Tuesday, February 7, 2012

WooHoo! "Mc"BAR-GAIN!!

HOW MUCH DO YOU THINK "THESE" COST ME? -- Bearing in Mind, that THEY *usually* go for $1. each, and that THESE particular RIBBONS are also "Velvet"...

Well, it would seem that "Someone" GOOFED whilst doing Their "Price-Coding" and misplaced The Decimal-Point, as THESE were Scanned in at ONE-CENT Each!! -- [INSERT AUNTIE's Lottery-Win-Type GRIN!]

BTW, that "BLUE" One is *actually* a "ROYAL-PURPLE"! Same with the "REDS", THEY are much more "CRIMSON" -- Granted, THEY are only "Nylon" and NOT a "Cotton" or "Silk", however, THEY *are* NICE. AND, were *just* a PENNY!!

In addition, IT was "SENIORS' DAY", there at MICHAEL'S. So, *more* DISCOUNTING!

The REST of My "BOOTY"...

The Actual $1. RIBBONS and another BALL of 100% WOOL - same as Last Week's "BLACK"... I love the subtle mix of BLUE and GREEN in the Fibers.

Meanwhile, IT was a SUNNY, much COLDER Day! -- I'm so Glad that I Removed what ICE I could Yesterday, as any ICE-PATCHES were now Freeze-Dried-Polished. Thankfully, Road Conditions were DRY!

Bookending Our Penny-Purchasing-Pilgrimage to MICHAEL'S, were very brief Stops at COSTCO and THE MALL... For ONCE, We got HOME *before* SUNDOWN!


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