WHADDAYA MEAN..? -- I never Bought ANYTHING, Today..?!! -- And LOTTERY Tickets and Junk Food *DON'T* count! - [INSERT - My "Astonished Disbelief" Face]
It's looking like YARD SALE Season is on the wane... There was only ONE in Our Neighbourhood. No Others in Our usual "Haunts". Even the SALLY-ANN was sparse of Worthy Pickings... And, We were out too Late for that Sale at the Gloucester Emergency Food Cupboard. Good thing We got to do that bit of Pre-Shopping Yesterday!
Of course, it's not to say that We didn't do a lot of "running around"... For Hours... And, MOTHER does have a Cold... So. It's been a "bit of This" and a "bit of That" type of Day. Thankfully, the Weather has been Sunny - just on the Cooler side. Sorta...
However, not to Fret! We DID get "some" FREE STUFF at ZELLERS! - Their Pharmacy Section was running a "Diabetes Clinic". Strangely enough, We BOTH ended up with the SAME Glucose Reading! Huh.
Which, BTW, was good - for Both of Us. Actually, for Me, it was a Great Reading! -- just saying..
Meanwhile, I've just spent the Evening still going through My new SANCTUARY DVDs... And, doing LAUNDRY...
-- Ah. My "WORLD"...
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