A bit of a WINDCHILL...
Anyhoo, I was SAVING My "Super-Powers" with VEGGING - and, doing a few more Inches on that Latest HAT - as I "enjoyed" the "CALM" before The-Predicted-Overnight-And-ALL-Day-Tomorrow-IT-Could-Get-Stupid-NASTY-SNOW-DUMP that I *might* have to [cough!
I have a RE-Scheduled-I-NEED-to-go-to-Appointment DOWNTOWN, that won't afford Me the TIME *or* ENERGY, to SHOVEL *and* BUS it through Messy-TRAFFIC!! - With Luck, I "might"
be HOME early enough to do a "little bit" of Clearing-up, LATER..?? ...maybe..? ..probably NOT!
Whatever, FRIDAY is *already* "Scheduled" as a "SCOOP & SHOVEL" DAY! -- We're "supposed" to get RAIN... HIGHER Temps... I *knew* I should have Bought one of those WETSUITS at COSTCO the Other Day - I just didn't like the Colours...
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
RIBBONing Knotty & Nice in BLACK & WEISS!
Found only ONE of the HOUNDSTOOTH - which, *I'm* Keeping! - I picked up a Few "Extras" of the REST... THOSE, will be going to "AUNTIE"-PRINCESS-MOM.
THESE OTHERS are for Me as well... And, the "IRISH"-COOKIE-CUTTER!
Oh! ..Look! Got more WOOL YARN, too... The LAST Two BALLS of that Shade!
IT was a Great SUNNY Day! And, We managed to GET What needed Doing DONE! -- I should have Taken a Picture, as the Remainder of The WEEK promises to be CRAPPY!!
Found only ONE of the HOUNDSTOOTH - which, *I'm* Keeping! - I picked up a Few "Extras" of the REST... THOSE, will be going to "AUNTIE"-PRINCESS-MOM.
THESE OTHERS are for Me as well... And, the "IRISH"-COOKIE-CUTTER!
Oh! ..Look! Got more WOOL YARN, too... The LAST Two BALLS of that Shade!
IT was a Great SUNNY Day! And, We managed to GET What needed Doing DONE! -- I should have Taken a Picture, as the Remainder of The WEEK promises to be CRAPPY!!
Monday, February 27, 2012
Well..So much for THAT "Plan"!
REALLY?! -- IT couldn't have just SNOWED *OVER*night..? You know, just to get IT out of ITS "Low-Pressure-System"..? Then, I would have done a Quickie-Shovel - [enough for The CAR to get out] - and, We could have carried out Our "MISSION-OF-THE-DAY".
BUT, alas, NO! IT was not to be... There was, "NO" Checking-out of the *Big* VALUE-VILLAGE Sale! - [MOTHER will be Peeved about THAT for at least a Week, I'm sure!] - "NO" going over to THE BIG MALL to do "Stuff" There...
Instead... SNOW-FLURRIES *HIT* just before We were going to "get-ready" to leave!
"REPORTS" stated that Said Precipitation, would Continue for MOST of the Afternoon..?
-- I *don't* Drive in Those Conditions, even IF IT does Melt... And, I have enough STRESS dealing with Stupid-Drivers *when* the Weather is Good! So, in Flash-Whiteout Conditions..?
I don't think so!!
I stayed IN! - There was Cyber-Stuff to do anyway...
"PLAN B" - *WAIT* for the SNOW to STOP, then hit The SHOVEL "Later"... Naturally, IT did
"stop", not long AFTERWARD. -- I suppose, that I probably *could* have Salvaged SOME of
"PLAN A" at that Point..? BUT, I wasn't buying into *that* bit of Hanging-FROZEN-Fruit!
AUNTIE *KNOWS* Better!! -- [oh! Look! IT's SNOWING again, JUST as I'm about to go Out and SHOVEL..]
Okay... So, the GOOD NEWS is, the 4-plus-Inches was LIGHT-WISPY-FLAKES! The BAD NEWS, 4-plus-Inches, and PLUS more FILLING-UP-BEHIND-ME!! -- oh. And, the way the SNOW packed-up underfoot, I kept leaving these FROZEN-SNOW-FOOTPRINTS!?!
