Monday, January 13, 2014

Hey! I see CONCRETE!!


Soooooooo... There's "now" - at least, when I last left IT - about 6-square-feet of EXPOSED-*DE*ICED-CONCRETE-TILES right outside of Our Front Door. - oh! And, MOST of the Side-Patio area, too! - The ODD "Remaining" Patch of ICE on the Laneway is for MELTWATER FLOODING-"CONTROL"! -- The Surface is *very* UNeven and Slopes *toward* the Garage in several Places...

ANYHOO, *enough* WATER and ICE has been *Removed* to make the "SITUATION" much more MANAGEABLE! -- I actually might be ABLE to SHOP-SCAPE Tomorrow *without* having to TUNNEL and/or BAIL "OUT" of the Laneway!

-- I think I might have LOST Count of how MANY Days that I've been *AT* THIS some Time LAST FRIDAY..??!

MEANWHILE, due to all of the Severe TEMP "FLUCTUATIONS", the THERMOMETERS have *all* been "SECRETLY" Replaced with *SEIS*-MOMETERS!

*WHATEVER*, I really do NEED to GO *OUT*! - Got GROCERY-GETTING and ERRANDS to run! - So, EXCUSE Me whilst I put My "ESCAPE-PLANS" into MOTION!


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