LOOK WHO came "Treating" at Our Door!!
Ah, My Great-Nieces... ALWAYS the "Fashion" DIVAs!
Check out those JEANS!
It took LITTLE PRINCESS BIG-RED a few minutes to awaken, and gaze across Her GENE POOL of Paparazzi People...
A quick Bottle and Burping by OLD NANA [MOTHER --> ], managed to Bribe Her into Milking the whole "CUTE BABY" Act She had going.
It even worked WHEN, it took THREE of Us to CHANGE Her very MESSY Diaper! -- The Shirt and Jeans escaped the smearing of THE BLOB, however, the rest of the Underwear -- NOT so much...
As SISTER, THE MOM, and MOTHER took to sorting out the Aftermath, I had the PRINCESS in a Towel and gave Her the remainder of Her Bottle in order to sooth all of the "Drama"...
WHY does My Left THIGH feel WET...?
Ri-ight... JUST a Towel. NO Diaper, YET! -- oh well, I had to WASH those Jeans anyway...
Once the whole DIAPER attachment was affixed, and She was wrapped up, the CUTE-BABY-MIND-TRICKS commenced. SEVEN-DAYS Old and She's already giving Me THE LOOK!
Which, pretty much WORKED, as I ended up holding Her for almost 3 HOURS while She SLEPT - in the nicely done Camo-Pink FLANNEL BLANKET that Her Big Sister PRINCESS PRE-TEEN had made for Her.
As one of Her FIRST Sewing Projects, PP-T did a Great Job!
Meanwhile, as I "bonded" with SLEEPING BEAUTY, SISTER, BIG-D, and THE MOM went to THE MALL!
-- Ahh, nice "Visit" Guys!?
THEY returned, just AFTER the next Diaper Change and, BEFORE the next Needed Bottle! Five minutes LATER, PRINCESS PEE was poured into Her POD, and Everyone was GONE!
Apparently, serious TRICK OR TREATING with PRINCESS PRE-TEEN was to be had and TRAFFIC was to be beat! -- But, THEY'll be back again - soon... SISTER *left* a Load of LAUNDRY drying...
And Me, with the Image of NAKED GHOSTS haunting around...! Where's My BROOM?...
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Scary SAMHAIN Shopping!
"WET & WILD" was the Atmosphere Today... Annoying drizzly RAIN and WILD Shoppers EVERYwhere!
Originally, Our primary TASK of the Day, was to go to COSTCO - Milk and Toilet Paper were the
"in need" Items. However, after perusing the SATURDAY NEWSPAPER FLYERS, We discovered that there was a GRAND OPENING of a *New* MICHAEL'S Store over at TRAINYARDS!!
It's not like We ever buy Anything there, as Their PRICES are ridiculously High on pretty much EVERYTHING! But, it's always fun to just check STUFF out... And now, We can save several MILES of GAS MONEY to do that with this new CLOSER Location. -- Not to mention, observe the Retail Rivalry between Them and the WALMART across the Complex!
Anyhoo... We headed to COSTCO first - WITH, the intention of getting there EARLIER than the LAST Time, to AVOID the PARKING MAYHEM!
Yeah. Right....
THIS Time, I managed to Drop MOTHER by the Building, without causing any Traffic Tie-ups and then, went on the HUNT for the ever-elusive PARKING SPACE! -- I swear, there were probably a dozen cars at any time ORBITING the Lot like a Vehicular Version of MUSICAL CHAIRS!
At SOME point during My search - probably, when I happened to turn My head - I discovered a BIG BLOB of BIRD **** in the Upper Left Corner of My WINDSHIELD! Eeewwww... Thankfully, it WASN'T Raining at THAT time, or My WIPERS would have been going...
YAY! Someone's backing out in the Corner, and I can POUR in! Hmm.. What's that on the Ground on My Right...? Look! The PARKING LOT FAIRY left Me a Cell Phone CASE. Wonder where the Phone went...? Nevermind, have to get into the Store.
Ah, the USUAL CHAOS... Although, just a tad less than Last Week.
"CHECKOUT" ended up being the QUICKEST Experience of the entire "Adventure"!
It was Raining again, when We got out.... And, YEP! I "forgot" about THE BLOB! -- Thankfully, MOTHER always seems to carry Paper Towels....
Okay. I've come up with a New TV SHOW "Idea"... DANCING WITH THE "CARS"!! -- Newer Parking Lot, but I'm almost certain that a few of THOSE Vehicles were "Familiar"...?
MICHAEL'S - It looks nice. Big. CROWDED! A few "DEMOS" were going on. Many a Friendly *Helpful* SALES CLERK about.
Whilst, MOTHER observed some Cake Decorating affair, I headed to YARN.... Picked up a handful of those FREE PATTERN CARDS, chatted up a couple of Fellow Shoppers... Hey! 4 for $1.00 RIBBON...
And, what's that TICK-ITY Sound...? -- Ah, a SPIN-THE-WHEEL-GIVEAWAY Thing... And, MOTHER is already IN Line...
After that, We split up. She headed for the Washrooms and I checked out the Middle of the Store. We were to EVENTUALLY meet up at the CAKE DECORATING Section near The CHECKOUT.
As I neared My intended Destination, I took Note of the rather LONG Theme-Park-esque Checkout QUEUE! Hmm... The END of The LINE is currently IN the CAKE Section. Perhaps I should get IN it, MOTHER will have to come by this way, and will SEE Me... I hope...
BTW, "Bonus Points" to the Store LAYOUT Person for Positioning all of those "$1.50" Novelty Items along the TAPED OFF Queue Route. Very, "Captive" SHOP-A-HOLIC "Product Placement" of Them. Just like the Grocery Stores, only longer Shelves, and sans Tabloids!
And, it worked. "Check out" WHAT They RETAIL-MIND-TRICKED Me into getting!
The RIBBON was what I had "started" out with! The GLITTER GLUE is what I had "Won" at that SPIN-THE-WHEEL thing. The Remainder are what I call My "Que-venirs".... NOTE the KNITTY
"Theme". The Upper Left Item is a PENCIL CASE - which will likely be used to store Needlework Supplies. The Blue thing is a small NOTEBOOK - I like that Pattern, may get around to Charting it some time... On the Bottom, 2 Rolls of WRAPPING PAPER... I liked Them, too...
Popped into WALMART long enough to NOT buy anything, and then headed for THE MALL. We didn't buy a whole lot There, either! On the way out, the PARKING LOT FAIRY left - this time - a Pair of Flat-Sole SHOES in front of My Car...? It was Raining, I left them there...
OH! Meteorological NEWS FLASH! -- It's been SNOWING since Sundown! I haven't looked out a Window yet to see how MUCH... Just HOPE that it MELTS by Morning, so that I DON'T have to SHOVEL IT!