Several FOSSILIZED-DINOSAUR-FOOTPRINT Theories flitted across My dis-SHOVELed-Synapses! - [I have NO "Life", remember..?]
FAST-FROZEN-FORWARD... Rumour has it, that Tomorrow is *suppose* to be "SUNNY"??!
-- IT had BETTER BE!! As, We have "PLAN A-Plus" scheduled! "NO" matter What!
Until THEN, I'm gonna get Back to THIS...
BUT, alas, NO! IT was not to be... There was, "NO" Checking-out of the *Big* VALUE-VILLAGE Sale! - [MOTHER will be Peeved about THAT for at least a Week, I'm sure!] - "NO" going over to THE BIG MALL to do "Stuff" There...
Instead... SNOW-FLURRIES *HIT* just before We were going to "get-ready" to leave!
"REPORTS" stated that Said Precipitation, would Continue for MOST of the Afternoon..?
-- I *don't* Drive in Those Conditions, even IF IT does Melt... And, I have enough STRESS dealing with Stupid-Drivers *when* the Weather is Good! So, in Flash-Whiteout Conditions..?
I don't think so!!
I stayed IN! - There was Cyber-Stuff to do anyway...
"PLAN B" - *WAIT* for the SNOW to STOP, then hit The SHOVEL "Later"... Naturally, IT did
"stop", not long AFTERWARD. -- I suppose, that I probably *could* have Salvaged SOME of
"PLAN A" at that Point..? BUT, I wasn't buying into *that* bit of Hanging-FROZEN-Fruit!
AUNTIE *KNOWS* Better!! -- [oh! Look! IT's SNOWING again, JUST as I'm about to go Out and SHOVEL..]
Okay... So, the GOOD NEWS is, the 4-plus-Inches was LIGHT-WISPY-FLAKES! The BAD NEWS, 4-plus-Inches, and PLUS more FILLING-UP-BEHIND-ME!! -- oh. And, the way the SNOW packed-up underfoot, I kept leaving these FROZEN-SNOW-FOOTPRINTS!?!
Several FOSSILIZED-DINOSAUR-FOOTPRINT Theories flitted across My dis-SHOVELed-Synapses! - [I have NO "Life", remember..?]
FAST-FROZEN-FORWARD... Rumour has it, that Tomorrow is *suppose* to be "SUNNY"??!
-- IT had BETTER BE!! As, We have "PLAN A-Plus" scheduled! "NO" matter What!
Until THEN, I'm gonna get Back to THIS...
Sunday, February 26, 2012
"..And the *OSCAR* Wiener for BEST-DRESSED-CANINE in Dramatic-Screenwriting is..."
Better-Known Here at THE-BLOOG as "FANG"!
Currently under Long-Term-Contract - [that
"Dog-Years" Clause is a killer!] - with Novelist-TV-Screenwriter-Producer TREVOR MUNSON,
"HOLLYWOOD"-HOBBES possesses quite the Resume...
● Literary-Muse-Production-Office-Manager-Coffee-Mug-Licker - [duh! They don't clean themselves you know..]
● "Ghost"-WRITER - [Seriously? Did you actually think that THE-*SHERLOCK*-HOLDING-THE-LEASH was the ONE-IN-CHARGE..?! pul-LEEZE!]
- [Both SCARVES look waay better on ME!]
- [Both SCARVES look waay better on ME!]
- [..what?! I don't see Your "B*tchin-Boody" on HER Bloog!]
- [..what?! I don't see Your "B*tchin-Boody" on HER Bloog!]
● "Fang"-Expert - [BITE ME!
- I dare ya!]
- I dare ya!]
● Late-Night-Walks-in-the-Park-"FRESHIE"-MAGNET!
- [Hey, FANG-"BOY", I'm not seeing YOU getting PETTED! -- just saying... eeuuwWWW! DUDE?!? THAT even LEGAL in *this* State??!]
