVY. -- That *should* be ENOUGH to Finish the "BLANKET". -- And, 20 of the BROWN... A much sought after HUE that Seldom shows up "ON-Shelf" around Here. Just thought I'd STOCK-UP...
The "MONROE" NOTEPADS were also Reduced -- PRINCESSES'-MOM is a "FAN"...
HEY!! -- The SUN is *OUT*!! -- WOOHOO!!
And, My *CLUE* to grab some TAKE-OUT and head HOME!!
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Friday, April 26, 2013
THE *TRUE* "SIGN" OF SPRING!! -- oh! AND, that the WEATHER has been DEVOID of NASTINESS for Several Days in a Row, too! - [for the MOST part...]
The CROCI are also in Full-BLOOM! -- Although, Our TULIPS are just "Breaking-Ground"... Looks like THE-"NATIONAL-CAPITOL"-GUYS will be a tad *BUSY* This Week, Prepping and probably PERSUADING those "CITY"-TULIPS to *Begin*-BLOOMING *IN* Time for the Start of The CANADIAN TULIP FESTIVAL - [MAY 3 - 20] - OTTAWA's Annual *BIG* SPRING Event!
hmm... We might have to Stick a FEW in the GARDEN to give the FLORA a much needed "CLUE"!!
Well... I have to *TRY* to UP "EARLIER" for Tomorrow's TOUR-de-THRIFT!!
The CROCI are also in Full-BLOOM! -- Although, Our TULIPS are just "Breaking-Ground"... Looks like THE-"NATIONAL-CAPITOL"-GUYS will be a tad *BUSY* This Week, Prepping and probably PERSUADING those "CITY"-TULIPS to *Begin*-BLOOMING *IN* Time for the Start of The CANADIAN TULIP FESTIVAL - [MAY 3 - 20] - OTTAWA's Annual *BIG* SPRING Event!
hmm... We might have to Stick a FEW in the GARDEN to give the FLORA a much needed "CLUE"!!
Well... I have to *TRY* to UP "EARLIER" for Tomorrow's TOUR-de-THRIFT!!
Thursday, April 25, 2013
AFTERward - *WHEN* You're through HERE - CLICK on over to...
And of course, Her BLOG too! - [SEE SIDEBAR] - She's got Another Great GIVEAWAY going on at...
IT appears that CADET-JUNIOR has just gotten His "FIRST-HAIRCUT"..?
Despite, NOT really having a whole lot of IT to begin with!
Then again, BOTH of His PARENTS *are* in "The MILITARY",
so I suppose IT could've been WORSE!
Whilst, 30-Months-Old-*Today*-Obsessed-
seems somewhat Awed by Her COUSIN's Current-Cute-*COIFFURE*!
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
...just over a THIRD *DONE*!
Normally, I could have a BLANKET in "This Size", COMPLETED in a WEEK! - However, I've only had a chance to get *at* IT for only a Couple of Hours Every-Other-SECOND-Night..? -- [..'cause I had this BLOOG to Do..]
And then, there's the Part where SEVERAL of the "SQUARES" had to be RE-done to CORRECT the "TENSION"... The "NAVY" YARN is about a Third THINNER than the "MIXED"-One, so I've had to *compensate*... And, "EYE-BALLING" that Colour at NIGHT, in LOWER-Lighting..?
-- IT's a "CHALLENGE"!
ANYHOO... ONCE IT's *DONE* and You see ITS "NAME", then My *PALETTE*-Choice will hopefully, "Make Sense"..?
Normally, I could have a BLANKET in "This Size", COMPLETED in a WEEK! - However, I've only had a chance to get *at* IT for only a Couple of Hours Every-Other-SECOND-Night..? -- [..'cause I had this BLOOG to Do..]
And then, there's the Part where SEVERAL of the "SQUARES" had to be RE-done to CORRECT the "TENSION"... The "NAVY" YARN is about a Third THINNER than the "MIXED"-One, so I've had to *compensate*... And, "EYE-BALLING" that Colour at NIGHT, in LOWER-Lighting..?
