Being TEMPTED by the Several Worthy CANDIDATES for My "5. & UNDER"-THRIFTY-ORIGINAL-ART-COLLECTION that had crossed My PATH Today...
Alas, as ALLURING as THOSE TWO "$6.99" Ones at The SALLY-ANN were, They also had a tad TOO Much "MINOR-DAMAGE" and GRIME to make *Exception* to My current COST-"Criteria"... A Pity... One was actually on the OLDER side and from ENGLAND!
No matter... I made up it with The ABOVE WORK...
BTW, Remember LITTLE-OLD-ASIAN-NEIGHBOUR-LADY from Several Weeks ago..? - [SEE 19MAY2013 POST] - Well, We were Back THERE again...
Actually, She's had a Few MORE SALES since Then... We didn't get Anything at Them, BUT, *should* HAVE - MOTHER keeps harping about the Small-POWER-HAND-SAW that They had Last Week which She had Passed on!
Whatever... THIS was Where I had Picked-Up The PAINTING for $5. - after "Negotiations"...
MOTHER - [a Former ARTIST and somewhat Skilled-COPYIST] - *hates* IT! And, to be Honest, I'm not exactly *drooling* over IT, either... HOWEVER, IT *is* almost 60-Years-Old and in FAIR-Condition... LOCALLY Done, and, well, You know... "$5."! -- Besides, I don't believe that MOTHER has ever been a great "Fan" of the "IMPRESSIONIST"-Style anyway.
At any rate, "WHENEVER" the Day comes that I can Display "THE COLLECTION", THIS ONE will nevertheless "BLEND-IN" just Nicely with The OTHERS...
LATER ON, over at The SALLY-ANN, They were having Their MONTHLY-AUCTION.
-- We didn't Stay, as We still had OTHER-Stuff to do... Although, upon reflection, I Wish that We HAD! - As there had been a LARGE "Rural Winter" PIECE that had Caught My Attention which had been MIS-Numbered, with NO "Paperwork" in the AUCTION BOOK!
I really would have liked to have Known *HOW* Much IT had eventually gone FOR! -- IT would have made a rather Lovely "DECORATIVE"-Piece... AND, have went well with a Couple of My Previous - [SEE 15SEP2012 POST] - *ACQUISITIONS*! - nuts!
Then again, I probably *wouldn't* have been ABLE to FIT IT "into" THE CAR!! - Not to mention, PAST FATHER!
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