- [Hey, FANG-"BOY", I'm not seeing YOU getting PETTED! -- just saying... eeuuwWWW! DUDE?!? THAT even LEGAL in *this* State??!]
*FANG-DOG's* original SCARF - [which He had better be Saving for a *Special-Occasion* and NOT have EATEN!?]
*FANG-MAN's* SCARF - [that He probably LOST to THE-DOG at Poker!]
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Oooo...I Could Get *Used* To This POWER I Have...
So. As I do, every Morning when I emerge from My Basement "Burrow" before Breakfast, I go to the Front-Room to open the Curtains... Checking the Weather outside the Window is usually *how* I "Plan" My Day!
This Morning, I wanted to Gauge My "SHOVEL-Schedule" after Yesterday's FLAKE-FEST! ...ahh? Why am I seeing *Asphalt*..? huh. THE SNOW, IT's *not* "There"... hmm.. Snowblower-Tracks...
I'm suspecting MR.FIX-IT-NEIGHBOUR, as it appears that some of MADAME-Q's Laneway was done as well earlier on.
MOTHER confirmed My "Theory". And, also informed Me that HE had quite the STRUGGLE with the much Wet-Heavy-EVIL-SNOWPLOW-POOP! -- I had wondered about how much of *THAT* would be Awaiting Me...
Well. I can definitely knock OFF an HOUR's worth from My Scheduled-3-Hours-of-Coronary-In-The-Making-"Exercise"! YAY! -- Oooo! And, IT's SUNNY out, too! BONUS!
As it turns out, I Spent TWO, SCRAPING a couple of Inches of CRISPY-FROZEN-NOT-QUITE-SLUSH-YET-PACK-SNOW... Between the Varying-Ground-Temps and the Gusting-Frigid-Winds, much of the WET-PACK-SNOW's Bottom-Layer ended up Melting-Flash-Freezing-Condensing... As a Result, I've been LEFT with an Inch of Porous-Looking-ICE all over the Place! -- The Temps are *suppose* to go UP This Week, I'm going to WAIT for IT to Soften before I go CHOPPING!
Afterward, I Removed that Leftover 2-Inches OFF of MADAME-Q's Laneway. Her "Old"-Shovel wanted to "Visit"...
Meanwhile... I'm SORE all over right now. "YESTERDAY", has caught-up to Me! "TOMORROW", is *definitely* going to be a VEG-DAY!! -- At least, *THAT's* "THE PLAN" and I'm STICKING to IT!! -- YARN *will* be INVOLVED!
..o-kay.. "LAUNDRY", too... I'm running out of CLEAN LOUNGING-PANTS!
So. As I do, every Morning when I emerge from My Basement "Burrow" before Breakfast, I go to the Front-Room to open the Curtains... Checking the Weather outside the Window is usually *how* I "Plan" My Day!
This Morning, I wanted to Gauge My "SHOVEL-Schedule" after Yesterday's FLAKE-FEST! ...ahh? Why am I seeing *Asphalt*..? huh. THE SNOW, IT's *not* "There"... hmm.. Snowblower-Tracks...
I'm suspecting MR.FIX-IT-NEIGHBOUR, as it appears that some of MADAME-Q's Laneway was done as well earlier on.
MOTHER confirmed My "Theory". And, also informed Me that HE had quite the STRUGGLE with the much Wet-Heavy-EVIL-SNOWPLOW-POOP! -- I had wondered about how much of *THAT* would be Awaiting Me...
Well. I can definitely knock OFF an HOUR's worth from My Scheduled-3-Hours-of-Coronary-In-The-Making-"Exercise"! YAY! -- Oooo! And, IT's SUNNY out, too! BONUS!
As it turns out, I Spent TWO, SCRAPING a couple of Inches of CRISPY-FROZEN-NOT-QUITE-SLUSH-YET-PACK-SNOW... Between the Varying-Ground-Temps and the Gusting-Frigid-Winds, much of the WET-PACK-SNOW's Bottom-Layer ended up Melting-Flash-Freezing-Condensing... As a Result, I've been LEFT with an Inch of Porous-Looking-ICE all over the Place! -- The Temps are *suppose* to go UP This Week, I'm going to WAIT for IT to Soften before I go CHOPPING!
