okay. so... Just a **WARNING** - that "THIS WEEK" is going to be *quite* BUSY for THE-FAMILY in regards to Matters that I *won't* be Mentioning "HERE"! -- *Some* Aspects of OUR Lives just *aren't* ready for "Prime-Time"-BLOOGING...
THAT said, *IF* I have Time, I will TRY to *continue* My DAILY POSTINGS "Live"... However, as "BACK-UP", I will be setting up a Series of *short*, though hopefully, Picturesque "PRE"-PUBLISHED-POSTINGS.
My upcoming SLEEP-"Schedule" promises to be considerably "STATIC" at Best! So, I'll be catching "CAT-NAPS" whenever I CAN! ...IF, I don't NOD-OFF, first!! -- WHERE possible, I'll be sure to squeeze-in *some* CURRENT "Content"..?
Meanwhile, as for TODAY...
I managed a *few* Hours of SLEEP, before heading OUT to an EARLY APPOINTMENT. Then, AFTERward, Several ERRANDS, and My Weekly MILK-RUN to COSTCO! - IT was a GROCERY-GETTING Day! And, with the Exception of a SUPER Sale-Price on Our Fav Brand of PAPER TOWELS over at STAPLES - [of ALL Places!?] - IT was also, a rather somewhat BORING-Day!!
well.. EXCEPT perhaps, for *totally* CONFUSING CLUELESS-CASHIER-GUY with a Price-Difference-REFUND! -- Just a small "Entertaining"-Moment... THAT *NEVER* GETS *OLD*!
Take care of you, sugar!