"..IS THAT, THUNDER..?" - Asked the Distinguished-Older-Guy browsing the Displays near Me at the Art Supply Store.
The Weather Today has been..."Hinky". So, of course, I had STUFF-TO-DO. Out of the House. *Without* THE CAR - [FATHER doesn't want the Driveway "marred" just yet..].
As I ate Breakfast, Intermittent Showers roamed by... The SUN came out. Sorta. I soon left, headed toward THE MALL. Along My Route, I popped into FUTURE SHOP - the SANCTUARY Season-3 DVDs are Out Today!
Nuts! NONE "In-Store"?! - Got a Rain-Check from Tall-Cute-Clerk-Guy. Continued on My Journey... What THE...!! Sporadic RAINDROPS... GREY Clouds coming My Way... GOT to THE MALL before Anything "Happened".
Ran a few Errands There, and proceeded to the BUS TRANSIT STATION. Cloudy, but no Rain...
Eventually, arrived at the ST.LAURENT Mall. Slipped into DESERRES for a few Moments... THUNDER?? -- Left to go to TOYS"R"US - next door - and gazed out of the nearby Mall Doors...
Well. There's TIMING! -- SHEETS of RAIN coming down!! -- I picked up That "On Hold" ITEM. Then, moved on...
HMV. Hmm. Perhaps, THEY have Those DVDs..? -- Helpful-Grunge-Band-Clerk-Guy "checked" for Me. YES! ...Same Price... Decisions... oh, what-the-Hell, why not?!
LOOK! The SUN is SHINING through the Skylight! Time to head Back, with another quickie Run through THE MALL to finish up on Previous Business... And, to get a bit of Junk Food! -- Hey, I did a lot of Walking... Have DVDs to WATCH!! Crocheting to DO!!
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