Or, that It turns to ICE when PRINCESS LITTLE BIG-RED comes to VISIT!!
Originally, Our primary TASK of the Day, was to go to COSTCO - Milk and Toilet Paper were the
"in need" Items. However, after perusing the SATURDAY NEWSPAPER FLYERS, We discovered that there was a GRAND OPENING of a *New* MICHAEL'S Store over at TRAINYARDS!!
It's not like We ever buy Anything there, as Their PRICES are ridiculously High on pretty much EVERYTHING! But, it's always fun to just check STUFF out... And now, We can save several MILES of GAS MONEY to do that with this new CLOSER Location. -- Not to mention, observe the Retail Rivalry between Them and the WALMART across the Complex!
Anyhoo... We headed to COSTCO first - WITH, the intention of getting there EARLIER than the LAST Time, to AVOID the PARKING MAYHEM!
Yeah. Right....
THIS Time, I managed to Drop MOTHER by the Building, without causing any Traffic Tie-ups and then, went on the HUNT for the ever-elusive PARKING SPACE! -- I swear, there were probably a dozen cars at any time ORBITING the Lot like a Vehicular Version of MUSICAL CHAIRS!
At SOME point during My search - probably, when I happened to turn My head - I discovered a BIG BLOB of BIRD **** in the Upper Left Corner of My WINDSHIELD! Eeewwww... Thankfully, it WASN'T Raining at THAT time, or My WIPERS would have been going...
YAY! Someone's backing out in the Corner, and I can POUR in! Hmm.. What's that on the Ground on My Right...? Look! The PARKING LOT FAIRY left Me a Cell Phone CASE. Wonder where the Phone went...? Nevermind, have to get into the Store.
Ah, the USUAL CHAOS... Although, just a tad less than Last Week.
"CHECKOUT" ended up being the QUICKEST Experience of the entire "Adventure"!
It was Raining again, when We got out.... And, YEP! I "forgot" about THE BLOB! -- Thankfully, MOTHER always seems to carry Paper Towels....
Okay. I've come up with a New TV SHOW "Idea"... DANCING WITH THE "CARS"!! -- Newer Parking Lot, but I'm almost certain that a few of THOSE Vehicles were "Familiar"...?
MICHAEL'S - It looks nice. Big. CROWDED! A few "DEMOS" were going on. Many a Friendly *Helpful* SALES CLERK about.
Whilst, MOTHER observed some Cake Decorating affair, I headed to YARN.... Picked up a handful of those FREE PATTERN CARDS, chatted up a couple of Fellow Shoppers... Hey! 4 for $1.00 RIBBON...
And, what's that TICK-ITY Sound...? -- Ah, a SPIN-THE-WHEEL-GIVEAWAY Thing... And, MOTHER is already IN Line...
After that, We split up. She headed for the Washrooms and I checked out the Middle of the Store. We were to EVENTUALLY meet up at the CAKE DECORATING Section near The CHECKOUT.
As I neared My intended Destination, I took Note of the rather LONG Theme-Park-esque Checkout QUEUE! Hmm... The END of The LINE is currently IN the CAKE Section. Perhaps I should get IN it, MOTHER will have to come by this way, and will SEE Me... I hope...
BTW, "Bonus Points" to the Store LAYOUT Person for Positioning all of those "$1.50" Novelty Items along the TAPED OFF Queue Route. Very, "Captive" SHOP-A-HOLIC "Product Placement" of Them. Just like the Grocery Stores, only longer Shelves, and sans Tabloids!
And, it worked. "Check out" WHAT They RETAIL-MIND-TRICKED Me into getting!
The RIBBON was what I had "started" out with! The GLITTER GLUE is what I had "Won" at that SPIN-THE-WHEEL thing. The Remainder are what I call My "Que-venirs".... NOTE the KNITTY
"Theme". The Upper Left Item is a PENCIL CASE - which will likely be used to store Needlework Supplies. The Blue thing is a small NOTEBOOK - I like that Pattern, may get around to Charting it some time... On the Bottom, 2 Rolls of WRAPPING PAPER... I liked Them, too...
Popped into WALMART long enough to NOT buy anything, and then headed for THE MALL. We didn't buy a whole lot There, either! On the way out, the PARKING LOT FAIRY left - this time - a Pair of Flat-Sole SHOES in front of My Car...? It was Raining, I left them there...
OH! Meteorological NEWS FLASH! -- It's been SNOWING since Sundown! I haven't looked out a Window yet to see how MUCH... Just HOPE that it MELTS by Morning, so that I DON'T have to SHOVEL IT!
Or, that It turns to ICE when PRINCESS LITTLE BIG-RED comes to VISIT!!
Friday, October 29, 2010
Forage Friday
HAD the "Friday Specials" Groceries to do earlier in the Day. It was SUNNY when I had started out, but then the COLD WIND began moving those Meteorological "Throw Pillows" around, just as I was heading Home... Thankfully, they behaved... For now...
Then again, I DID go and kill a SPIDER Tonight -- so, KARMA-wise, *anything* could possibly-probably happen in the NOT-so-distant Future!!? -- MY money is on NOAH-Buckets of RAIN, ALL DAY, Tomorrow! ...AS predicted...
Which, I suppose I can "live" with, so long as it CLEARS up for Sunday - when We get to SEE The BABY! And, on NEXT Saturday for My FIRST CRAFT SALE of the Season! -- The UNLOADING of the Vehicle can be most Troublesome IN Rain!!
Meanwhile, HERE's Something COLOURFUL to gander at...
WASHCLOTHS - Done in CAPRI, and One in a "Scrap" Mix of SALMON, MELONS, LIME, and LIMEWHITE.
Then again, I DID go and kill a SPIDER Tonight -- so, KARMA-wise, *anything* could possibly-probably happen in the NOT-so-distant Future!!? -- MY money is on NOAH-Buckets of RAIN, ALL DAY, Tomorrow! ...AS predicted...
Which, I suppose I can "live" with, so long as it CLEARS up for Sunday - when We get to SEE The BABY! And, on NEXT Saturday for My FIRST CRAFT SALE of the Season! -- The UNLOADING of the Vehicle can be most Troublesome IN Rain!!
Meanwhile, HERE's Something COLOURFUL to gander at...
WASHCLOTHS - Done in CAPRI, and One in a "Scrap" Mix of SALMON, MELONS, LIME, and LIMEWHITE.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Fame, Followers, and Fiber..
SO... First off, I just want to give a CONGRATS Shoutout to the Fabulous and now "Famous" CHLOE!! -- The Business BABE of The RAMBLING RENOVATORS.
