"POURQUOI"...? Well. Because, MOTHER-Who's-Addicted-to-Buying-Sewing-Machine-Cabinets-and-HOW-Many-Knitting-Machines? wouldn't let Me BUY - for ONLY $10.! - the small, great-looking, well-made, I-think-IT-might-have-been-WALNUT, ARTS&CRAFT-Stylish Early MID-CENTURY-MODERN COFFEE TABLE!! ...ggrrrr...
Anyway... WHAT I *did* GET...
A SET of 6 lovely LINEN NAPKINS for a Dollar. One can NEVER have *enough* LINEN! -- MOTHER picked up a large Selection of BUTTONS at that Location, which I've yet to have a *good* look at.
The Remainder of the ABOVE ITEMS were obtained at The SALLY ANN. Apparently, there was some 10% OFF SALE going on that I didn't know about until I was AT The Cash!?
Whatever... The GREEN BOWL is the "COLONY" Pattern from HAZELWARE, which is My Primary FAV Glass Collecting one! The AMETHYST Shade is My Number ONE Hue of Choice - Although, for the *Right* Price, I usually get the Other Colours as well. I love the Clean Simplicity of the Bevelled-Base that allows This Pattern to be matched up with just about Everything!
And, the SHELL DISH is just *another* Addition to My "Nautical" Trove! I think I might actually have a Couple more just like IT... As to the Two SMOKE-GLASS "HOLDERS"..? I'm not exactly sure WHAT They are... But, I'm going to go with EGG CUPS. The Size and Inside-Curvature works with that Theory... Or, I suppose I could always use Them for Condiments..? -- I just really liked the Triangular Shape!
Meanwhile, OUTSIDE The Store, THEY were selling STUFF by THE BAG for So-Much-Money to raise Funds for Their CHILDREN'S SUMMER CAMP Programme. For $5. I got 6 big HARDCOVER BOOKS.
-- THESE TWO are for Me...
"THE STORY OF BRITAIN" by A.L. ROWSE - [ISBN-029783111] - 1979 (reprint 1993)
"GRAPHIC DESIGN - U.S.A. 11 - The Annual of the AMERICAN INSTITUTE of GRAPHIC ARTS" by Steven HELLER, Chuck BYRNE, Philip B. MEGGS - [ISBN-0823060322] - 1990 - [AIGA Book Show 1989]
OOH am i in there???? hehe hugs tinkx