Once again, We started Out a wee bit "late"... But, as I *keep* telling MOTHER - "ZEN Shopping"! -- And, it's *not* like We really "need" MORE Stuff!
Anyhoo... We started with a Couple of YARD SALES in "Our" Neighbourhood.
I got THIS fabulous SUEDE JEWELRY BOX for ONLY 50-Cents!! It's about 16x24x9cm. The "Artwork" is PYRO-ETCHED.
At the Next Stop, I couldn't Resist! IT was just a Dollar... And, strangely "familiar"...
-- It wasn't until earlier this Evening, whilst Photographing all of This STUFF that I
"noticed" - I've *already* GOT One of These! ...Was a GIFT...
...oops! My Bad...
But, What-the-Hey! IT's not the
"first" RHINO Double in My rather Large Collection. And, I can NEVER have TOO *many* RHINOS!!
OH! Hey! LOOK! A little
"Squadron" of VINTAGE PLANES Flying by! -- COOL!
Meanwhile, We also ran into MRS. CLEAN at This SALE and gave Her a Lift Home, just down the Road... She'd already finished Her "Park Walk", but it was beginning to get Hotter out, and She's not suppose to be out IN the SUN for so long. Besides, We had to GO *that* Way anyhow!
And, off We were to Other "Areas"...
Picked up THIS 10-Inch High White Clay VASE for another DOLLAR... IT has a good Weight to IT. Clean Lines... IT can be Used ANYwhere!
Further into That Area, One of My "Regular" WASHCLOTH Customers was also holding a Yard Sale... MOTHER picked up some "Crafting" Items, and I got an Order for *more* WASHCLOTHS!
...hmm... I'm going to have to embark on an EXPEDITION
*into* THE ROOM to Retrieve the Storage Bucket of My WASHCLOTH Inventory, for Some of the Colours that She needs... BTW, *IF* You don't "Hear" from Me.. It'll be because I'm *trapped* in some Alternate Dimension between YARN WORLD and The-GOOD-*STUFF*!! -- Bring extra Dr.Pepper and Chocolate!
Eventually, We made Our Way to BEACON HILL... Only a Few Sales There... However, at One of the "Regular" Sales, I gladly swapped a LOONIE for THIS refreshing OIL PAINTING by a LAURA WRIGHT... According to an "attached" 1983 Newspaper Article, that's suppose to be BRANSCOMBE Church on the Cliff...
I still have to do *more* Research. -- I did come across a British Artist by *that* Name, however, the STYLE is quite Different... And, despite being of a British Beach, the "Article" was from a Canadian Newpaper! -- So... IT's about 14x18in. Oil on Canvas. 1983..? Could do with a touch of Cleaning... And, has a not such a great Frame... As if "that", *really* matters!?
-- Hello?! "A DOLLAR"!
Afterward, it was Time to do some Groceries before heading to the Local COUNCILLOR - [Who was "Performing" in the DUNK TANK!] - Sponsored
"FUN FAIR"! -- A waay BIGGER Event than that Other One of Last Week!
THIS had actual "RIDES". And, a Bandstand with Music BLARING out at the GAZILLION Level!
We arrived TOO Late for the FREE HOT DOGS!
NUTS! I was beginning to get Peckish...
However, I did manage to get a FREE Blue
"ICICLE"! -- Haven't had one of THOSE in Decades!
But. HEY! LOOK! ... "FIRE TRUCK"! With the Ginormous LADDER... And, FIREMEN!
Oooo....! *EYE*-CANDY!!
And, ohh... Strapping Young PARAMEDICS!
-- MEET ANDREW and "DINO"! -- They were Both quite CHARMING!
Anyway, We didn't stay long... Still had *more* Groceries to do, and the needed Pilgrimage to THE MALL. -- UV Levels were also peaking... As was, that Soon-to-be-DEAFNESS!
Less than 2-Hours later, We were settled Home... Where, I came across some Great NEWS!
-- Which, I will *Disclose*, TOMORROW!!
And, YES! -- I *do* ENJOY being "EVIL"!! [hehe!]
Meany!!! hugs tinkx