Friday, December 14, 2012

" ANGEL gets IT's Wings..."


*In ONE Location* -- however, I think that it behooves EVERYONE to also Remember the FACT that as "HORRIFIC" as Today's Transgression was, many *more* INNOCENT CHILDREN Suffer *SIMILAR* Fates *EVERY* DAY around The GLOBE!! - Be IT by the Hand of some DISTURBED-INDIVIDUAL, a MANIACAL-DESPOT, or some FANATICAL-DECREE...

I can only HOPE that the over-whelming MEDIA Coverage of THIS "ONE" - albeit Senseless - Event, *succeeds* in bringing about some obviously NEEDED Future Societal CHANGES "LOCALLY" and "ABROAD"! And *doesn't* end up as some "RATINGS"-Exercise over-shadowing OTHER-Equally-Important-Occurrences..?

BTW, did ANYONE *happen* to catch that NEWS Report about ANOTHER "School" ATTACK in *CHINA*..? Or, even *know* how MANY Children were PROBABLY Killed in the Numerous "WARS & CONFLICTS" going on, TODAY? Not to mention, on any number of "INNER-CITY" Street Corners..??

"PERSPECTIVE" - is the Point I'm attempting to make HERE... Tonight, when You HUG Your KIDS and THINK of the ONES in "CONNECTICUT", DON'T *FORGET* about the ONES in CHINA, GAZA, SUDAN, CONGO, AFGHANISTAN, SYRIAN, that CARTEL-RUN-VILLAGE-in-MEXICO, the STREET-CORNER-in-CHICAGO, and *ALL* of the OTHER NON-NEWS-*WORTHY* Locations where the INNOCENT are *ALSO* being *Quietly-SLAUGHTERED*, either!!


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