Whence, We last left Her, Our WASHCLOTH-Wielding-Waif was demonstrating Her wonderous Wiping skills --> [ http://auntieshan.blogspot.com/2010/09/cleaning-up-with-chloe.html ] -- Anyhoo... "Latest" Word has it, that She is now gracing the Insides of a New COOKBOOK! For all of the Delicious Details, CLINK on over to --> [ http://ramblingrenovators.blogspot.com/2010/10/almost-famous.html ]
As for My own bit of "Fame"... YAY! I've picked up more FOLLOWERS! WOOHOO!! -- Welcome to My Madness!!
Oh, I found earlier that Our Newborn PRINCESS LITTLE BIG-RED has *finally* acquired a NAME! AND, that there's a good possibility that We'll be seeing Her this Sunday! More WOOHOO!!
Also, more of My "BABIES"....
Whence, We last left Her, Our WASHCLOTH-Wielding-Waif was demonstrating Her wonderous Wiping skills --> [ http://auntieshan.blogspot.com/2010/09/cleaning-up-with-chloe.html ] -- Anyhoo... "Latest" Word has it, that She is now gracing the Insides of a New COOKBOOK! For all of the Delicious Details, CLINK on over to --> [ http://ramblingrenovators.blogspot.com/2010/10/almost-famous.html ]
As for My own bit of "Fame"... YAY! I've picked up more FOLLOWERS! WOOHOO!! -- Welcome to My Madness!!
Oh, I found earlier that Our Newborn PRINCESS LITTLE BIG-RED has *finally* acquired a NAME! AND, that there's a good possibility that We'll be seeing Her this Sunday! More WOOHOO!!
Also, more of My "BABIES"....
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Revenge of The DRUIDS...
ANOTHER unexciting Day - except perhaps, the slightly "verbal" exchange between FATHER and the OTHER Neighbour... EVIL-TREE LADY.
LONG STORY SHORT [sorta] -- Huge crappy MAPLE TREE on Her side of the Hedge that's always dropping LEAVES and PROPELLER SEEDS and SAP and BRANCHES on Our SIDE. There's even a Big ROOT that's lifting Our Asphalt... A couple of Years ago, She had "some" LIMBS removed, however, a good 70% of the CANOPY is OVER on Our Side still! - Which, makes it look strange, AND uncomfortably over-balanced... Anyhoo... now - due to weird localized Wind Patterns - ALL of the LEAVES are on Our Lawn. And, oh BTW, We ONLY have EVERGREENS on Our Property... Needless to say, FATHER is somewhat "annoyed" at having to FILL several Containers EVERY Week with Her LEAVES...
WARS have been Started over Less, I'm sure... So, I dread at Times as to "where" THIS will all lead... I may have to hire NINJA BEAVERS! Or, perhaps, Educate the SQUIRRELS on the Proper Use of TINY CHAIN-SAWS...?? Then again, there's always MOTHER's Squadron of WOODPECKERS that dine at Her Bird-Feeders...
Meanwhile, Rumour has it that PRINCESS NO-NAME and The MOM were expected to be headed Home Today... But, NO confirmation as yet.
Anyway, between all the "Drama", I made THESE Today...
WASHCLOTHS - Done in SALMON and MELONS. The "actual" Pinkish Colour should be more... well, SALMON. Also, a softer ROSE Shade in the Mixed One. And, less intense.
LONG STORY SHORT [sorta] -- Huge crappy MAPLE TREE on Her side of the Hedge that's always dropping LEAVES and PROPELLER SEEDS and SAP and BRANCHES on Our SIDE. There's even a Big ROOT that's lifting Our Asphalt... A couple of Years ago, She had "some" LIMBS removed, however, a good 70% of the CANOPY is OVER on Our Side still! - Which, makes it look strange, AND uncomfortably over-balanced... Anyhoo... now - due to weird localized Wind Patterns - ALL of the LEAVES are on Our Lawn. And, oh BTW, We ONLY have EVERGREENS on Our Property... Needless to say, FATHER is somewhat "annoyed" at having to FILL several Containers EVERY Week with Her LEAVES...
WARS have been Started over Less, I'm sure... So, I dread at Times as to "where" THIS will all lead... I may have to hire NINJA BEAVERS! Or, perhaps, Educate the SQUIRRELS on the Proper Use of TINY CHAIN-SAWS...?? Then again, there's always MOTHER's Squadron of WOODPECKERS that dine at Her Bird-Feeders...
Meanwhile, Rumour has it that PRINCESS NO-NAME and The MOM were expected to be headed Home Today... But, NO confirmation as yet.
Anyway, between all the "Drama", I made THESE Today...
WASHCLOTHS - Done in SALMON and MELONS. The "actual" Pinkish Colour should be more... well, SALMON. Also, a softer ROSE Shade in the Mixed One. And, less intense.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
"Holiday" *Decor* Mag Day!
AS, previously mentioned, I received a "MAG" Yesterday...
December "Holiday" Issue - STYLE AT HOME:
HEY! Check it out!
I received BABY EASTER's "Adoption" Photo in My E-Mail Box Today!! Word has it that She's doing quite well with Her new Baby-Sister!
December "Holiday" Issue - STYLE AT HOME:
- P. 38 - A new twist on "Grasscloth" WALLPAPER - actual Newspaper Strips.. A rather unique [and pricy] USE for all those Recycled Tabloids!
- P. 44 - Continuing on the "ECO" vein - Recycled Cloth REINDEER. Very "Primitive Art" cute!
- P. 50-51 - PLAIDS! I am so loving the Lines and Fabric on the CHAIR here. And, the RALPH LAUREN FOOTSTOOL - although, I'd prefer a different Upholstry on it.
- P. 68-72 - The MANTEL-PIECE "Stockings" from both the HIGH and LOW Pages are Quaint in their Simplicity. I'm also liking the POUL HENNINGSEN "SNOWBALL" Hanging Lamp
- P. 92 - I really do enjoy the Design of the IKEA "Tradig" BOWL. I can so see this Thing being Flipped over and turned into a Funky LAMP SHADE!
- P. 109 - It's an Advert Page, but the CUPCAKE PILLOW Embroidery Kit is Sweet!! - Pun intended.
- P. 122-129 - Very WINTER Homey. It's the Antique Pieces and FOOT-wide Floor Boards that do it for Me!
- P. 136 [P. 5] - The CRYSTAL CUBE CHANDELIER.. I'm starting to see more of These in the MAGS, and I'm seriously liking Them! -- Elegant, simple, shiny, and appears to WORK with several different Decorating Motifs without being over-powering. The One on this Page is from SOUTH HILL HOME, however, ELTE appears to have More. I have been unable to identify the Designer yet.
