Tuesday, January 14, 2014

uh-oh...that's NOT "GOOD"!!


ahh... *TUESDAY*!! - oh! LOOK! The SUN is OUT, too! -- A **PURRR-FECT** Day to

[sigh] - IF *ONLY* that was "SO"...

okay. so. I got UP a tad "Later" than I had "wanted"... But, what-the-hey, I'm GETTING-*OUT*-OF-THE-HOUSE-*PAST*-"THE-CURB"-FOR-THE-*FIRST*-TIME-IN-A-?WEEK?!!
- I'll get over IT.

  • Bathroom.
  • Eat-Read-Newspaper-Check-Grocery-Flyers.
  • "Make"-Bed. More Bathroom.
  • Get dressed.
  • About to leave the Bedroom, when...
  • Soft-"Telltale"-YAWING-Sound-of-**STUFF-ALANCHE** is Heard!?!
  • oh...


[*sigh*] - I've been WAITING for *THAT* to Happen... But, IT was just a "teeny" One... IT'll "keep". And, I've got an ESCAPE-PLAN-TO-GET-TO!

I've gotten OUT of the Driveway!! - WOOHOO!!

FIRST STOP - THE-BIG-MALL... Have "BANKING" to do. Then, a "RECCE" of the Place, seeing as I haven't done so in about a Month! -- *Didn't* Buy ANYthing! However, "tempted"...

NEXT STOP - TRAINYARDS... Started at WALMART first for Groceries. And THEN, to MICHAEL'S.

"My"-YARN was back to "Regular"-Price, so I was able to USE a 40%-OFF-COUPON. Just got ONE BALL. And Nothing Else was of "Interest"...

hmm... It looks like THE-GIRLS are RE-doing a bunch of CLEARANCE-STUFF over on the Right-Back-Wall... I'll just have a "Peek-Through" of the OPEN-Boxes... SISTER is doing a "RUBBER-DUCKY" Themed BABY-SHOWER for a FRIEND in March, perhaps I can Find *Something* that She can Use..?

ah. What's THIS lying on the Floor between Them..?

wait. Was that a,

"..hey! Pick me UP!
 BUY ME!!"

I just subliminally heard from that Lonely LITTLE-"SCRAPBOOKING"-PACKET-of-YELLOW-DUCKIES..?!?

Although there's a 79-Cent Sticker on IT, I went to Price-Check IT anyway.
-- "ONE-Cent"!?! --

[THANK-YOU, SHOPPING-FAIRY!!] - I carefully Perused through Those OPEN-BOXES for *any* MORE... no luck...

Time to MOVE ON! ...to FARM-BOY - Just ended up getting some "TAKE-OUT" for My Dinner Later. It was *after* SUNDOWN and I still had OTHER Places on My "LIST" to get to!


Remember those "YARNY-BOWLS" - [SEE 07JAN2014 POST] - from LAST TUESDAY?

Well, I wanted to get some More... AND, there was this Store-Coupon for X-Many-"POINTS" if You made a $30.-plus Transaction...

from the UPPER-ABOVE Pic

However, IDIOT-ME decided to NOT "Price-Check" that PITCHER, which ended up being a DOLLAR LESS than I'd *expected* - [otherwise, I would've added-in *another* ITEM!] - RESULTING in being 65-Cents *SHORT* of that "$30." GOAL!! -- aarrrgghhhhhhh!!

goes OFF-Duty at Sundown!]

7:30pm -- Time to GO *back* to "THE ZOO"... And, to EAT!

*crap*! -- I *FORGOT* about the STUFF-ALANCHE!



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