-- IT's a "CHALLENGE"!
ANYHOO... ONCE IT's *DONE* and You see ITS "NAME", then My *PALETTE*-Choice will hopefully, "Make Sense"..?
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
"..RE-Schedule *YOUR* Life!! -- CALL **NOW**!!.."
*USUALLY*, TUESDAY is Reserved for the "TOUR-de-TRAINYARDS" and/or OTHER "ADVENTURES-in-ACCUMULATING-ACQUISTIONS", however, Those Particular-PERUSING-PURSUITS had to be POSTPONED Today, due to some Vital PHONE-"Paperwork"-PLANS that could NOT be PUT-OFF...
And, I got UP "Late"... Besides, TRAFFIC-Wise, going to TRAINYARDS afterward would have *stuck* Me into "RUSH-HOUR"!
ANYHOO, so YOU GUYS "know" -- The NEXT 8 or so WEEKS are going to be a *tad* BUSY around HERE... I'm NOT at Liberty - [nor, WANT] - to DISCLOSE "WHAT" *exactly* will be Happening, except to Say that there's MUCH "LOGISTICS" on My Part to "PLAN & EXECUTE"! -- So, IF I end-up *MISSING* a POST, IT'll likely be due to "NO Time" or "NO Cyber-ACCESS"!
oh! AND, toss in PRINCESSES'-MOM & TAP-MAN's quickly approaching WEDDING in *VEGAS*!! - [That I'll be UNable to Attend]. As well as, SISTER & BIG-D's PRE-and-POST-NUPTIALS VISIT, HERE... Along with, *ALL* of the "TRIAGING"-Troubles THAT will *more* than likely ENSUE, I'm sure!
So... With PHONE-to-My-EAR and CALENDAR-in-HAND, "DIALING" Commenced!
*THANKFULLY*, EVERYONE-on-the-OTHER-END were ALL "Accommodating" *despite* My odd REscheduling and need for "BACK-UP"-Dates! -- Now, IF the WEATHER will COOPERATE on THOSE DAYS, My [ha-ha]-SANITY might actually "SURVIVE"..?!!
Meanwhile, it was going on 3:30-ish *when*, I decided to LAST-MINUTE Run a Few ERRANDS over at THE-BIG-MALL - *without* Buying ANYTHING!! -- Which, is *sorta* WHY, I made a SIDE-TRIP over to VALUE-VILLAGE afterward on the Way-HOME...
I *DIDN'T* get Anything THERE, either!! -- DAMN! - The WARM-SUNNY-WEATHER must be *AFFECTING* Me..??!!
I might have to "CALL" Someone and get THAT *FIXED*...
Monday, April 22, 2013
Be REAL! Nevermind about "The PURSE" - **POCKETS** are a Girl's BEST-FRIEND!!
okay. so. A bit of "Background"-T.M.I. -- I, am a "CARGO-PANT"-Devotee! ALL year-round... Even, the "SHORTS"-Version in SUMMER. -- I **LOVE** My "POCKETS"!!
THAT said, I should also State, that have No Objections to PURSES. Actually, I prefer to Use My Long-Strapped-Little-$2.-Yard-Sale-Find-Custom-Handmade-[there's a Matching UNused 2nd One]-Thick-Leather-"Palm"-Sized-PURSE for My Phone and Coupons and Munchie-Food...
Keys and $$ go into those POCKETS! -- If ANYONE is STUPID-ENOUGH to "MUG" Me, They're gonna haveta *WORK*-For-IT! AND, throw in "DINNER-&-A-MOVIE"!! -- I'm an INexpensive "DATE", not a CHEAP ONE!!
right. so. BACK to "TODAY"...
I finally had that "ORTHO"-Doc Appointment for the NASTY-ARM-ROTATOR-CUFF...
