However, IT was *above* 25C once more! - Granted, NOT as INTENSE as Yesterday, but Comfortable. So of course, I spent IT "INSIDE"!
I was "RECUPING", remember? -- And, I got up LATE! - Besides, when I "veg", I **VEG**!
Although, later on, I *did* do a "bit" of SORTING... Those BIG-CHEERIOS-BOXES now have a "Home". - For the Moment, anyway.
MEANWHILE, got about 6-more SQUARES done on THE BLANKET. And, THEN, *UNDID* Them! Then, *RE*-DID Them AGAIN... I just wasn't crazy about the Strand-THICKNESS of THAT particular BALL of COTTON YARN -- Think I'll Save IT for the BORDER...
Anyway, That little "RERUN" COST Me about 2-Hours of "WORK"! -- I was really Hoping to have MORE Completed by NOW! I've already REdone way *too* many SQUARES as it is, in order to "Correct" the TENSION!
Well... MUST get to Bed... Got Serious GARAGE-YARD-SALE-ing lined-up for Tomorrow! Need My "SHOPPING"-SLEEP...
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