Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Well. *So* Much For PLAN "A"...


I'm *sure* of it! Really. "IT's" the ONLY plausible "Explanation"!

Sooo... Besides the 2 or 3 MAJOR "Difficulties" - [which I haven't disclosed Here, nor plan to - yet..] - that We have currently Plaguing-Our-Lives, there are ALL of These Nasty-Niggly-NEVERENDING-Nuisance Nonsenses popping up at The WORST TIMES!! And, are beginning to become ONE *TOO* many BURDENS to BEAR!

It probably wouldn't be sooo BAD, IF it was an EASY to FIX and/or ACCESS "Single" Item... But, NOoooo...

IT always seems to be *intertwining* STUFF that *has* to be Replaced-But-No-One-Makes-Them-Anymore, and oh, BTW, That-Half-Ton-of-Other-Stuff-Near-It-Has-To-Be-Moved-To-Get-At-Whatever-But-To-Do-That-Such&Such-Has-To-Be-Repaired...

-- The Word - "BRAMBLE" - comes to Mind...

And then, there's the Part where We have to TRY to carry on with Those afore-mentioned DIFFICULTIES and live Our Lives whilst DEALING with OTHER Peoples' Problems that are Indirectly AFFECTING Us, and SO on and so ON...

BOTTOMLINE - Nothing that a Ginormous LOTTERY WIN, a Bulldozer, and/or a BIG-HONKING ROCK SMUCKING THE PLANET wouldn't *CURE*!

And YES, I do realize in the OVERALL Scheme of "THINGS", IT-COULD-BE-WORSE! However, at some Point, ALL of those LITTLE THINGS *DO* eventually, ADD UP! ...just saying...

ANYHOO... TONIGHT's "Little-Demise-du-Jour"... Just as MOTHER Finished cooking Dinner, the Microwave contributed to BLOWING OUT a Fuse! But ALAS, not just ANY Fuse... Noooo... IT was the ONE that *MOST* of the Kitchen is CONNECTED to!

We *really* DO *need* to GET a NEW ELECTRICAL PANEL!!

I thought I had *found* the Problem One, but apparently NOT... THANKFULLY, We have the Freezer Chest and a small Fridge in the Basement... And, the Stove is on a Different Circuit.

Whatever, I spent an Hour "piddling" with Fuses... TRYING to FIND the Culprit...

-- BTW, just how MANY Patents *are* there on These STUPID THINGS?!! Because, seriously,
"without" a Fuse-Tester, "Visually" inspecting Them is akin to MIND-READING!

Eventually, Our Neighbour across the Street, the Young & Strapping MR.FIX-IT - [He's in the 
"Construction" Business, but always VERY Busy!] - arrived Home, and was subsequently hailed over by MOTHER....

LONG STORY SHORT - He FOUND the EVIL FUSE. Noticed some OTHER Issues for Us to be AWARE of... -- I'm going to have to Inventory and SORT Our FUSE Supply... And, buy LOTTERY TICKETS!



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