Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Flowery Fiber Fun For FAIRY-T From Afar...

BECAUSE, for *some* Reason, these daily HOOKing epistles of MY rather monotonous and ambitiously-challenged "LIFE" have managed to REALity Her in from across THE POND and, brighten Her Day... -- Of course, considering how OFTEN it Rains where She is... sure... o-kay... Whatever works for You, Girlfriend!

BUT, just remember, FAIRY-T... "THIS" isn't CORONATION STREET!!  [HEY! Watch THE WAND!!]

Now, just ENJOY the Pretty Flowers... Seeing as, tweaking this, was pretty much the most exciting thing I did Today! Oh, and watch some A.D.D. furry DISNEY-Escapee [MOTHER says it's a young Red Squirrel - I'm fairly certain that it's a large Chipmunk!] play TAG with the Birds [trying to feed] in the Backyard...

BLANKET Details - This is "FAIRY", who now lives in New Brunswick taking care of Little VIOLET. Done in EASTER, MAUVE, and LILAC in the Border.


Sweet!  I WON $7. again!  WOOHOO!  I guess FAIRIES are Lucky!


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