Sunday, July 22, 2012

In Search of Rescue In The SEA of KNOWLEDGE...


I probably *should* have been "doing" OTHER STUFF Today, *instead* of Spending the Hours that I DID on "RESEARCH"...

I think EBAY could do with a "DOES-ANYONE-KNOW-*WHAT*-THIS-IS??" Database. And, perhaps scrub out the SPAM in Their Search-Engine! -- The SAME goes with PINTEREST. Theirs could do with a little more Octane with the Keyword updates.

ANYHOO, at the End of Day... HERE are the RESULTS --
  • "NO JOY" on My CUBAN BOWL. So far. - Although, I did come across a Ceramics "Institute" that needs further Investigation. However, at THIS Point, My BEST-BET is to *hope* that ONE of My READERS just "happens" to Recognize IT whilst Vacationing THERE..??
  • The PALM TREE is definitely NOT "IRON". I'm still leaning toward Cast-BRONZE..? And, if ANYONE ELSE owns ONE, THEY must really Like IT, too! As, there *aren't* ANY on EBAY! -- The *weird* thing, though, is I can't shake off this "Feeling" that I've *SEEN* IT Before!? At, perhaps, PIER-ONE, BOWRING? Or even, The BOMBAY COMPANY..?
  • Meanwhile, the "K. WALLIS" PAINTING has been an ADVENTURE! -- First off - as I had Suspected - IT's a "FAKE"! And a BAD ONE at that. -- The UPside, I've come across a couple of *USEFUL* new ART-REFERENCE Sites! Also, that the PAINTING's "Subject-Location" is *likely* NAPLES. - [And probably the Same for those Other-2-Little-Paintings]


BTW, there were **HOPES** of RAIN "Tonight"..?? -- yeah. right. THAT happened! *NOT*!! -- "Tomorrow"-Night is now on the Prediction-"SCHEDULE".


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