Afterward, I Removed that Leftover 2-Inches OFF of MADAME-Q's Laneway. Her "Old"-Shovel wanted to "Visit"...
Meanwhile... I'm SORE all over right now. "YESTERDAY", has caught-up to Me! "TOMORROW", is *definitely* going to be a VEG-DAY!! -- At least, *THAT's* "THE PLAN" and I'm STICKING to IT!! -- YARN *will* be INVOLVED!
..o-kay.. "LAUNDRY", too... I'm running out of CLEAN LOUNGING-PANTS!
Friday, February 24, 2012
ICAN'TSEE!! ICAN'TSEE!! Everything Has Gone WHITE!!
Really. The WEATHER had been just FINE *before* He came to "VISIT"! -- o-kay, fine... IT wasn't THAT Bad "whilst" He was Here - but there were a few *Flakery* Moments...
And, NOW..? Well, He might be gone, however, "The SNOW-GENIE" is OUT of THE-SNOWGLOBE!!
IT began with the odd unsuspecting Flake, just as The-ELDERLY-PARENTAL-UNITS were off to do Groceries... I *WARNED* Them that IT would likely get "messy", SOON! -- Within a Half-Hour, the FLAKES were getting Feisty!
When They finally RETURNED a couple of Hours later, there was already over 2-Inches of PACK-SNOW on the Ground! A tad *more* than even I had expected at the Time... I'm glad MOTHER called Me before They got back, it gave Me Time to throw on My Shoveling-Gear! Once They were INSIDE, I went AT IT...
okay... I'm just going to get IT out of My System and Say IT... Because I *know* that THEY are "Secretly" BEHIND this Meteorological-Mayhem!
Since IT was coming Down at about 2-inches-per-Hour, and I DIDN'T want to keep having to Scrape over & over & over again, I started out at MADAME-Q's First. Over 3-Inches of PACK There.
-- I'll leave the NEXT 6-Inches for MR.FIX-IT-NEIGHBOUR to tackle with His Snowblower later...
Anyway, by the Time I Finished, MY Side had about 4-Inches! BTW, I brought over My Recently-Inherited-METAL-SHOVEL... To be Honest, I think IT worked Better on MADAME-Q's "Smooth" Laneway. But, hey, *FREE* Shovel, right? -- Actually, IT will be Useful when that PACK-SNOW turns to SLUSH!
So, did the FRONT-WALK. The SIDE - [which, takes more Time to DO despite being a Small-Area!] The WALKWAY already had ANOTHER INCH, again! aarrrgghhh! -- Another TWO on the LANEWAY!
I was hitting the 90-Minute-Mark by Then... FALL-RATE is up to 3-Inches-PER... Time to do My LAST Sweep-Over!
I begin from the CURB and Paralleled IT to the GARAGE, up the FRONT-WALK as far as the FRONT-STEP, then Back to the GARAGE. Stored The SHOVELS - [Yes, "plural". I worked with *only* 3 of Them Today] - WENT INTO THE HOUSE!!
MOTHER and I had *Plans* on doing Our usual SHOP-PEDITION, Tomorrow..? But, THAT definitely will NOT be Happening!
I'm going back to My YARN, now...
Really. The WEATHER had been just FINE *before* He came to "VISIT"! -- o-kay, fine... IT wasn't THAT Bad "whilst" He was Here - but there were a few *Flakery* Moments...
And, NOW..? Well, He might be gone, however, "The SNOW-GENIE" is OUT of THE-SNOWGLOBE!!
IT began with the odd unsuspecting Flake, just as The-ELDERLY-PARENTAL-UNITS were off to do Groceries... I *WARNED* Them that IT would likely get "messy", SOON! -- Within a Half-Hour, the FLAKES were getting Feisty!