- P. 144-149 - KUDOS for doing a "Photo-Spread" on a Traditional Wintertime HOLIDAY Celebration **OTHER THAN** "Christmas"! I'm sure that there are even MORE of Them out there besides HANUKKAH, too...
- P. 158 - Roasted Onions With Stuffing -- YUMM!!
- P. 194 - I really DO have to find Time to get back to doing CREWEL!
![]() |
"BABY EASTER" with Her new MOM and Auntie NANI-W |
HEY! Check it out!
I received BABY EASTER's "Adoption" Photo in My E-Mail Box Today!! Word has it that She's doing quite well with Her new Baby-Sister!
Monday, October 25, 2010
**SHE's** heee-rrre...
APPARENTLY, "Pumpkin"-MOM went into Labour around MIDNIGHT-ish and had the MICE take Her to the Hospital an hour later, to await "BUMP-ERELLA's" imminent arrival... Finally, just after 3am [EST], OUT came.....
...a NOT so "LITTLE" RED-HEADED GIRL disguised as a PRE-TODDLER....?! She topped off at a WHOPPING 10 Pounds, 2 Ounces!! And, ALSO won the Family's Highest Birth-Weight for the last few Generations. However, even at 22.5 Inches long, She was still an Inch shy of MY "Record".
Anyway, NO word as of yet on a Name... Which, doesn't really matter - HERE - as I will be referring to Her as LITTLE PRINCESS BIG-RED - Formerly known as THE BUMP.
Meanwhile, LPB-R and MOM-now-minus-BUMP are doing well. My Niece called MOTHER later in the Morning, and She got to hear Her newest Great-Granddaughter "cry"... THEY all live outside of Town, so I don't know WHEN We'll get to see Our Latest Addition. And, of course, FATHER just has to be entertaining a Cold at present...
BUT, then again... between My Niece, AND My SISTER... The KID will probably be wielding and sucking on Her own CHARGE CARD by the End of the Week!!
BTW, it was also "DECOR MAG" Day - December Issue of STYLE AT HOME. However, I'll save ITS perusal for Tomorrow!
...a NOT so "LITTLE" RED-HEADED GIRL disguised as a PRE-TODDLER....?! She topped off at a WHOPPING 10 Pounds, 2 Ounces!! And, ALSO won the Family's Highest Birth-Weight for the last few Generations. However, even at 22.5 Inches long, She was still an Inch shy of MY "Record".
Anyway, NO word as of yet on a Name... Which, doesn't really matter - HERE - as I will be referring to Her as LITTLE PRINCESS BIG-RED - Formerly known as THE BUMP.
Meanwhile, LPB-R and MOM-now-minus-BUMP are doing well. My Niece called MOTHER later in the Morning, and She got to hear Her newest Great-Granddaughter "cry"... THEY all live outside of Town, so I don't know WHEN We'll get to see Our Latest Addition. And, of course, FATHER just has to be entertaining a Cold at present...
BUT, then again... between My Niece, AND My SISTER... The KID will probably be wielding and sucking on Her own CHARGE CARD by the End of the Week!!
BTW, it was also "DECOR MAG" Day - December Issue of STYLE AT HOME. However, I'll save ITS perusal for Tomorrow!
Sunday, October 24, 2010
**still** WAITING!!
SO. Just another one of those COLD dreary Days... And, NO *news* YET on The BUMP-Waiting-To-Pop!
There's a MAYORAL ELECTION here Tomorrow... I'd "Pencil" in HER Name on the Ballot - IF I knew WHAT it was! - JUST to see if THAT would entice a DEBUT Appearance!
In the Interim, I did several more WASHCLOTHS to pass the Time...
Dipped into My recently acquired FACTORY ENDS "Stash" of EMERALD, KELP, and TIDE DYE for These... [And, remember to ignore the crappy Yellowish Lighting...]
There's a MAYORAL ELECTION here Tomorrow... I'd "Pencil" in HER Name on the Ballot - IF I knew WHAT it was! - JUST to see if THAT would entice a DEBUT Appearance!
In the Interim, I did several more WASHCLOTHS to pass the Time...
Dipped into My recently acquired FACTORY ENDS "Stash" of EMERALD, KELP, and TIDE DYE for These... [And, remember to ignore the crappy Yellowish Lighting...]
Saturday, October 23, 2010
My **100th** Day of POSTING!!
WOW!! Have I been at THIS for THAT Long?!!
ARE You Guys having *FUN* yet?
Anyway... I *had* hoped to "Celebrate" this MILESTONE with a "certain" BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT. But, alas, NOT quite yet... Which, perhaps is a good thing, as Today was already the 1st BIRTHDAY of PRINCESS PRE-TEEN's Other Half-Sister! -- It would have been waay too much DRAMA...
So, I settled for the $7. LOTTERY WIN, the lovely SUNNY Day, and coming across a rather gracious
"Shout Out" in an Interview Article from the wonderfully, multi-Talented *Celebrity* "MOMMY" of One of My "BABIES"! -- THANKS "R"!!
Meanwhile, as to Today's "Adventures"...
Quite often, MOTHER & I come up with a "THEME" Word - or Phrase - for the Day... Today's was:
Seriously, what's the Deal here, People? -- Every time that We came out of some Store and/or Mall EXIT, it was almost like some FLASHOVER!
And, BTW, FYI... it wouldn't HURT to perhaps be DOWNWIND of Everyone ELSE when You "light up" WHILE STANDING IN A CROWDED QUEUE!! Not to mention, when Someone standing NEXT to You, starts "coughing" Their Lungs OUT - that should BE Your first CLUE!
I'm just saying... *MANNERS*!!
Okay, moving on from My personal little Tirade...
After treating the Car to a stretch of FRESHLY Paved Roadway, Our first stop of the Day was at an annually held Church Bazaar in the MANOR PARK Area... For once, I got quick Parking and didn't get Rained on! Which, is probably "WHY" - what with Universal *Balance* being the way it is - We ended up in the Door-Opening-Queue being surrounded by Three SMOKERS!
Sometimes, I find *Karmic* ZEN, to be just a bit MUCH first thing in the Morning...
Whatever, We didn't stay too long, since it was more BAKE and BOOK Sale. However, that still didn't stop us from loading up a BAG of STUFF for about $10. between Us!
Here's some of MY Assortment..
Got THIS pristine NEW ZEALAND [been there!!] LINEN TEA TOWEL at the Bazaar too.
From the Church, it was a stop at the VANIER SALLY ANN, then on to "Grocery" Shopping... We spent the next few Hours with forays to TRAINYARDS, The BIG MALL, THE MALL, and Our local CANADIAN TIRE Store. Where, I met a VERY Strapping OZZIE giving out FREE Mini Tire-Pressure Thingies...
Hmm.. And, it was not long after that "interaction", that I bought that WINNING Lottery Ticket...
