Monday, January 17, 2011

RATS! ...I *Forgot* the Rigatoni!!

DON'T You just HATE it, when You make a Point of going "Somewhere", to get "Something", and THEN, **FORGET** to GET said **THING**..??!! -- Oh! AND, *don't* REMEMBER until AFTER You get HOME?!

So much for "Stocking Up" on My On-Sale-This-Week FAV Frozen Pasta Dish... Hopefully, the Weather IS actually "good" on Thursday, AND that there are Some LEFT! -- The Temps are suppose to shoot UP Tomorrow, with Precipitation in some Problematic Form...

Anyway, We DID remember to get the MILK at COSTCO! Crowd-wise, Mondays do appear to be the BEST Time to Shop there... Although, not much going on in the "Food-Samples" area. Which, just takes *all* the FUN out of BIG-BOX-DISCOUNT-STORE-SHOPPING!

Since We were close by - and it has been a while...
We dropped on over to the HOMESENSE. One of SISTER's FAV Haunts. Personally, I usually manage to "Score" many of Their similar Items - for

However, I will ADMIT, Today's little exploratory excursion was rather enlightening. And, yeah... I BOUGHT SOMETHING!

<-- SEE?

I thought it might look good on My CRAFT SHOW Tables... As You can see,
for those WASHCLOTH COMBO Sets. And, the
"Form" even *matches*!
-- I also have OTHER Things that will *go* with that Design Pattern.

At about 18 Inches or so, the STAND should leave a smaller "footprint" on My
"Tables" - which is always
a Good Thing!

Afterward, We headed to THE MALL. But, just hit The Grocery Store - to FORGET to buy My Rigatoni! -- I'm blaming it on the 2-Days-in-a-Row-of-SUNLIGHT! It's as good a Reason as any, eh?

However, I *DID* remember to stop by at CHAPTERS-INDIGO to pre-order that new BOOK I want... - [More on THAT later!] - Then, HOME...


BTW, "Someone" left a QUESTION in the COMMENTS Section about My YARN...

"What kind of cotton do you use in your blankets? Does it fade with washing...? Seems my knitted cotton dishcloths always fade."

I primarily use BERNAT "Handicrafter" Cotton. The "FACTORY ENDS" Yarn is also from BERNAT. The AMERICAN equivalent is LILY "Sugar'N'Cream" - [owned by BERNAT].

Some of the Darker Colours will "run" a little, if not given a little extra "colour fasting". However, if You use COLD Water and a Laundry Soap such as WOOLITE ZERO DARK, there shouldn't be a problem. Treat the Item as You would any good Cotton Sweater, and it should be fine.

As for WASHCLOTHS fading, that is usually because of the use of Stronger DETERGENTS and/or BLEACH. Think about it... Dish Soaps are designed to remove Organic Stains and Particles from Dishes, the CLOTHS are COTTON... Eventually, any Natural Dyes are going to get "washed" out...

Not to mention... It's the *Industry's* way of bringing back Customers to BUY more Yarn and/or WASHCLOTHS! -- Welcome, to SUPPLY & DEMAND 101...!


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