Saturday, March 12, 2011

Grazing Beyond the Curb Appeal...

WOW! Check out that SHINY YELLOW THING UP IN THE SKY!! -- I wonder WHAT it is..? wait... nevermind... It's *gone* now!

So. I *had* intended on "recovering" Today. However, MOTHER needed to buy MEAT and to check out the Grocery Specials... Between the NEXT Bout of *WEATHER* and Our Schedules for the Coming Week, Today really was the *only* Day to do This Stuff.

We dropped by the SALLY ANN at the LITTLE MALL where the Butcher's is located. For 99 Cents Each, I picked up THESE....

TOP 12.5x17.5cm -- BOTTOM 12.5x32.5cm

THEY appear to be LITHOS that have been Laminated onto Masonite. A couple have been SIGNED by the ARTIST! - I think it's "J. MATTHEUR"..?

I tried to Look Him up, but NO Luck so far.

Anyhoo... They're in pretty good Condition, and struck Me as being an interesting ARCHITECTURAL Collection. -- And, of course, I just *happen* to have "other" SIMILAR Pieces...

What can I Say, They were BEGGING Me to BUY Them!


Meanwhile... I also came across THIS quaint little TILE! -- You know Me and "SHIPS"...

I believe that It's actually a COASTER - the Backside is Felted with a "KLM - Business Class" Logo.

At 29 Cents, I am NOT saying "No"!

Later on in Our Travels, We ended up at THE MALL. And, in the Grocery Store, discovered THESE GUYS!!

There were more on a nearby Shelf... Despite Their mournful Stares at Me, and extreme Cuddliness, at $19. each... I really HAD to pass! -- However... WHEN - if there are *any* LEFT - They go ON Sale... THE RHINO "HERD" will be getting a *New* Friend to play with!


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