Saturday, December 18, 2010

I need an Alternate Universe..

'CAUSE THIS ONE, has waay too many Annoying People in it, trying to compete with Even More Annoying People!

Seriously...? I'm already going 10 or so clicks OVER the Speed Limit and IDIOTS are BLOWING past Me *to* the Red Lights! However, attach Them to a Shopping Cart and They're suddenly PARKED in the MIDDLE of the Aisles! [aaarrrrgghhhh!!!]

BTW, that SCROOGE GUY... A *VISIONARY*!!! -- I'm just saying...

So. Today... Pretty much a RERUN of Yesterday, at least Weather-wise... And replace CRAFT SHOW Shopping with the "Regular" variety. What with the HOLIDAYS and POST-Holiday "Sales" MADNESS of the next couple of Weeks, it was prudent that We *stock-up* on SUPPLIES!
...And, oh yeah, they were On Sale...

We now have enough of My FAV flavoured Juice, Breakfast Cereal, Cream Cheese, Biscuit Dough, Chocolate Chips, and Paper Towels to get Us through until GROUNDHOG DAY!

Meanwhile, I've been spending My Recovery from the Pesty-Present-Purchasing-People, *trying* to FINISH that Latest BLANKET. Have maybe another Hour worth...? Which, I hope that I can find Tomorrow!?

Have I "mentioned" the part about loathing "The HOLIDAYS"...? There IS a Reason, you know, as to WHY "SANTA" has Lots and LOTS of ELVES!!

...just saying....


1 comment:

  1. Need a couple of my pixies sno?? hugsx tinkx


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