And, since I didn't know Their Examinations-"Dress"-Code, I decided to go with the Semi-Faux-"LULULEMON"ade-*Look*-Wear -- so I could Layer-Down without having to Strip-Down..?
-- Granted, My Outer-CARDIGAN had POCKETS, just *not* "Secure" Ones for Anything *Important*...
huh. -- Despite, Me being Soooo-NOT-Svelte, I think I actually managed to Look "okay"! - For an "OLD"-LADY!
Anyhoo, a Contents-*DUMP* and Re-ORG of the "PALM"-PURSE was in order! -- Wow. I had no Idea that I had SO much CRAP in THERE!! - But, how come My KEYS *DON'T* FIT??!! -- ggrrrrrrr...
oh. well. At least I have My *Totally*-CLASHING-Red-&-White-"ECKO"-RHINO-SATCHEL that I can STASH *EVERYthing* into! -- hmm... I think I need to Find a *Nice* Skinny-BELT-Purse for that Ensemble.
whatever... NEXT-TIME, I'm "Shopping"-Out with the CARGOS!!
okay. so. A bit of "Background"-T.M.I. -- I, am a "CARGO-PANT"-Devotee! ALL year-round... Even, the "SHORTS"-Version in SUMMER. -- I **LOVE** My "POCKETS"!!
THAT said, I should also State, that have No Objections to PURSES. Actually, I prefer to Use My Long-Strapped-Little-$2.-Yard-Sale-Find-Custom-Handmade-[there's a Matching UNused 2nd One]-Thick-Leather-"Palm"-Sized-PURSE for My Phone and Coupons and Munchie-Food...
Keys and $$ go into those POCKETS! -- If ANYONE is STUPID-ENOUGH to "MUG" Me, They're gonna haveta *WORK*-For-IT! AND, throw in "DINNER-&-A-MOVIE"!! -- I'm an INexpensive "DATE", not a CHEAP ONE!!
right. so. BACK to "TODAY"...
I finally had that "ORTHO"-Doc Appointment for the NASTY-ARM-ROTATOR-CUFF...
And, since I didn't know Their Examinations-"Dress"-Code, I decided to go with the Semi-Faux-"LULULEMON"ade-*Look*-Wear -- so I could Layer-Down without having to Strip-Down..?
![]() |
BTW, This ENTIRE 3-Piece-"OUTFIT" was Acquired for UNDER $35.! |
-- Granted, My Outer-CARDIGAN had POCKETS, just *not* "Secure" Ones for Anything *Important*...
huh. -- Despite, Me being Soooo-NOT-Svelte, I think I actually managed to Look "okay"! - For an "OLD"-LADY!
Anyhoo, a Contents-*DUMP* and Re-ORG of the "PALM"-PURSE was in order! -- Wow. I had no Idea that I had SO much CRAP in THERE!! - But, how come My KEYS *DON'T* FIT??!! -- ggrrrrrrr...
oh. well. At least I have My *Totally*-CLASHING-Red-&-White-"ECKO"-RHINO-SATCHEL that I can STASH *EVERYthing* into! -- hmm... I think I need to Find a *Nice* Skinny-BELT-Purse for that Ensemble.
whatever... NEXT-TIME, I'm "Shopping"-Out with the CARGOS!!
Sunday, April 21, 2013
A GAZILLION *Other* Things to DO Minus ONE!!
...and, HOPE that the "REFUND" is Back "IN Time" to PAY an Upcoming-BILL..?
Anyhoo, just the USUAL boring "SUNDAY-STUFF"... oh! And, The SUN was actually "OUT"!! -- ON a *SUNDAY* no less..??
..hang on... give Me a "Moment" to wrap My Brain around the Significances of THIS *RARE* PHENOMENA!! -- [hmm.. IT was COOL Out too, maybe "HELL" *did* Freeze-Over..?!!]
Whatever... Well. I've got to GET to Bed "EARLIER" Tonight. Have an EARLY Appointment to get TO. So, have to keep This *THRILLING*-POST "Short"... You Guys can go Back to "whatever" You were doing BEFORE... I won't mind... really.
