Thursday, February 28, 2013



It's *doubtful* that I'm WRONG, but I'm pretty damn sure that "THE WALL" EVIL-SNOWPLOW-GUY **CONSTRUCTED** at Our CURB, *WOULD* have been SEEN-FROM-ORBIT were it not for the Cloud-Coverage!!

A Mountain of DRY SNOW "BOULDERS" is ONE-Thing, *however*, the WET "IGLOO"-Quality MONOLITHIC CHUNKS were a *DIFFERENT* Matter altogether!!

Toss in Several MORE Inches of FROZEN-SLUSH, MELTWATER "EveryWHERE", and FALLING Treetop-SNOW-BOMBS... IT was looking to be a *LONG-CRAPPY-DAY*!! -- There's a REASON "WHY" I tend to *Sleep-IN*...

FATHER went Out First -- He wanted to get some "Fresh-Air"...

It would be several Minutes before I made it Out with My "GEAR". And, to have a Good LOOK at My "SCHEDULE"...

ahh... huh. -- OLD-ASIAN-GUY-NEIGHBOUR from Across the Road - [Right-side of MADAME-Q's Former House] - and His Next-Door-Neighbour, OLDER-FRENCH-GUY-NEIGHBOUR - [They have adjoining Laneways] - are Using "Their" SNOWBLOWER to *DESTROY* "THE WALL"!!


well. **THAT** just SAVED Me TWO-HOURS!!

Mind you, it was a bit worrisome though, watching OLD-ASIAN-GUY-NEIGHBOUR *STRUGGLING* with the BLOWER! Especially, when He SLIPPED at one point!! -- He's also Short and a tad UN-steady on His feet... And, handling the MACHINE like IT was an OLD-MANUAL-DIRT-PLOW, certainly wasn't the "Best" way to be doing it. AS, OLDER-FRENCH-GUY-NEIGHBOUR kept trying to Remind Him!

Meanwhile, I kept having to pull FATHER *OUT* of the Way of the SPRAY!!

So.... THREE "OLD GUYS". A BIG Snowblower. LOUDNESS. And, a TON of PLOW-POOP...

A Richness in COMEDIC-FODDER just waiting to be Composed! -- "BOYS & Their TOYS" came first to Mind as I stood aside, with SHOVEL in Hand...


I still ended up staying Out for a COUPLE of Hours "Trimming" the LEFTOVERS. -- Had to DIG-OUT "SEWER-RIVER-RAVINE" from under the 3-FEET of SNOW-SPRAY... PUDDLES were beginning to Form!

And then, there was ALL this CRAP at the HOUSE-SIDE! -- TOO much, actually... Must've fell from the ROOF..? - A Good Thing that I had *CLEARED* the Area, Yesterday!

TEMPS are still "WARM". *Additional* FLURRIES are Predicted! -- I *truly* HOPE that WHATever falls, MELTS by Morning! AND, that EVIL-SNOWPLOW-GUY **DOESN'T** make another "GUEST" Appearance!?! -- The ELDERLY-PARENTAL-UNITS **NEED** to "Get-OUT", Tomorrow!!

And, as MUCH as I'd LIKE to "Stay-IN", I strongly Suspect that SCRAPING and SCOOPING will *CONTINUE* in My "FUTURE"...


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