When They finally RETURNED a couple of Hours later, there was already over 2-Inches of PACK-SNOW on the Ground! A tad *more* than even I had expected at the Time... I'm glad MOTHER called Me before They got back, it gave Me Time to throw on My Shoveling-Gear! Once They were INSIDE, I went AT IT...
okay... I'm just going to get IT out of My System and Say IT... Because I *know* that THEY are "Secretly" BEHIND this Meteorological-Mayhem!
Since IT was coming Down at about 2-inches-per-Hour, and I DIDN'T want to keep having to Scrape over & over & over again, I started out at MADAME-Q's First. Over 3-Inches of PACK There.
-- I'll leave the NEXT 6-Inches for MR.FIX-IT-NEIGHBOUR to tackle with His Snowblower later...
Anyway, by the Time I Finished, MY Side had about 4-Inches! BTW, I brought over My Recently-Inherited-METAL-SHOVEL... To be Honest, I think IT worked Better on MADAME-Q's "Smooth" Laneway. But, hey, *FREE* Shovel, right? -- Actually, IT will be Useful when that PACK-SNOW turns to SLUSH!
So, did the FRONT-WALK. The SIDE - [which, takes more Time to DO despite being a Small-Area!] The WALKWAY already had ANOTHER INCH, again! aarrrgghhh! -- Another TWO on the LANEWAY!
I was hitting the 90-Minute-Mark by Then... FALL-RATE is up to 3-Inches-PER... Time to do My LAST Sweep-Over!
I begin from the CURB and Paralleled IT to the GARAGE, up the FRONT-WALK as far as the FRONT-STEP, then Back to the GARAGE. Stored The SHOVELS - [Yes, "plural". I worked with *only* 3 of Them Today] - WENT INTO THE HOUSE!!
MOTHER and I had *Plans* on doing Our usual SHOP-PEDITION, Tomorrow..? But, THAT definitely will NOT be Happening!
I'm going back to My YARN, now...
Thursday, February 23, 2012
..Now, Back To Being Stitchy..
BABY-BRO RETURNED HOME earlier Today... Miss HIM..!!
So... Gonna take My Mind OFF of "THAT" and concentrate on "CREATING"...
So... Gonna take My Mind OFF of "THAT" and concentrate on "CREATING"...
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
"GUYS"?- [Gender optional..]
MAKE *NOTE*... In the Event of an ANNIVERSARY, where Your "SIGNIFICANT-OTHER" is a YARN-Aholic, MAKE that *Obligatory*-BOUQUET a **FIBER**-One!!
DAMN! -- Don't I just sound like a Freaking-GREETING-CARD!?!
Anyhoo... *IF* IT works for You, THANK "MR.T"!! -- As IT certainly *worked* on "FAIRY-T"!
-- I see *many* Warm-Cozy-SOCKS in His Future!!
MAKE *NOTE*... In the Event of an ANNIVERSARY, where Your "SIGNIFICANT-OTHER" is a YARN-Aholic, MAKE that *Obligatory*-BOUQUET a **FIBER**-One!!
![]() |
"FLORA" is Fancy, but "FIBER", is *FOREVER*!! |
DAMN! -- Don't I just sound like a Freaking-GREETING-CARD!?!
Anyhoo... *IF* IT works for You, THANK "MR.T"!! -- As IT certainly *worked* on "FAIRY-T"!
-- I see *many* Warm-Cozy-SOCKS in His Future!!
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Guess WHO's *HERE* For The Next "48"?
...and, SNOW??!! what-the-****..?!
aarrrggghhhh... I just Washed most of My Shovel-Wear, "hoping" to put IT *AWAY*..?!! -- well... Temps *are* still Mild, perhaps IT'll MELT by Morning..?
SO. SGT.[ret.]-DOC flew in earlier for a "DAY-PLUS" Work-Thingy. He's recently "Retired" from Active-Duty and has moved into a "Civvy"-type Job... We haven't SEEN Him for almost 2-Years! Fortuitously for Us ALL, His Day-and-a-Bit-"Business"-Trip and "Stay" are at a *very* Nearby Hotel!
Which, The ELDERLY-PARENTAL-UNITS and I paid a Visit to this Evening... AFTER, the SNOWFALL!