-- Okay. So. Perhaps, I am up a couple of Notches on that whole "KARMA" deal Today, after all...
ARE You Guys having *FUN* yet?
Anyway... I *had* hoped to "Celebrate" this MILESTONE with a "certain" BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT. But, alas, NOT quite yet... Which, perhaps is a good thing, as Today was already the 1st BIRTHDAY of PRINCESS PRE-TEEN's Other Half-Sister! -- It would have been waay too much DRAMA...
So, I settled for the $7. LOTTERY WIN, the lovely SUNNY Day, and coming across a rather gracious
"Shout Out" in an Interview Article from the wonderfully, multi-Talented *Celebrity* "MOMMY" of One of My "BABIES"! -- THANKS "R"!!
Meanwhile, as to Today's "Adventures"...
Quite often, MOTHER & I come up with a "THEME" Word - or Phrase - for the Day... Today's was:
Seriously, what's the Deal here, People? -- Every time that We came out of some Store and/or Mall EXIT, it was almost like some FLASHOVER!
And, BTW, FYI... it wouldn't HURT to perhaps be DOWNWIND of Everyone ELSE when You "light up" WHILE STANDING IN A CROWDED QUEUE!! Not to mention, when Someone standing NEXT to You, starts "coughing" Their Lungs OUT - that should BE Your first CLUE!
I'm just saying... *MANNERS*!!
Okay, moving on from My personal little Tirade...
After treating the Car to a stretch of FRESHLY Paved Roadway, Our first stop of the Day was at an annually held Church Bazaar in the MANOR PARK Area... For once, I got quick Parking and didn't get Rained on! Which, is probably "WHY" - what with Universal *Balance* being the way it is - We ended up in the Door-Opening-Queue being surrounded by Three SMOKERS!
Sometimes, I find *Karmic* ZEN, to be just a bit MUCH first thing in the Morning...
Whatever, We didn't stay too long, since it was more BAKE and BOOK Sale. However, that still didn't stop us from loading up a BAG of STUFF for about $10. between Us!
Here's some of MY Assortment..
- A Box of NOTE CARDS featuring a selection of 19th Century "Classical Romance" Art Pieces.
- A PURSE made of MOTHER-OF-PEARL Chips.
- A skillfully done FLORAL CROSS-STITCH on Satin - Ready to be sewn into a Cushion Cover.
- A HAZELWARE "Colony" BOWL - one of two that were later purchased at the nearby SALLY ANN.
Got THIS pristine NEW ZEALAND [been there!!] LINEN TEA TOWEL at the Bazaar too.
From the Church, it was a stop at the VANIER SALLY ANN, then on to "Grocery" Shopping... We spent the next few Hours with forays to TRAINYARDS, The BIG MALL, THE MALL, and Our local CANADIAN TIRE Store. Where, I met a VERY Strapping OZZIE giving out FREE Mini Tire-Pressure Thingies...
Hmm.. And, it was not long after that "interaction", that I bought that WINNING Lottery Ticket...
-- Okay. So. Perhaps, I am up a couple of Notches on that whole "KARMA" deal Today, after all...
Friday, October 22, 2010
..Hey.. Was THAT a *SNOW*-Flake?!!
FOR the "Record"... I have YET to Personally *actually* SEE a SNOWFLAKE... However, there were Reports of "possible" SIGHTINGS earlier in the Day in the Outlying Areas... And, the odd Rumour of Them showing up Tonight. Which, wouldn't surprise Me at all, as it was freaking FREEZING Today!!
I believe the *EVIL* Word - "WINDCHILL" - may have been HEARD upon the strongly gusting BREEZES...
I sooo stayed INDOORS!
Did some Cyber-"House-Keeping", caught up on My E-Mailing, whipped up THESE WASHCLOTHS in that new TIDE DYE Yarn....
Meanwhile, would like to get a couple more done BEFORE I turn in... We've got a Big Church Rummage Sale to check out in the Morning! With this COLD, it's highly doubtful that ANYone would Brave doing a Yard Sale! -- It's the warmth of Church "Basement" Bazaar Season now.
I believe the *EVIL* Word - "WINDCHILL" - may have been HEARD upon the strongly gusting BREEZES...
I sooo stayed INDOORS!
Did some Cyber-"House-Keeping", caught up on My E-Mailing, whipped up THESE WASHCLOTHS in that new TIDE DYE Yarn....
Meanwhile, would like to get a couple more done BEFORE I turn in... We've got a Big Church Rummage Sale to check out in the Morning! With this COLD, it's highly doubtful that ANYone would Brave doing a Yard Sale! -- It's the warmth of Church "Basement" Bazaar Season now.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
CRAFT SHOW "Season" Has NOW Started
"HOLIDAY" Craft Show Season... The FIRST of the Major "Regulars" is The SIGNATURES Show over at LANSDOWNE PARK. Four days of Artsy/Crafty CANADIAN HANDMADE STUFF!
SEE! MOTHER even bought Me The BAG! -- Has Anyone else "noticed", that it's no longer "Getting-The-T-Shirt" - but, "Getting-The-RECYCLED-MADE-Bag"...?
Personally, I still believe that the
"Clothing" is by far, much more useful. Think about it... You can "wear" it AND, use it as a
But, I digress...
Anyway, We got THERE around 11-ish... When it was still mostly SUNNY out. Was WINDY too - You could "almost" SMELL the "Snow" in the AIR...
There was a good Crowd, but thankfully, NOT over-whelming. Lots and Lots of COOL STUFF! Spotted a few RHINOS... One of the Regular ARTISANS is a GLASS-BLOWER. Pretty much ALL of His Items have GOLD in them! Hence, they were on the Higher Price side, but still exquisitely fashioned. He had 2 RHINOS! Very SHINY! And, Tempting....
Speaking of My FINE ART "Fetish", the Other One I had located, was at the ALICIA WISHART Booth. She does these brilliantly VIVID-Coloured Acrylic PAINTINGS of Animals... Yet, manages to transform whatever striking Hues into amazing Visual TEXTURE. Check out Her Website GALLERY - the PURPLE RHINO is to WISH FOR! Definitely on My "LOTTERY LIST"!
Another favourite Booth had these Fantastic "CUTTING" BOARDS/TRAYS... Made by ANDY BENKO - MILVERTON FURNITURE He had a vast selection of Exotic Woods. Most were TOO beautifully done to USE Food around them!
We ended up spending a good twenty minutes or so, chatting with TWO enchanting YOUNG LADIES from Montreal, who do THESE absolutely Fun-looking FELTED Pieces!
MARILOU is the one on the RIGHT. I never did get the Other One's name.
Whatever, They were wonderful to converse with! And, I think I may have managed to convince MARILOU to start Her own BLOG. I'll let You know if She does.
