*_________* [INSERT Your FAV Heinous TORTURE!]
Seriously. Normal TRAFFIC at The-SPOT-IN-QUESTION is HORRID enough - [as in, there's at least One Pedestrian FATALITY per Year!] - with Limited *Scary* Parking Access for the TWO GROCERY STORES and attached STRIP-MALLS, numerous MEDICAL OFFICES, a Couple of BANKS... - ALL within a TIGHTLY packed 3-Block "Space" between Two MAJOR INTERSECTIONS!
ENTRY into the Smaller-Heavily-Frequented-By-The-ELDERLY-And-Built-On-A-SLOPE-Grocery-Store-PARKING-Lot is **BLOCKED** if there are more than SIX Vehicles are "IN-LINE"!! -- Getting OUT, is almost as much "FUN"!
The IRONY is not Lost on Me that, a Few Blocks EAST is a HOSPITAL - [where I was Born actually] - and a Block to the WEST are Two of the CITY's Largest CEMETERIES! -- [where Our FAMILY "Plot" is almost in View..]
ANYWAY... My FAV Sometimes-Difficult-To-Find-JUICE is Better-Priced at THAT GROCERY STORE, which I was in Need of, AND I had some Business to attend to at the Building-Next-Door...
Which, ALL took *more* Time than I had Expected. Hence, about HALF of My WHAT-I-WANTED-TO-DO-TODAY-LIST was pretty much Abandoned! -- Then again, perhaps IF I had gotten UP a bit Earlier...
Whatever... AFTERward, I ended up at THE BIG MALL. Had Stuff to DO and, Stuff to GET... I kinda Spent too much Time THERE as well. IT was *LATE* by the Time I got over to MICHAEL'S! -- Where, I just did a bit of a RECCE...
THEIR "FLYER" came in Today... BIG "SALES" going on TOMORROW -- MOTHER *WANTS* to GO! -- I just wanted to Check on WHAT was still IN-Stock. And, to "Touch-Base" with MANAGER-DAVE...
oh! LOOK at The TIME! -- We *need* to be OUT "Early" - [haha] - in the Morning. SHOULD get to Bed NOW!
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