...and, HOPE that the "REFUND" is Back "IN Time" to PAY an Upcoming-BILL..?
Anyhoo, just the USUAL boring "SUNDAY-STUFF"... oh! And, The SUN was actually "OUT"!! -- ON a *SUNDAY* no less..??
..hang on... give Me a "Moment" to wrap My Brain around the Significances of THIS *RARE* PHENOMENA!! -- [hmm.. IT was COOL Out too, maybe "HELL" *did* Freeze-Over..?!!]
Whatever... Well. I've got to GET to Bed "EARLIER" Tonight. Have an EARLY Appointment to get TO. So, have to keep This *THRILLING*-POST "Short"... You Guys can go Back to "whatever" You were doing BEFORE... I won't mind... really.
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Forget about being *Distracted* by "SHINY-OBJECTS"...
- Especially, on SUCH a GREYISH Day!! -- BTW, that *bit* of SUNLIGHT through that BRIEF "EYE"-of-BLUE-SKY wasn't around Long *ENOUGH* to "Count"!!
oh! And, if IT looks EDIABLE... Well, *BONUS*!!
So... Strangely, the SATURDAY-TRAFFIC was just a tad Heavier than Usual... Hence, We stopped off at FARM BOY, first. -- As the "ROADWAY-PLANNING" at TRAINYARDS is somewhat *CONTRARY* to "EFFICIENT"-TRAFFIC-*FLOW*!
Anyhoo, the Hot-"TAKE-OUT"-Food wasn't *out* at the Time, so I missed-out on that FAB PULLED-PORK! -- pooh!
Well, ON to MICHAEL'S then... nuts! - WHY are "PEOPLE" Parked in *MY* Fav-SPOTS?!! ggrrr...
right... I have a 20%-OFF-ENTIRE-PURCHASE-Including-SALE-ITEMS-COUPON for Today. Let's see "what" *DAMAGE* We can DO!
Got 2-Each of the ABOVE Ceramic-CUPCAKE-Name-Card-HOLDERS... They're Colourful & Cute - can't go Wrong with THAT!
"COLOUR" was the Primary-Attraction for These SANDWICH-BOXES... And, that I got Them for 60%-OFF, too! -- Their Future-USE is UNknown at the Moment, but I'm sure I'll Think of *Something*!
Meanwhile, speaking of "USES", I picked-up a Few more of Those DRESS-NOTE-PADS for SISTER. She's using Them as TREATS and "PRIZES" for various Upcoming BRIDAL-SHOWERS that She's WORKING on...
We eventually headed to THE MALL -- It was a "TAX-FREE"-Day at the Grocery Store! So, of course, *most* of the TAXABLE-Things that We want are either still TOO Expensive or, NOT IN-Stock!
Although, I *did* run into an OLD-ACQUAINTANCE from where I used to WORK! We did that Quickie-5-Minute-"CATCH-UP"-Thingy...
Afterward, MOTHER ended up doing Her "SHOW & TELL"-*Not*-so-Quickie-*20*-Minute-Thingy will the NICE-YOUNG-PREGNANT-LADY and Her SWEET-ALMOST-3-Year-Old-DAUGHTER... I'll SPARE You All on the "Details"! -- Except to Say, that the PIGTAILED-GREAT-HAIR-CHILD ended up with an "Early"-Birthday-Present-CROCHETED-FINGER-PUPPET-MONKEY and that MOTHER *NEEDS* to EMPTY Her PURSE!!
Friday, April 19, 2013
A Weird-Windy-Weather End to a Wild-Whacky-Wicked-Week!!
ONE MINUTE, IT'S 22C... THE NEXT, 10C... And, did I mention the GUSTING-WINDS inbetween..?? - And, odd RAINY bits...
Whatever... Glad I stayed IN! - Besides, I was kinda Feeling *achy* with the Dampness and Barometric Changes... The "JOYS" - [not] - of getting OLDer! -- And. there's "RUMOUR" of "FLURRIES" for Tomorrow..??!! - YUCK! - But, SUNSHINE, too..??