Meanwhile, as We were leaving Their Booth, I was "spotted" by one of MY Regular CUSTOMERS! -- Ahh... Business "Recognition", gotta luv it!
Eventually, We tore Ourselves away... I didn't want to get stuck in any of the approaching "Rush Hour" Traffic. Along the Route, We stopped off at BILLINGS BRIDGE MALL for few moments. I usually have to turn in there anyway, to get onto the proper Road... I think I spent more time PARKING, than IN the MALL!
FYI, People! The "LINES" are there FOR a Reason!
BTW, remember My "little" FACTORY ENDS "Haul" of the Other Day... I managed to "convince" MOTHER into making a STOP at that "Location"... The End RESULT - cashed in My available STORE POINTS and picked up 5 MORE Bags!
I *really* NEED to SORT out My YARN & Other STUFF Room!
OH! Hey! My SISTER and BIG-D dropped by Tonight on Their way to MOM+BUMP-Waiting-To-POP!
They'll be in the "Area" for a while... AND, with many a Tale to Tell, I'm sure!
"HOLIDAY" Craft Show Season... The FIRST of the Major "Regulars" is The SIGNATURES Show over at LANSDOWNE PARK. Four days of Artsy/Crafty CANADIAN HANDMADE STUFF!
SEE! MOTHER even bought Me The BAG! -- Has Anyone else "noticed", that it's no longer "Getting-The-T-Shirt" - but, "Getting-The-RECYCLED-MADE-Bag"...?
Personally, I still believe that the
"Clothing" is by far, much more useful. Think about it... You can "wear" it AND, use it as a
But, I digress...
Anyway, We got THERE around 11-ish... When it was still mostly SUNNY out. Was WINDY too - You could "almost" SMELL the "Snow" in the AIR...
There was a good Crowd, but thankfully, NOT over-whelming. Lots and Lots of COOL STUFF! Spotted a few RHINOS... One of the Regular ARTISANS is a GLASS-BLOWER. Pretty much ALL of His Items have GOLD in them! Hence, they were on the Higher Price side, but still exquisitely fashioned. He had 2 RHINOS! Very SHINY! And, Tempting....
Speaking of My FINE ART "Fetish", the Other One I had located, was at the ALICIA WISHART Booth. She does these brilliantly VIVID-Coloured Acrylic PAINTINGS of Animals... Yet, manages to transform whatever striking Hues into amazing Visual TEXTURE. Check out Her Website GALLERY - the PURPLE RHINO is to WISH FOR! Definitely on My "LOTTERY LIST"!
Another favourite Booth had these Fantastic "CUTTING" BOARDS/TRAYS... Made by ANDY BENKO - MILVERTON FURNITURE He had a vast selection of Exotic Woods. Most were TOO beautifully done to USE Food around them!
![]() |
We ended up spending a good twenty minutes or so, chatting with TWO enchanting YOUNG LADIES from Montreal, who do THESE absolutely Fun-looking FELTED Pieces!
MARILOU is the one on the RIGHT. I never did get the Other One's name.
Whatever, They were wonderful to converse with! And, I think I may have managed to convince MARILOU to start Her own BLOG. I'll let You know if She does.
Meanwhile, as We were leaving Their Booth, I was "spotted" by one of MY Regular CUSTOMERS! -- Ahh... Business "Recognition", gotta luv it!
Eventually, We tore Ourselves away... I didn't want to get stuck in any of the approaching "Rush Hour" Traffic. Along the Route, We stopped off at BILLINGS BRIDGE MALL for few moments. I usually have to turn in there anyway, to get onto the proper Road... I think I spent more time PARKING, than IN the MALL!
FYI, People! The "LINES" are there FOR a Reason!
BTW, remember My "little" FACTORY ENDS "Haul" of the Other Day... I managed to "convince" MOTHER into making a STOP at that "Location"... The End RESULT - cashed in My available STORE POINTS and picked up 5 MORE Bags!
I *really* NEED to SORT out My YARN & Other STUFF Room!
OH! Hey! My SISTER and BIG-D dropped by Tonight on Their way to MOM+BUMP-Waiting-To-POP!
They'll be in the "Area" for a while... AND, with many a Tale to Tell, I'm sure!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
..a slight Miscalculation..
HMM... It's one those "weird" NUMBERS Days again - 20.10.2010 !
And, according to ALL of My Horrible-Scopes - a Super-Wonderful-Fantastic-Awesome-Big-Win-Success-Is-Knocking-At-Your-Door-Yadda-Yadda DAY!!
O-kaay... I think, that I've just PROVEN the Theory of the Existence of ALTERNATE UNIVERSES!
Because, all of that *GREATNESS* sure wasn't making any Cameo Appearances in MY little corner of THIS Universe.
Not to say, that it was a "Bad" Day... Just, a NORMAL Non-descript Day. -- You know, got a Credit Card Bill in the MAIL, FATHER got His FLU SHOT [and, is now imbued with Immunity Super Powers!], then went "shopping" with MOTHER whilst I, remained Home and "vegged" Online...
Later, MOTHER went with Our Neighbour and Crafting Cohort - MADAME-Q - over to a 2-Hour
"Surprise" HALF PRICE SALE at the SALLY ANN. I would have gone with Them, but wouldn't have been ready in time. Instead, decided to stay put and play around with that WHITE BUFFALO YARN that I got Yesterday...
It comes in 6-Strands of UNSPUN Fiber... I think that WHEN, I get around to doing Something with it, that I'll likely separate it to either 2- or 3-Strand Balls. I knitted up a couple of SWATCHES Tonight... And, will check out how they FELT up later.
Anyhow, as it turns out, I didn't MISS anything. In fact, MOTHER suspects that several Prices had gone UP on a number of Items... Including, those METAL SHELF RACKS that I've been pining over.
Last Saturday, I was "quoted" a Price of $5.99 EACH on them. And, probably could've gotten them Yesterday at that Price too.... But Tonight, apparently they were going for $14.99!!
I suppose that solves THAT little Decor "Infatuation"... I probably shouldn't have drooled over them so much Yesterday... oh well..
BUT, *not* to Despair! MADAME-Q was a real SWEETHEART and bought Me THIS lovely BLUE & WHITE PORCELINE CUP for My
I *had* seen it There before, but thought it was a tad Costly, and was a GOOD GIRL in *not* Buying it at the Time.
Meanwhile, She also gave Me THIS wonderful NEEDLEWORK CANVAS that had been included in some bag of OTHER Things that She had picked up at some Yard Sale recently.
The COLOURS are much more pleasing in Person. The Background BROWNS are actually PURPLES!
