Friday, December 13, 2013

uh-oh... IT's *just* dawned on Me...

TODAY IS "FRIDAY, the 13TH"..!? -- And, I have just SPENT *MUCH* MONEY on a "NEW" CAMERA!

If I wasn't "CURSED" *BEFORE*, then I'm *probably* SURE to be NOW!

Come to think of it, IT is slightly Larger and HEAVIER than the Previous-ONE. And, Runs on a BATTERY-*PACK*... I had wanted to go the AA-Battery route again. -- Having to "RECHARGE" a PACK can be Problematic at Times..?


Actually, I'm not really crazy about the CASE... Despite being nicely-Made, IT's still seems a tad too *snug* and not as "Protective" as I would *prefer*...

And, seeing as it was absolutely FRIGID Out Today - [-25C windchill..?] - and, IT's *BLUE*. - I think I'm going to Call IT, "ICE-The-CUBE"! -- Or, perhaps IT should be "RUBIK", since I'm still TRYING to *Figure* This BLUE-BRICK out..??

I've DOWN-LOADED the "MANUAL" PDF... Just spent the last HOUR or more "flipping" through IT. -- I keep getting this "BUSY" Message on the CAMERA whenever I attempt to ACCESS Certain-Functions... Do You think that I could FIND a "Reference" - ANY Reference? - nope! nada...

HOWEVER, after MUCH "fiddling", IT's now *GONE* and I can DO "STUFF"!! -- AGAIN...

Well, I need to PUT IT *AWAY*! - MUST get to Bed... MOTHER wants to be OUT "Early"-ish. And, there's some "BIG" STORM coming..? -- Needless to Say, I doubtlessly have a *BUSY* Day ahead!

"SHOVELLING" has already been Pencilled-IN to My *SCHEDULE* for the Weekend!


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