Wednesday, February 15, 2012

..chop..chop..I really need to teach the Squirrels how to DO this ..chop..chop...

NOTE-TO-SELF: "Next Year", imbed Squirrel-Food into Meltwater as IT RE-freezes...

I believe the Vicious-THAWING-Circle might be Starting -- Sprinkles of FREEZING RAIN at Night to Glaze-over the Snow-Coverage. Warmer Temps during the Day, with the ODD Moment of SOLAR-Power-Meltdown. Then, an Overnight Temp DROP, causing Daytime Meltwater-Puddles to smooth out into Skating-Rinks... More CHOPPING. With ICE being removed to a further away Location, to soon be replaced by more Meltwater...

THE CYCLE continues... until *most* of the Snowbanks have Melted and/or Evaporated into Six-Weeks of RAIN...

oh, well... At least My Laneway is *still* the BEST-ON-THE-BLOCK!!

Meanwhile.. to keep My Mind from going NUMB with Repetitive-Shoveling-Syndrome, I kept The FINGERS busy with THIS "New" PROJECT...

Don't *ask* WHAT-IT'S-GOING-TO-BE, cause even *I* don't Know YET!!
-- IT will "BECOME", WHAT-IT-*IS*!!


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