-- You know, IT didn't "Start" until *after* He Landed!
Meanwhile, Half of Our Time was shared on SKYPE [from across the Country] with His lovely Wife, MAID-MARE - Who, had just come IN from Shovelling!! - She has great Technique, BTW! Worthy of Inheriting MY Shovels! - Just prior, We had been WATCHING Her on His PHONE!!
"TECH-TOYS", gotta luv 'em!
Anyhoo, THAT was actually the First Time that I've been on SKYPE! The Signal-Speed wasn't all that great, so IT was a tad Disorienting, especially for MOTHER. Although, She did find the Experience to be "Exciting"!
-- AND I, *finally* got to "See & Speak" with My young STEP-NEPH-K!! YAY!
![]() |
"SISTER" - "ME", in My Early Supreme-Sibling Days - "BABY-BRO" |
...and, SNOW??!! what-the-****..?!
aarrrggghhhh... I just Washed most of My Shovel-Wear, "hoping" to put IT *AWAY*..?!! -- well... Temps *are* still Mild, perhaps IT'll MELT by Morning..?
SO. SGT.[ret.]-DOC flew in earlier for a "DAY-PLUS" Work-Thingy. He's recently "Retired" from Active-Duty and has moved into a "Civvy"-type Job... We haven't SEEN Him for almost 2-Years! Fortuitously for Us ALL, His Day-and-a-Bit-"Business"-Trip and "Stay" are at a *very* Nearby Hotel!
Which, The ELDERLY-PARENTAL-UNITS and I paid a Visit to this Evening... AFTER, the SNOWFALL!
-- You know, IT didn't "Start" until *after* He Landed!
Meanwhile, Half of Our Time was shared on SKYPE [from across the Country] with His lovely Wife, MAID-MARE - Who, had just come IN from Shovelling!! - She has great Technique, BTW! Worthy of Inheriting MY Shovels! - Just prior, We had been WATCHING Her on His PHONE!!
"TECH-TOYS", gotta luv 'em!
Anyhoo, THAT was actually the First Time that I've been on SKYPE! The Signal-Speed wasn't all that great, so IT was a tad Disorienting, especially for MOTHER. Although, She did find the Experience to be "Exciting"!
-- AND I, *finally* got to "See & Speak" with My young STEP-NEPH-K!! YAY!
Monday, February 20, 2012
ORTish Opinions and Other Omnipotent Oddservations...
Because, *MY* "BLOOG"!! So, MY SOAPBOX! -- hang on... I've got a Laundry Load to take out... be back in a sec..
'kay.. I'm back now!
IT's a Holiday Here -- "FAMILY DAY" -- Most Places are CLOSED. And, not-so-"helpful", is the Fact that MOST of Them are Locations *where* "FAMILIES" would want to GO TO!? ...yeah. That works! - Well, at least, IT's a "Nice" Day!
Another SUNNY One!! YAY! -- Evaporation appears to be progressing at a Steady Pace... Now. IF, We can "avoid" having a 2-Month RAINY-SEASON like *Last* Year, then *perhaps*, YARD-SALE-SEASON will begin Sooner!?! -- Then again, We *really* DON'T have THE SPACE for ANYTHING *MORE*!! ...hate when *that* happens...
Personally, I'm seriously beginning to Suspect a "Prevention-of-*GOOD*-STUFF-Acquisition-CONSPIRACY"!! -- Think about IT... My Fav YARN-Store moving "OFF-World"..? You just can't Online-Order "ODD-BALLS". Seriously. WHERE'S the FUN in That??!! Besides,
"STASH"-Buying is ALL about TEXTURE! Getting to FEEL The YARN!
Oh. And, I do believe that My COTTON-YARN-"FACTORY-ENDS" Supply has also come to an END! The Chain of Stores that had Them was Bought by a Bigger Chain, that I doubt even carries Yarn!
-- I could end up HAVING to Pay "RETAIL" for My Future Crafty-Hoardy-Bits!? ...HATE when THAT happens, too!!
PRICES are going UP Everywhere.
Never What WE "want" is On-Sale...