At this point, I'll just *Wait* until IT "happens"! Or, NOT... I just WANT to get The-SHOPPING *done*!! And, OUT of the Way, so I can *FINISH* My TAXES and MAIL Them OFF! -- I need to make "SPACE" for NEXT WEEK's SCHEDULE-of-PROBABLE-*ADVENTURES*!
Just the "THEME" of the *FIRST* of PRINCESSES'-MOM's *several* "CONTINENTAL"-ranging BRIDAL-SHOWERS!! -- Beginning with the EAST-COAST One with "The-BRIDE" attending via "SKYPE"!!
SISTER has been going NUTS with the "DECOR"!!
Whatever... Glad I stayed IN! - Besides, I was kinda Feeling *achy* with the Dampness and Barometric Changes... The "JOYS" - [not] - of getting OLDer! -- And. there's "RUMOUR" of "FLURRIES" for Tomorrow..??!! - YUCK! - But, SUNSHINE, too..??
At this point, I'll just *Wait* until IT "happens"! Or, NOT... I just WANT to get The-SHOPPING *done*!! And, OUT of the Way, so I can *FINISH* My TAXES and MAIL Them OFF! -- I need to make "SPACE" for NEXT WEEK's SCHEDULE-of-PROBABLE-*ADVENTURES*!
Just the "THEME" of the *FIRST* of PRINCESSES'-MOM's *several* "CONTINENTAL"-ranging BRIDAL-SHOWERS!! -- Beginning with the EAST-COAST One with "The-BRIDE" attending via "SKYPE"!!
SISTER has been going NUTS with the "DECOR"!!
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
...yeah..ohh-kaaay...sure...FINE!!! -- I "Relent"!!
A Couple of ROBINS were *Successfully* WORM-HUNTING on NEXTDOOR's Lawn and, there are THREE PURPLE-CROCUSES - [croci..??] - *Fully-Bloomed* in Our Front-Garden!!
Although, I've YET to see *any* GROUNDHOGS, so IT's still UN-official for Me until I DO!!
okay. so... I managed to *Accomplish* a "DRY-RUN-THROUGH" of My *TAXES*... Which, really AREN'T all that "Complicated" in *MY* Case! - Just a LOT of *ANNOYING* PAPERWORK to get MY Money BACK! -- And, hopefully in Time to Cover My next House-INSURANCE-BILL?!
seriously... IT's all just "NUMBERS" on *PAPER* These Days... I MISS the "JINGLE"!!
A Couple of ROBINS were *Successfully* WORM-HUNTING on NEXTDOOR's Lawn and, there are THREE PURPLE-CROCUSES - [croci..??] - *Fully-Bloomed* in Our Front-Garden!!
Although, I've YET to see *any* GROUNDHOGS, so IT's still UN-official for Me until I DO!!
okay. so... I managed to *Accomplish* a "DRY-RUN-THROUGH" of My *TAXES*... Which, really AREN'T all that "Complicated" in *MY* Case! - Just a LOT of *ANNOYING* PAPERWORK to get MY Money BACK! -- And, hopefully in Time to Cover My next House-INSURANCE-BILL?!
seriously... IT's all just "NUMBERS" on *PAPER* These Days... I MISS the "JINGLE"!!
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
So... The TOUR-de-TUESDAY began in WARM-ish DRIZZLY-MISTY WEATHER - [whence Earlier, there had been RAIN] - with THE CAR *FOGGING*-Up as I took IT out of the GARAGE!! -- not "helpful"...
FIRST STOP - COSTCO, *IF* I can GET There without being SMUCKED by the IDIOT-GARBAGE-TRUCK that JUST *CUT* Me OFF - [under a LOW Overpass, no less!] - on the HIGHWAY-EXIT!! -- And, what's even *more* "Disturbing", is that I actually OWN "STOCK" in *THAT* COMPANY! - "Dividends" just *saved* His A$$ets!!
