Saturday, March 10, 2012

Adventures in Finding the Right "TULLE"...


But, FIRST...

As I was about to Scrape away a minute Layer of In-The-Shade-SNOW before taking out The CAR, MADAME-Q popped over! -- I haven't had a chance to Talk with Her in Weeks! She's still moving Stuff out, and had just come over to Give Us a Few Items...

After Our too-short Chat, We headed over to TRAINYARDS. -- MOTHER was on a "Mission" IN-SEARCH of *YELLOW* "TULLE" for *NEW*-AUNTIE-MOM...

With a couple of "40%-OFF"-Coupons in-hand, MICHAEL'S was at the Top of Our List of Possible

As it Turns out, THEY had Some, however, just NOT in the NEEDED Colour!

We overcame Our little "Set-Back" with Purchases of OTHER STUFF!

*MORE* YARN! of course... And, RIBBON!!

MOTHER tackled the still Remaining BOXES of "20-Cent" SCRAPBOOKING SHEETS...

So, "ASK ME" how GLAD I was to have THE STORE-MANAGER "manning" Our CHECKOUT-Counter!!?

ONCE AGAIN, those "SHEETS" were Problematically-Priced! -- As I was "Assisting" *DAVID* with the PILE of 32-Sheets, I wasn't Looking at the Price-Screen... Instead of showing up as "20-CENTS" as THEY did the Other Day, THEY were displaying Their Last-Price..?


POTENTIALLY-LONG-CHECKOUT-SHORT, with the Turn of His Magical-Managerial-KEY, DAVID did a Total-VOID [which, apparently doesn't happen normally], re-Keyed the Ribbons, and THEN... Just Scanned **ONE** Sheet!

Ooooo!! *HAPPY-DANCE!*

Back in The CAR, We Rejoiced in Our "SAVINGS" and Discussed the NEXT move in Our "TULLE"-Search...

ACROSS the "Street" is a "BRIDAL"-Place... Perhaps, THEY have that *sort* of Thing..?

We *survived* crossing the Narrow, yet BUSY Roadway, and Entered... PLANET-OF-THE-20-SOMETHINGS, who were Gathered into little "LULULEMON-Uniformed" TOUR-GROUPS being Paraded through Racks of Pretty-Polyester-Party-ness!

ooh-kaay... [INSERT AUNTIE trying not to have a "HITCHCOCKIAN-Moment"...]

Less than 2-Minutes later, We departed the "SET" of BRIDEZILLA and returned to Our Vehicle! -- Time to resume The-HUNT over at WALMART...

No Luck There... On to the LAST Location - PARTY-MART - which, MOTHER had Called earlier. THEY said that there was a YELLOW One "in stock", although, there was a Question as whether IT was the *RIGHT* YELLOW..?

MANAGED-THROUGH-TRAFFIC-SHORT... We made a Brief Grocery-Stop before getting to the Required "Strip-Mall". -- Ah! Next-door to the PARTY-MART is a "SUB"-Place.

MOTHER acquired The TULLE, I got My Dinner! -- From There, a Quickie-Breeze-Through-THE-MALL and HOME!!

I'm just Hoping that I don't have NIGHTMARES of SCRAPBOOK-Pages of "BARBIE"
-esque Weddings under RIBBON-strewn LEMON-Trees...



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