Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Building With BORAX...


I go to Bed *really* LATE - or, perhaps *more* precisely - really "Early" in the "Day". Hence, I'm usually NOT "up" until the VERY Late Morning. Also, My "Bathroom" is situated in the Middle of the Basement with its Exhaust Vent opening out to the Side of the House Patio Area.

So, I'm in "There"... when I HEAR Voices from the Patio - MOTHER and MR.FIX-IT-NEIGHBOUR and Hammering..??


I knew She was going to have Him redo the Porch-Steps - [actually, the WHOLE Porch needs RE-doing!] - as They are in seriously BAD shape! However, I must have *missed* a MEMO regarding that Task being *done*, "TODAY"..??!

Moments later, I'm in the Kitchen, looking Outside to see NO STEPS! -- Apparently, MR.FIX-IT-NEIGHBOUR had a "space" in His rather FULL Calendar, so He come on over to DO "This"! And, fortunately for Us all, The Weather was Dry despite being Overcast.

Well... I guess We're getting NEW STEPS Today! -- I continue with My Breakfast. Had My own
Stuff to DO!

Several Hours Later...

He was almost DONE with Securing the "Construct" TO the PORCH when He makes a "Little Discovery"... - [Something, BTW, that I've had My own Suspicions about...And, was a tad surprised that He hadn't "noticed" Earlier...]

The TOP-LANDING-STEP - [or, as I like to now refer to IT as, "The PANDORA-PLANK"] - was infested with CARPENTER ANTS!?! -- just... grr-reat...

They "appeared" to be Concentrated in THAT bit of Timber... But, it's highly DOUBTFUL! I'm sure
that They're quite LIKELY in a few Other Ones in the PORCH Structure. -- And PRAY, *NOT* into The House!!

Anyway, MOTHER soon proceeds to BORAX the offending Ant-Snack TO-DEATH! "Seems" to have done the Trick - for Now. Although, it's difficult to tell, whether it was the Chemical that Killed the Ones that We saw, or just the Weight of said Powder..? -- A Good Thing that We had a New BIG BOX handy...huh?


I ***HATE*** BUGS!!

In Fact, I am NOT going to Post ANY Pics of said INSECTS OF EVIL! -- Instead, I'm going with the Break-Out-The-Insulin-Now-CUTE BUNNY that MOTHER spotted in the Backyard, Yesterday! It's been MONTHS since We've had One back There. Made FATHER's Day, too... He misses His Backyard Bunnies...


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