Anyway, just the USUAL Milk-Eggs-Magazine-"Food-Samples-LUNCH" There... Then, on to TRAINYARDS...
Oooo...There's an *NEW* ENTRANCE on that SOUTH-Side now, to the FARM-BOY Grocery-Store! -- Picked up My "Supply" of BLUEBERRY-JUICE There and some FRESH-PRODUCE... I also tried some of Their "TAKE-OUT-BUFFET" Food -- got some rather Tasty BBQ-PULLED-PORK for Dinner Later...
SWEET! - The SUN is Coming-OUT! Yay! -- Just in Time to head to MICHAEL'S...
MUST FIND that YARN... ahh... GOOD! -- There's *LOTS* and, of the Matching DYE-LOT!! -- Now, I'll just have to "COUPON" Them to Death!
Speaking of WHICH, I just "happened" to have One for This Week that is *apparently* a "MIS-PRINT"..?? -- So, MANAGER-DAVE said...
Whatever. AFTER the COUPON and another COUPON and "TAXES", *ALL* of THIS - [the DRESSES are NOTEPADS] - came to a Whopping "$3.83"!!
Afterward, had to Checkout WALMART -- But, They didn't have *WHAT* I "Wanted"... Headed to THE-BIG-MALL next... Needed to go to the BANK, which was Closed! - nuts! -- oh, well... Since I was There, I did a Quickie-NON-Purchasing-WALKABOUT...
TIME was getting on by Then, and that PULLED-PORK in the COOLER was beginning to TUG at My TASTEBUDS! -- My "CLUE" to head HOME!!
So... The TOUR-de-TUESDAY began in WARM-ish DRIZZLY-MISTY WEATHER - [whence Earlier, there had been RAIN] - with THE CAR *FOGGING*-Up as I took IT out of the GARAGE!! -- not "helpful"...
FIRST STOP - COSTCO, *IF* I can GET There without being SMUCKED by the IDIOT-GARBAGE-TRUCK that JUST *CUT* Me OFF - [under a LOW Overpass, no less!] - on the HIGHWAY-EXIT!! -- And, what's even *more* "Disturbing", is that I actually OWN "STOCK" in *THAT* COMPANY! - "Dividends" just *saved* His A$$ets!!
Anyway, just the USUAL Milk-Eggs-Magazine-"Food-Samples-LUNCH" There... Then, on to TRAINYARDS...
Oooo...There's an *NEW* ENTRANCE on that SOUTH-Side now, to the FARM-BOY Grocery-Store! -- Picked up My "Supply" of BLUEBERRY-JUICE There and some FRESH-PRODUCE... I also tried some of Their "TAKE-OUT-BUFFET" Food -- got some rather Tasty BBQ-PULLED-PORK for Dinner Later...
SWEET! - The SUN is Coming-OUT! Yay! -- Just in Time to head to MICHAEL'S...
MUST FIND that YARN... ahh... GOOD! -- There's *LOTS* and, of the Matching DYE-LOT!! -- Now, I'll just have to "COUPON" Them to Death!
Speaking of WHICH, I just "happened" to have One for This Week that is *apparently* a "MIS-PRINT"..?? -- So, MANAGER-DAVE said...
yeah. well. NOT *AUNTIE's* "Problem", huh?!
Whatever. AFTER the COUPON and another COUPON and "TAXES", *ALL* of THIS - [the DRESSES are NOTEPADS] - came to a Whopping "$3.83"!!
Afterward, had to Checkout WALMART -- But, They didn't have *WHAT* I "Wanted"... Headed to THE-BIG-MALL next... Needed to go to the BANK, which was Closed! - nuts! -- oh, well... Since I was There, I did a Quickie-NON-Purchasing-WALKABOUT...
TIME was getting on by Then, and that PULLED-PORK in the COOLER was beginning to TUG at My TASTEBUDS! -- My "CLUE" to head HOME!!
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