The Needler who did the STITCHWORK, did an expert job at not wasting any YARN! However, over Time and with perhaps, a bit of Shrinkage due to probable moisture exposure, the CANVAS is in *need* of a Proper STRETCHING. -- A Future "Project"...
Until then, I'm loving the Hues! AND, I *do* have STUFF that will "go" with IT!
Alright... Maybe a Normal-PLUS Day, after all...
And, according to ALL of My Horrible-Scopes - a Super-Wonderful-Fantastic-Awesome-Big-Win-Success-Is-Knocking-At-Your-Door-Yadda-Yadda DAY!!
O-kaay... I think, that I've just PROVEN the Theory of the Existence of ALTERNATE UNIVERSES!
Because, all of that *GREATNESS* sure wasn't making any Cameo Appearances in MY little corner of THIS Universe.
Not to say, that it was a "Bad" Day... Just, a NORMAL Non-descript Day. -- You know, got a Credit Card Bill in the MAIL, FATHER got His FLU SHOT [and, is now imbued with Immunity Super Powers!], then went "shopping" with MOTHER whilst I, remained Home and "vegged" Online...
Later, MOTHER went with Our Neighbour and Crafting Cohort - MADAME-Q - over to a 2-Hour
"Surprise" HALF PRICE SALE at the SALLY ANN. I would have gone with Them, but wouldn't have been ready in time. Instead, decided to stay put and play around with that WHITE BUFFALO YARN that I got Yesterday...
![]() |
just a Yarn DOODLE... - actual size |
It comes in 6-Strands of UNSPUN Fiber... I think that WHEN, I get around to doing Something with it, that I'll likely separate it to either 2- or 3-Strand Balls. I knitted up a couple of SWATCHES Tonight... And, will check out how they FELT up later.
Anyhow, as it turns out, I didn't MISS anything. In fact, MOTHER suspects that several Prices had gone UP on a number of Items... Including, those METAL SHELF RACKS that I've been pining over.
Last Saturday, I was "quoted" a Price of $5.99 EACH on them. And, probably could've gotten them Yesterday at that Price too.... But Tonight, apparently they were going for $14.99!!
I suppose that solves THAT little Decor "Infatuation"... I probably shouldn't have drooled over them so much Yesterday... oh well..
BUT, *not* to Despair! MADAME-Q was a real SWEETHEART and bought Me THIS lovely BLUE & WHITE PORCELINE CUP for My
I *had* seen it There before, but thought it was a tad Costly, and was a GOOD GIRL in *not* Buying it at the Time.
Meanwhile, She also gave Me THIS wonderful NEEDLEWORK CANVAS that had been included in some bag of OTHER Things that She had picked up at some Yard Sale recently.
![]() |
"PALLAS ATHENE" - Made by COATS [& ANCHOR] - England. |
The COLOURS are much more pleasing in Person. The Background BROWNS are actually PURPLES!
The Needler who did the STITCHWORK, did an expert job at not wasting any YARN! However, over Time and with perhaps, a bit of Shrinkage due to probable moisture exposure, the CANVAS is in *need* of a Proper STRETCHING. -- A Future "Project"...
Until then, I'm loving the Hues! AND, I *do* have STUFF that will "go" with IT!
Alright... Maybe a Normal-PLUS Day, after all...
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
FASTING - It really is a matter of MIND over MUNCHIES!
MOTHER and I were scheduled to get Our FLU SHOTS Today over at Our Doctor's Office. But, FIRST, I had to get My semi-annual BLOODWORK done. Which, meant having to do that 12-Hour FASTING thing...
Amazing, isn't it? There have been countless times, when I've gone without, for that amount of time due to Travel or, whatever situation, with no problems. Sleeping, helps considerably. BUT, when faced with a "planned" FAST, The TASTEBUDS and BRAIN CHEMISTRY, seem do their utmost to mess with Your MIND!
Thankfully, I managed to SLEEP through most of the Tasteless TORTURE!
In the meantime, there was a change in the Regular "Game Plan"... The Bloodwork "Clinic" where I usually go to, is in the SAME Building Complex as My Doctor's, however, it suffered some storm damage last month and is being currently renovated. So, I had to go to the Other "Clinic"...
A much larger facility, where One has to TAKE A NUMBER and, WAIT! -- I miss My Regular Place...
Overall, an HOUR of My Day was spent being JABBED and VAMPed. Afterward, ate My "Breakfast", checked My E-Mail and Whatnot... Ooo! Got another new Country on My BLOOG STATS! Whoever it was from COLUMBIA, You just got Me up to 35 Countries on 6 Continents!
Now... If I could JUST get "Someone" who works in the ANTARCTIC...
Anyway, an hour later and, We were off to get Our FLU SHOTS. Oh, BTW, did I mention the Part about FATHER coming with Us...? -- That pretty much DOUBLED the "Schedule"...
Afterward, We dropped by the nearby SALLY ANN to unload some Clothing Donations. MOTHER and I did a quick once over of the Place. - Oh, look! SENIORS' TUESDAY SALE - 20% OFF!
Guess WHAT We bought?
THIS is My BUNCH. The Actual COLOURS are a bit deeper than what they are here. The OLIVE one on the Left is a darker, Greener Tone. As for the Purples, the Bottom One is closer to the Shade of the Top One - as it appears here - which is closer to an Aubergine. They're 100% WOOL, Canadian... From WHITE BUFFALO Yarn.
Okay, I've just done some quick & dirty "research" on this Stuff.... Apparently, it's used to make COWICHAN Style Sweaters. It's also UNSPUN, DISCONTINUED, and just a bit High Maintenance in the using and washing departments... FELTS easily! Hmm...
Anyway, We didn't stay as long as We would have preferred - FATHER was alone in the Car. With, His newspaper and the Window opened up a crack...
Oh! And, those METAL RACK STANDS from Saturday were STILL there! Which, I probably would have gotten with the SALE, but, since there were THREE of Us in the Vehicle... It just wasn't happening. --Then, it was the usual "Grocery" hotspots along the Route HOME...
BTW, as promised, a Pic of Yesterday's YARN Purchases.
NOT the EXACT Colours! The EMERALD Green is much more vibrant. The KELP Mix, more rich. The Insert Pic - is not so Grey, more "Blue Jean". I'm calling it BLUE STONE. And, the Blue-Green Mix will be known as TIDE DYE.
MOTHER and I were scheduled to get Our FLU SHOTS Today over at Our Doctor's Office. But, FIRST, I had to get My semi-annual BLOODWORK done. Which, meant having to do that 12-Hour FASTING thing...
Amazing, isn't it? There have been countless times, when I've gone without, for that amount of time due to Travel or, whatever situation, with no problems. Sleeping, helps considerably. BUT, when faced with a "planned" FAST, The TASTEBUDS and BRAIN CHEMISTRY, seem do their utmost to mess with Your MIND!
