Friday, May 6, 2011


IT WAS Years, until I "figured" it out, that
"BRIGITTE" was My Paternal Grandmother's *Nickname*!

It was never really clear to Me as to
"Why"..? *Something*
 to do with BRIGITTE BARDOT - I think..?

The *only* similarities to Her Actual First Name, are that They START and END with the Same Letters, as well as have the Same Number of Letters...

Whatever, a Mystery best left unsolved..

Meanwhile, THIS was Taken the DAY *before* Her 50TH BIRTHDAY. Over a Half Century ago, in ENGLAND...

She passed away 20 Years ago - the Last of My Grandparents to do so. However, I only saw Her a handful of Times, whenever She'd take a BOAT over to CANADA and *stay* for a Few Months!

Besides another RED-HAIR GENE and a lot of "IRISH", I also may have inherited a good Part of My
"Financial" Savvy and Love for Travel from HerBUT certainly *NOT* Her SEA LEGS! Or, Gardening SKILLS...


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