Sunday, November 4, 2012

CRAFT SALE-*MISSION*-ONE Successfully Accomplished!


-- yeah. yeah. GUYS... Go ahead and fling with those FAIRIES! BUT, come Monday, You're all BACK on the CIRCULAR-NEEDLES! You've got RE-Stocking and a CUSTOM Order to DO, whilst I, return to THE GREAT-SORT...

hmm... The OLD-EURO-LADY is *back* in the Entry-Corner-Spot and, with TWO Tables! - nuts!

That means, Mine are *closer* to the WALL-of-WINDOWS and, UNLESS there are CLOUDS, the SUNRISE will *OBSCURE* Half of My TABLES... Well, at least She's not completely Blocking My RACK-VIEW with Her's like She did 2-years-ago!


I left the HOUSE about 10-Minutes *LATER* than I had Hoped! - LUCKILY, I managed to GET GREEN-LIGHTS at ALL of the Crucial INTERSECTIONS and, that the PRE-Dawn TRAFFIC was SPARCE in the Direction that I was

Actually, My *Longest* WAIT was for the LEFT-TURNING-LIGHT *AT* the CHURCH!

By the Time I finished with the 5-TRIPS-to-the-CAR-UNLOAD, it still TOOK Me an HOUR to SET-UP!

Then, just when I had *HOPED* to make a Pre-
, One of the OTHER-Vendors who was doing
a "Tour" of The ROOM
*stopped-by*! - [...great...]

- [in particularly, My MOA-BOAs] - WHEN, She *ASKS* IF I'd be "willing" to SELL Her *MY*

    [INSERT - the AUDIO of a RECORD-PLAYER-NEEDLE coming to a SCREECHING HALT! And, a Mental-BLINK! - As in, perhaps I'm still IN Bed actually GETTING some Sleep and "this" is just some Weird "DREAM"..? - nope..]

oh-kay... THAT is soooo-NOT-*ever*-going-to-HAPPEN!

I *politely* replied, "NO"!

Granted, I should probably be grateful that She actually *ASKED*, rather than outright "Pirate" IT. -- But, seriously? I'M having *enough* Difficulty TRYING to SELL the SCARVES MYSELF! Does She really *imagine* that She's going to "Corner-The-MARKET"?!

So much for "CREATIVITY" on HER Part!


, *much* "INTEREST" in My WARES, I still DIDN'T get My *FIRST*-SALE until just over an HOUR *IN*!!

I'll Admit, IT was just a wee bit DEPRESSING for a while! - Especially, WHEN I'm noticing that the SURROUNDING-VENDORS are *SELLING* like CRAZY! -- Including, the PRICE-UNDER-CUTTING-WASHCLOTH-COMPETITION right *across* from Me!!

THANKFULLY, "SALES" soon picked UP!

THREE of My HATS were given *NEW-HEADS* to Roost upon! "EMBERS" - [ABOVE].
As well as "ROSE-BANA" and "KRISTIN" - [ABOVE LEFT Pic - the TWO HATS on the Upper Left].

Actually, "KRISTIN" was quite Popular... I'm going to have to Make ANOTHER One for a CUSTOMER who had run out of Cash, but really *wanted* IT!

A Good Number of WASHCLOTHS went - [Even when I was PACKING THEM UP, I had a BUYER!]
-- I'll have to get THE ELVES started on more of THOSE, too!

AND, a REALLY-SWEET-LITTLE-OLD-LADY Bought a MOA-BOA!! Along with some WASHCLOTHS... [I *really* LIKED HER!!]

You know... Come to think of it, "BUSINESS" picked up considerably AFTER That... hmm...


IT was a LOOOOONNNNGGGG *EXHAUSTING* - yet, PROFITABLE DAY! However, I was extremely *WASTED* for the remainder of the EVENING... That TIME-CHANGE-Thingy *helped* a LOT!

Sooo... TWO-WEEKS until the NEXT SHOW... With TONS-YET-TO-DO!! - But, I made *ENOUGH* with THIS ONE to "COVER" My COSTS for BOTH! Which, will make the NEXT-ONE a whole lot LESS *STRESSFUL*!! -- At least, "Mentally"... NO Guarantees on the REST of My BODY-PARTS though!

I seriously do NEED "CLONES"... And, a Larger Vehicle... BTW, LOTTERY NUMBERS that *WORK* would be GOOD, too!
-- just saying...


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