Thankfully, I managed to SLEEP through most of the Tasteless TORTURE!
In the meantime, there was a change in the Regular "Game Plan"... The Bloodwork "Clinic" where I usually go to, is in the SAME Building Complex as My Doctor's, however, it suffered some storm damage last month and is being currently renovated. So, I had to go to the Other "Clinic"...
A much larger facility, where One has to TAKE A NUMBER and, WAIT! -- I miss My Regular Place...
Overall, an HOUR of My Day was spent being JABBED and VAMPed. Afterward, ate My "Breakfast", checked My E-Mail and Whatnot... Ooo! Got another new Country on My BLOOG STATS! Whoever it was from COLUMBIA, You just got Me up to 35 Countries on 6 Continents!
Now... If I could JUST get "Someone" who works in the ANTARCTIC...
Anyway, an hour later and, We were off to get Our FLU SHOTS. Oh, BTW, did I mention the Part about FATHER coming with Us...? -- That pretty much DOUBLED the "Schedule"...
Afterward, We dropped by the nearby SALLY ANN to unload some Clothing Donations. MOTHER and I did a quick once over of the Place. - Oh, look! SENIORS' TUESDAY SALE - 20% OFF!
Guess WHAT We bought?
THIS is My BUNCH. The Actual COLOURS are a bit deeper than what they are here. The OLIVE one on the Left is a darker, Greener Tone. As for the Purples, the Bottom One is closer to the Shade of the Top One - as it appears here - which is closer to an Aubergine. They're 100% WOOL, Canadian... From WHITE BUFFALO Yarn.
Okay, I've just done some quick & dirty "research" on this Stuff.... Apparently, it's used to make COWICHAN Style Sweaters. It's also UNSPUN, DISCONTINUED, and just a bit High Maintenance in the using and washing departments... FELTS easily! Hmm...
Anyway, We didn't stay as long as We would have preferred - FATHER was alone in the Car. With, His newspaper and the Window opened up a crack...
Oh! And, those METAL RACK STANDS from Saturday were STILL there! Which, I probably would have gotten with the SALE, but, since there were THREE of Us in the Vehicle... It just wasn't happening. --Then, it was the usual "Grocery" hotspots along the Route HOME...
BTW, as promised, a Pic of Yesterday's YARN Purchases.
NOT the EXACT Colours! The EMERALD Green is much more vibrant. The KELP Mix, more rich. The Insert Pic - is not so Grey, more "Blue Jean". I'm calling it BLUE STONE. And, the Blue-Green Mix will be known as TIDE DYE.
Monday, October 18, 2010
..Psst! Is the Coast Clear...?
HAVE to SNEAK this "large" BAG of YARN past The ELDERLY PARENTAL-UNITS into the House...
"FACTORY ENDS"... what else?! Oooo... and, in *new* COLOURS!! AND, they were ON SALE! Sorta... "Technically", they were LESS than what they've been since the Price had "recently" gone up. However, still a bit MORE than what they had been a few Months back.
Then, there's the Part, where I got these at the OTHER "Store" and SHOULD have done so on Saturday, when I COULD have gotten EXTRA "Store BONUS Points"!
-- Hang on... I just looked at My Receipt... Hmm.. I actually did get a bunch of BONUS Points Today - just not as much as I could of the Other Day... BUT, I do NOW have enough for a $10. GIFT CARD! WOOHOO!
And, We ALL *know* WHAT That's going to be SPENT on, huh?!
So, let's check out WHAT I got! -- BTW, "THIS" is the Spot, where I would INSERT a Pic of My "Purchases", but... the BATTERIES just went Out on My CAMERA! I'll try to pop a Pic in Tomorrow.
Anyhoo, back to My Booty! Only picked up 9 Packages, as I DIDN'T have a Cart with Me! The first shelf I had checked - where they usually are - only had One Bag. Then, I went around to the Other Aisle... BINGO! -- There's this Shelf with a TREASURE TROVE! Grabbed whatever I could CARRY.
There were several Bags of This Mix that I call "KELP" - with its Ferny Greens, Marine Blue, Brownish-Aubergine, and Flaxish Golds... Picked up a few of Those. There was also, the Kelly Green - NOT, a Hue that I'm particularly fond of - however, I haven't seen it before and, Others may like it. A couple of those Packages had Balls of that new Denim Shade, so I chose them, too.
There was also a Package of various Light Blues and Greens in that TIE DYE Mix. And, a Bag of BROWN in a Different Type of YARN. Which, was also a COTTON, so I got it as well - seeing as it really is a Rare Colour around Here for a COTTON.
Meanwhile, I'll have to come up with Something to DO with all that GREEN... That, will hopefully
SELL at My upcoming CRAFT SALES!!
"FACTORY ENDS"... what else?! Oooo... and, in *new* COLOURS!! AND, they were ON SALE! Sorta... "Technically", they were LESS than what they've been since the Price had "recently" gone up. However, still a bit MORE than what they had been a few Months back.
Then, there's the Part, where I got these at the OTHER "Store" and SHOULD have done so on Saturday, when I COULD have gotten EXTRA "Store BONUS Points"!
-- Hang on... I just looked at My Receipt... Hmm.. I actually did get a bunch of BONUS Points Today - just not as much as I could of the Other Day... BUT, I do NOW have enough for a $10. GIFT CARD! WOOHOO!
And, We ALL *know* WHAT That's going to be SPENT on, huh?!
So, let's check out WHAT I got! -- BTW, "THIS" is the Spot, where I would INSERT a Pic of My "Purchases", but... the BATTERIES just went Out on My CAMERA! I'll try to pop a Pic in Tomorrow.
Anyhoo, back to My Booty! Only picked up 9 Packages, as I DIDN'T have a Cart with Me! The first shelf I had checked - where they usually are - only had One Bag. Then, I went around to the Other Aisle... BINGO! -- There's this Shelf with a TREASURE TROVE! Grabbed whatever I could CARRY.
There were several Bags of This Mix that I call "KELP" - with its Ferny Greens, Marine Blue, Brownish-Aubergine, and Flaxish Golds... Picked up a few of Those. There was also, the Kelly Green - NOT, a Hue that I'm particularly fond of - however, I haven't seen it before and, Others may like it. A couple of those Packages had Balls of that new Denim Shade, so I chose them, too.
There was also a Package of various Light Blues and Greens in that TIE DYE Mix. And, a Bag of BROWN in a Different Type of YARN. Which, was also a COTTON, so I got it as well - seeing as it really is a Rare Colour around Here for a COTTON.
Meanwhile, I'll have to come up with Something to DO with all that GREEN... That, will hopefully
SELL at My upcoming CRAFT SALES!!
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