The STOCK MARKET is all over The MAP! -- At least, *MY* Portfolio IS!
Same goes with the LOTTERY Numbers...
GETTING ANYthing *done* around the REALITY-SHOW-Last-Minute-Scheduling is a Chore! Meanwhile, JUST when You can *find* the Time to Squeeze in that OVERDUE Appointment, They CHANGE Locations. And, Weather *happens*! Or, SOMEthing BREAKS! Or, Someone comes to VISIT...
And then... Weather HAPPENS! again...
Actually, I Think that THIS-TIME-OF-YEAR is *almost* AS "INCONVENIENT" as the WINTER-HOLIDAYS... "TAX-TIME" certainly *doesn't* Help! Neither, does "END-OF-FISCAL"!
And, WHY are High-Use-Websites always being "UPgraded" *just* when You NEED to do Vital-THINGS at *that* Moment? -- Nor, am I *not* all that "Crazy" about the "New" SECURITY-INTERFACE-FORMAT on The COMMENTS Section, either!!
-- BTW, The JURY is also still "out" on the Lastest TWITTER "Face-Lift" as well!
And... *SPRING-CLEANING* - is a Global-Brainwashing-Industrial-Manufacturing-Marketing-Ploy! ...just saying...
'kay.. I'm back now!
IT's a Holiday Here -- "FAMILY DAY" -- Most Places are CLOSED. And, not-so-"helpful", is the Fact that MOST of Them are Locations *where* "FAMILIES" would want to GO TO!? ...yeah. That works! - Well, at least, IT's a "Nice" Day!
Another SUNNY One!! YAY! -- Evaporation appears to be progressing at a Steady Pace... Now. IF, We can "avoid" having a 2-Month RAINY-SEASON like *Last* Year, then *perhaps*, YARD-SALE-SEASON will begin Sooner!?! -- Then again, We *really* DON'T have THE SPACE for ANYTHING *MORE*!! ...hate when *that* happens...
Personally, I'm seriously beginning to Suspect a "Prevention-of-*GOOD*-STUFF-Acquisition-CONSPIRACY"!! -- Think about IT... My Fav YARN-Store moving "OFF-World"..? You just can't Online-Order "ODD-BALLS". Seriously. WHERE'S the FUN in That??!! Besides,
"STASH"-Buying is ALL about TEXTURE! Getting to FEEL The YARN!
Oh. And, I do believe that My COTTON-YARN-"FACTORY-ENDS" Supply has also come to an END! The Chain of Stores that had Them was Bought by a Bigger Chain, that I doubt even carries Yarn!
-- I could end up HAVING to Pay "RETAIL" for My Future Crafty-Hoardy-Bits!? ...HATE when THAT happens, too!!
PRICES are going UP Everywhere.
Never What WE "want" is On-Sale...
The STOCK MARKET is all over The MAP! -- At least, *MY* Portfolio IS!
Same goes with the LOTTERY Numbers...
GETTING ANYthing *done* around the REALITY-SHOW-Last-Minute-Scheduling is a Chore! Meanwhile, JUST when You can *find* the Time to Squeeze in that OVERDUE Appointment, They CHANGE Locations. And, Weather *happens*! Or, SOMEthing BREAKS! Or, Someone comes to VISIT...
And then... Weather HAPPENS! again...
Actually, I Think that THIS-TIME-OF-YEAR is *almost* AS "INCONVENIENT" as the WINTER-HOLIDAYS... "TAX-TIME" certainly *doesn't* Help! Neither, does "END-OF-FISCAL"!
And, WHY are High-Use-Websites always being "UPgraded" *just* when You NEED to do Vital-THINGS at *that* Moment? -- Nor, am I *not* all that "Crazy" about the "New" SECURITY-INTERFACE-FORMAT on The COMMENTS Section, either!!
-- BTW, The JURY is also still "out" on the Lastest TWITTER "Face-Lift" as well!
And... *SPRING-CLEANING* - is a Global-Brainwashing-Industrial-Manufacturing-Marketing-Ploy! ...just saying...
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